Woman Of Charater

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Matthew 7:21-23
I Never Knew You
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

These people seemed as if they genuinely believed they were saved. They saw works, signs and wonders as an indication of their salvation and their relationship with God. But Godly works, casting out demons, and wonders are a RESULT of our relationship with God. It's not what our relationship with God is but a result of it.

They believed because they did and saw the supernatural that it automatically means they are children of God but let's look into this verse.

Jesus says they cast out demons and not in witchcraft but in his name. They used His name to heal the sick and do great things 'for God' despite not being in an intimate relationship with Him.

These people appear to be reacting as if they thought they had a relationship with God. The way this verse is written can tell us that maybe these people didn't know they didn't have a relationship with God. To us, they are false but to themselves they were genuine.

But how?

The name of Jesus has power. The name of Jesus isn't limited to only those with a personal relationship with God. These people know and recognise the power in the name of Jesus. How much more than us? These people who didn't know God were able to do things we don't. They knew the authority of the name of Jesus and the power of it. They cast out demons with boldness despite not even having a relationship with God. They were far from God but 'served' God.

Your relationship with God isn't just the supernatural. Your relationship with God shouldn't only be prophesying which you can do without having a relationship with God, it shouldn't be casting out demons which you can do without a relationship with Jesus, it shouldn't be doing signs and wonders which we can do without Jesus but it should be on this verse.

Matthew 7:16-20
16 You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. 18 A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.

We know someone is a child of God by their fruit. You can serve God without knowing Him. Your fruits reveal your relationship with God. It doesn't mean perfection but when we see the fruit of the Spirit in someone and someone who is Spirit-led, we know they are genuine but someone who is led by the Spirit won't be led by their flesh either. They won't find joy in the sin and God or else that's lukewarmness.

The character we have is more important than the things we say. Someone once said that the fruits of the Spirit are more important than the gifts of the Spirit. It's the fruits of the Spirit that testify whether someone is truly a child of God or not. The gifts of the Spirit are things even satan can mimic. Satan can teach, satan can prophesy, satan can give advice etc

But satan can never have the heart and character of Jesus. He can never be compassionate. He can never be loving. He can never be selfless.

He can give a fake image that he is but he can never truly possess these traits because these traits and characteristics can only be built and possessed by someone in a relationship with God.

You can't fake the heart of God. You're either filled with Him or not. Someone can be loving and not Christian but that love won't be God's love. God's love being in someone is the kind of love that makes people cry, that love that makes people want to receive Christ and repent. That love cant is easily mimicked. Only a heart transformed by Christ can show such love and compassion.

Your character is so important because it's one of the biggest confirmations and testimony you can give. People need to see that there is a difference in your heart from before you were saved to now when you are saved.

People must be able to testify that truly you've been transformed by Christ. Before you were someone filled with anger and selfishness but ever since you accepted Christ you've become more and more selfless and patient. People must be able to remember how they were before Christ and how they are now and see the difference.

It's that testimony of seeing the work that God did in your hearts that's already a testimony. I know before I was Christian I wasn't the best person but I know that God changed me so people who met me before Christ and know me now can say with confidence that truly the God I serve is real.

Because I didn't have a surface-level change but a true heart-convicting change that only God can bring.

You should take time today to reflect on your character. Write down what flaws you may have, and what traits and characteristics do you possess that could hinder someone from receiving the testimony that God changed you. What are some characteristics you have that stop people from believing you are Christian? What is the difference between you who is saved and someone who is not

Having a Godly character is what sustains you. It's what keeps you in the promised land and what preserves things. Someone rich can buy a car but only someone who is responsible can look after it well.

Ways to grow your character

1) Spend a lot of time with God

To have the character of someone you need to spend a lot of time with them. To observe them, to listen to them, to speak to them and you'll start becoming like them. We are a product of what we spend a lot of time on. If you want to be like God then you need to spend a lot of time with God. If you spend little time with God you'll be just a little like God but if you spend much time with God you'll see you'll grow much to be like Him.  We spend time with God in prayer, worship, reading the word etc

2) Spend a lot of time with those you want to be like

1 Corinthians 11:1
Worship and the Lord’s Supper
11 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ

Surround yourself with people you admire and watch them. Paul wanted people to copy him because he was copying Christ. Follow those more mature in their faith. Walk with those who are more mature than you, wiser, who are more disciplined and soon you'll copy their good habits. You'll start emitting the good deeds. When you watch people you admire you'll desire to be like them, those people you admire must be people who are already with God.

3) Spend a lot of time on the work which will discipline and teach you

Do things that grow your character. Serve in your local church. When you practice doing things to create that character in you, you'll grow. For example, if you're short-tempered you can try working with kids. If you're selfish you can try going out every day to give at least one thing to the poor. If you often get self-centred you spend time praying for others and seeking to make their lives better.

This will develop in you a heart to love others which develops character.

4) Spend a lot of time listening and watching things that build that character

Watch videos that encourage, edify and help you become more Christ-like. This means listening to music that motivates you to be more loving and kind. Listening to podcasts that help you learn how to incorporate God in your life. Watching sermons that speak about the characteristics you want. For example, if you struggle with pride watching a sermon series or podcast on pride and being humble can teach you things, help you, and encourage you to be more humble and overcome pride.

You can also read books, do devotionals etc. Watch, read and listen to anything that helps you to become more like Christ.

5) Always pray over your flaws, heart and character

Prayer is important. Always pray over your heart. When you pray over your flaws, issues, heart, and bad habits then God will be your strength and help. We can't bear the fruit of the Spirit without the Holy Spirit, we need Him to be like Him. We show our dependency and desire for Him through prayer and diligently seeking Him. When you seek God in prayer for help, He'll reveal Himself to you, help you grow, teach you, discipline you, and correct you to continue walking on the right path.

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