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Common reasons that lead to compromising

2) DESPERATENESS (pressure)
3) Prolonged Time

1) Not suffering leaning on our own understanding

The unknown because most times God won't give us the full picture of something. He'll give us enough to guide our step and He often reveals the next step after we have taken the one. He doesn't reveal everything but what we need to know and for the rest, we walk in faith. This can often feel like the unknown because we aren't always promised everything we desire. We can step in faith but don't know what's next. In these times the enemy often comes to bring counterfeits to distract us from the promise.

Counterfeits from the enemy are promises without the glory. Ishmael in a way was like a promise. He was a child and that was what God promised Abraham but he didn't have the glory of the promise. We barely hear about Ishmael but out of Isaac came Joseph, a man that kept His faith, it came Moses the prophet who spoke to God face to face, Joshua the man who was brave and courageous, it came David who was a foreshadowing of our coming King and tied all away to Jesus who is our Lord and saviour. There was so much Glory attached to Isaac that Ishmael just didn't have. Ishmael no matter how lovely He was in the moment, was a son, a child Abraham always wanted but He didn't have the glory of the promise God had for Abraham. This wasn't what God wanted for Abraham, what God wanted for Abraham was far greater than just a child but out of Abrahams's seed many would be saved.

In life, it's very similar. The enemy can get you something so close to what you desire and the promise but with no substance. It lacks Glory attached to it. The promises of God are not just for a moment but generation whole the enemy can offer up only what is stolen and what is temporary.

2) Desperantness

Desperate can come from people. The pressure to have something by a certain time. The pressure to make others happy. The comments, insults of men etc. Desperate can come in many ways.

Desperateness is what causes compromising. Sometimes we want something so badly we are willing to settle just to have a taste. This is when things can get dangerous.

A woman can be so desperate for a relationship that if the slightest opportunity comes up and even though the basis is wrong, desperateness could cause her could take accept. The man could be married but because she is so desperate she is willing to ruin and cause integrity in her relationship with her husband, compromise her integrity, and cause someone to stumble and ruin a life out of pure desperation and impatience.

Someone can be so desperate to be the best they will do all they can to make sure no one else can be.

The enemy will jump in and plant lies to us for us to do things outside of God's will and way. We will begin backsliding, compromising and giving up because we are tired and desperate.

This happened to Sarah as she looked at the clock. It felt too long. Far too long. She came to a point where she was willing for her husband to sleep for her servant just to finally have a child. Despite this being against WHAT God had planned they made their way.

3) Prolonged Time

And finally prolonged time. When God takes time to deliver a promise. We get antsy. We get uncomfortable and impatient. It's during the process of waiting that God does a lot of work. To fulfil the promise is easy for God. It's nothing to Him but He is more concerned about how will your heart be able to receive it. Will you jump into pride and think that it was all you who got Isaac and it was never a miracle? Will you begin to look down on other women who are still waiting for their promise? Will you begin to idolise the baby in your arms instead I living in surrender knowing it's God who had done this miracle in your life? Will you stop praying and now neglect your relationship with Him?

God is far more concerned with how you'll be when you receive what He gives than we He gives it. He knows He can do it, He could do it right now but He wants you to be ready to be able to receive and handle it.

Comment some other reasons you know Comment some other reasons you know that lead to compromising.

lead to compromising.

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