Woman Of Her Time

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Ephesians 5:15-16
15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time because the days are evil.

The Bible gives us this understanding of time.

The Bible reveals something very important it shows us that because the enemy knows his time here on earth is short he is causing havoc (Revelation 12:12). The enemy is aware that the limited time he has to cause damage is what pushes him to work.

Imagine that.

The devil himself knows that his time is running out. He is aware that the clock is ticking. He only has a short amount of time to do the damage he desires. That revealed that the devil is a hard worker. He uses this little time to bring as many to darkness as possible. He doesn't leave time to rest and sleep. Being aware of his short time, he makes strategies, manipulates, lies and does things so that there is as much damage as possible.

But this gets me thinking, why aren't we God's children the same way? Unlike the devil our little time isn't so we can be punished. You see there will be an end. We won't live here on this earth forever. There is a limit to each of our lives but unlike the enemy, we act like we don't have that limit.

The second is grace. Every day is an opportunity.

The fact you woke up today isn't because you're smart or amazing, it's because you have a mission here on this earth for right now. Right now there is a purpose for why you're alive. God saw it as perfect for you to be alive today because there is a purpose behind your breathing. There is something today that needed you to be alive, right now and reading this. It's not random you're here

The minutes, hours, days and years of our lives are in times and seasons each with a specific purpose.

We don't use our time wisely so the mission behind it isn't accomplished. The time God gives us is a grace, not something to be taken in vain. For you to live today and see today is grace. It's a reason. When you don't fulfil that reason you have a day that is wasted.

The enemy has done a job to make us waste time. We scroll social media mindlessly, we do random things and we act without discipline.

I want us to learn to value time. Time isn't just money. Time is souls. Time is opportunity. Time is lives being changed.

When you use your time or example to learn a language, what you're doing is accomplishing your mission to know Japanese by the age of 30. By accomplishing that mission it allows you to be able to communicate the gospel and reach the Japanese community much better.

When you choose to instead use time to read the word you're accomplishing the mission to make yourself more spiritual mature by being able to be more discerning and wise in future.

What we do today is an investment. We invest in our future with what we spend time on. If you spend time working on new disciplines and skills, you're investing in becoming a woman who knows how to use her time.

If you invest your time in learning a language consistency for 2 years you're investing in becoming a woman who knows 3 languages.

If you invest your time in working on your writing. You can become the author of 3 books in a few years.

What you use your time to do today will reveal what you'll receive in future. If you use your time today to fast, pray, seek God and grow in God in future the a great woman of God will be birthed that will impact her generation.

It is up to you to put in that effort to use your time to build that woman.

Some things need to be built. You become a healthy person by working on your health, taking your medicine and eating correctly. That's how you can work to build a healthy body for the future.

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