Woman Of Stewardship
This post won't be long. I want us to understand something called stewardship
Before you read this chapter, please read Matthew 25:14-30.
We each have something that has been given to us, whether a gift, talent, or relationship. We all have something we need to take care of and grow.
Gifts grow
Talents grow
Relationships growWe all don't have the same amount. Perhaps you have more siblings or friends. Often, the more stuff we have, the more stressed we get trying to manage it all, but when God gives us more gifts, He already sees we have the capacity through Him to handle it.
God gives us gifts each according to our ability to handle it through Him. We all can't handle the same things. Where others can crash under that pressure, others thrive because they have been trained and equipped to handle it.
I want you to make a list. In that list, write down everything God has placed under your care. All your relationships and friendships. All your gifts, all your talents.
Now, ask yourself if you're taking good care of them. Do you try to build a good relationship with your parents? Do you buy them spontaneous gifts and care for them? Do you check on your friends, call them regularly, and make sure they are okay?
Do you pray over your gifts and talents asking God to grow and use them? Do you pray for your parents and friends? Do you value blessings over people's lives? Do you support your church's events and its services? Do you do your homework and try to be good at school? Do you care for your home? Make sure your room is tidy?
You see, making this list will help give you a perspective. This can appear as small, little everyday, mundane things.
But guess what, sis?
God cares about them. God cares how you treat your siblings and parents. God notices how you don't try to organise yourself. How can He trust you with businesses when you can't organise your room?
In this day and age of social media, it is very easy to compare and judge. It's easy to envy and wonder why you don't have what he or she has. To desire a romantic relationship yet neglect your friendships. To want to travel the world yet don't care about what happens in your own country. To desire to hear God sharp and clearly, yet you don't challenge yourself to read more of the word.
How do you expect to juggle a romantic relationship when you can barely choose the right friends and take care of them? How do you expect God to give you incredible dreams and visions when you struggle just to read a verse a day?
It's not about how much you have. It's about how well you keep those you do have.
Does God look at you and think, "Wow, with the little I've given her, she's done so much. Perhaps I should give her more"
God is such a sweet father that He won't give you something, so you can ruin it. He wants you to develop a mature, responsible woman of God mindset.
Maturity takes responsibility for their walk, their family and friends, and the few gifts God has given them. They know how to manage it well.
It's not perfection. There can be days when you are tired. Where you can argue with your friends, or you may feel tempted to roll your eyes at your parents. We are human, and we will never be perfect.
It is about the heart of trying. To try to be a good daughter. To be a good student. To be a good friend.
It's not perfectionism we are chasing. It's not that voice telling you how much you're falling short, not good enough, and a failure.
That's the voice of the enemy.
It's that active decision to do your best even if it's not perfect. Even when you make mistakes, apologise. Even if you procrastinate, do better and think of ways to manage your time properly.
All these little things continue to build you into a wiser, stronger woman of God each day.
I invite you to make this list, have it in your bedroom, or keep it on your wall.
Remind yourself to be grateful for what you have, thank God, and do what you can with the little you have. Every day is a challenge to enjoy that day and to do better than yesterday.
Every day, when you feel lost on what to do, reflect on all you have and ask yourself if you have taken care of it?
Learning an instrument? Have you taken care to practice it? Can you sing? Did you train it? Have parents? Did you obey and honour them? Have siblings, did you support them? Have a school or job? Are you doing your best to get all your work and assignments done? Have a body? Are you eating right and exercising? Have friends? Did you text, call, or pray for them? Have a church? Are you praying and serving? Have a phone? Are you watching things that are growing you? Have social media? How are you managing what you consume?
We want to make God proud. God isn't proud of our perfection; He is proud of our determined mindset.
And every day, we want to be determined to show God that we aren't taking his gifts for granted. No matter how small or insignificant it can seem to the world, we choose to be responsible and mature women of God.

Advice For The Christian Girl
SpiritualIn this book, I give advice, encouragement, help, and tips to grow into the women God has called us to be. Note: this book can also be read by guys if they desire to grow in their faith I pray that each chapter inspires and impacts your life. └────...