The Interpretation Of Dreams

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The interpretation of dreams✨

You make it clear not every dream you'll have has a meaning and not every day you have has an urgent message. This is where praying for wisdom and discernment is important and not just taking what we see as automatically truthful.

1) Pray for the dream
Always pray for a dream. When we neglect something or just call it random, we could miss out on something every important God could be trying to tell us. Even when a dream seems completely random to me or ridiculous, I surrender it in God's hands and pray for it anyway. I pray for 2 very important things "God if this dream was revealing something you desire to do in my life and is good for me. I come in agreement and pray it happens in your divine timing. If it's an instruction and message, repeat the dream and help me to be able to interpret it. But if its dream revealed an agenda of the kingdom of darkness against my life or others. I pray in Jesus name that it's cancelled and that you will protect me from veery agenda and snare of the enemy.

I still also pray this even when I don't remember what I dreamt.

2) Ask God for the Interpretation
If you receive a message from God. Guessing the interpretation could lead to deception.

2) Seek Godly Counsel
Sometimes we can't see a dream or understand what God's trying to tell us clearly and going to for advice and help from someone who has been in the faith longer than you or is wise can help you discern meaning from the dream that you probably could've missed.

For example, sometimes I can understand a bit of a dream but after talking with my dad who knows the word better than me. He will reference scripture and help me understand things I wouldn't know before if I just relied on my limited understanding.

Proverbs 11:14
14 Where there is no counsel, the people fall;
But in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety.

3) Pay attention to the symbols in the dream
The smallest detail can help you better understand the dream. From just a number to the setting. Dreams are mainly symbolic and if you can discern what God could be trying to say to you through the symbols then you'll be able to better accurately interpret the dream. When you see symbols, Google and read the Bible to understand what those symbols represent. What would a house represent? In my dreams or represents my life or the life of my family. You can also search what objects could symbolise like keys. I would see keys as a representation of the answer to something or the way to a place.  You can also see what colour represent, what do some colours as blue or purple represent? What do some words mean I'd you see them in your dreams? What do some animals symbolize according to the Bible?

The Bible is our guide. We shouldn't rely on others or our wisdom but God's perfect word to help us understand what he wants to tell us. Sometimes I see certain colours or some objects stand out to me in a dream and once I Google what the biblical significance of those symbols mean, the dream makes much more sense. You can also see what something might symbolise to you. To some people, something I could represent their fear or anxiety while to others it represents something previous to them or something that happened to them. Also, try to understand what something could represent in your dream.

4) Negative Dreams
Understand that nightmares or dreams that are in sin, you lying, betraying someone, a Lustful dream etc could also be revealing an attack you have in real life or a habit you need to break. The enemy also gives us dreams and attacks us through dreams. That's why it's important to pay for God to guard yours against anything coming from the enemy any traps and deceptions. As the enemy uses ignorance to his advantage.

If God shows you that you have some strongholds in your life and oppression. Take it seriously and pray for it.

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