Truth For The Girl Dealing With Sexual Sin And Finding Purpose Single

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Some Truth For The Girl Dealing With Sexual Sin And Finding Purpose Singleness

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1) God's love for you isn't determined by the actions and thoughts you have but he chooses to love us. Nothing can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39)

2) There isn't any shame in dealing with sexual sin, lust or pornography but opening seek help from wiser Christian woman and come to repentance knowing you will be forgiven.

3) Your complete satisfaction can only be found in Christ tight now, no future relationship or marriage can fulfil you.

4) Singleness isn't a punishment for doing something wrong and a relationship isn't a reward for doing something right. You can be active in your calling, fulfilled and walking in purpose right now.

5) Living in purity isn't about following a set of rules (to be loved by God) but a way of experiencing our love for God.

6) Desiring a relationship doesn't always mean your not happy being single.

7) The season you're in now shouldn't be a season you 'just want to survive and get over and done with' this is a season where God intentionally put you in for a purpose and ignoring that purpose is the same as disobedience.  God's timing is perfect ( yes I know you see this everywhere) so when you ignore his timing for your life, the age, generation and family that specifically put you because you are waiting to be in a 'better season' is disobedience because your calling right now is to do your best with what God has trusted you with now.

That's everything you have including your education, family, friends and responsibilities.

8) The Rrght people won't look down on you or see you differently if you tell them about your struggles. If you deal with sexual sin, seek help or even talk to me. It's a lot more helpful then handling it all by yourself. If your scared or afraid, you don't have to sis because I'll and Flourish always be here for you.

9) Marriage shouldn't be your end goal in life. It's a gift but not your whole purpose. You have a purpose and a mission to fulfil. Either marriage is in it or not shouldn't bother you because you already have a wonderful purpose to fulfil with God

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