Helping A Friend Receive Christ

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What do I do to help a friend grow in their relationship with Jesus and how do I help someone /receive Christ?

First, it's important to remember that we plant seeds but we don't change people. God will be the one who grows them into a stronger Christian. He will use trials, lessons, difficulties, His word etc. By the power of the Holy Spirit, they will be renewed and transformed. We shouldn't put that pressure on ourselves to transform and renew others. That's not our job but rather God will be the one to water the seeds you'll plant.

1) Know Christ for yourself before you share Him with others.

Before sharing the gospel with someone else, you need to know it for yourself. Are you saved? What does it mean to be saved? What is the importance of being saved?

You need to be secure in your own salvation knowing that you've recieved Jesus. Sin separated us from God. God revealed that the consequence of sin is death. God, though He can't lie and has to do what He says. God said there will come consequences if we choose to disobey Him and so that's exactly what happened. Though God had to judge us, He also loves us deeply. He wants relationship with us, to restore the relationship that was broken and damaged by sin. No one either than Him could live perfectly. He was born, Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man but without sin. He never fell into sin. He lived a holy perfect life that we couldn't so we wouldn't die the death we deserve. As result, He died for our sin. He died so we can be set free and not be condemned. He died so that in Him we can have life and be seen as righteous. Now as Christians we pursue to walk like Him under grace.

2) Keep praying for them

There is power in prayer. Keep praying for your friend continuously. Pray that God helps them understand and receive the gospel. Pray that God opens their eyes and softens their harder hearts. Pray that God opens their ears to receive. Pray that God uses others to also witness to them. That God has mercy upon them and moves in their lives.

When we pray continuously for those who don't know Christ it changes us and makes us more selfless. Keep praying because God hears prayers and our prayers often work like seeds. Sometimes it may appear nothing is changing but keep praying. They might not accept Christ tomorrow but God knows in 19 years they will. You never know what your prayers today could do in their lives tomorrow.

Our prayers are never in vain. They are always making an impact, whether in our lives, other people's lives, other people's families' lives etc our impact all are valued by God.

While praying for them, you can also pray for yourself. You can ask the Holy Spirit to guide you, help you and lead you on how to share the gospel with them. It's God who changes people to receive Him and the work of the Holy Spirit is to convict people of sin. The Holy Spirit knows exactly what words will touch them. The Holy Spirit can lead you on what to say and do.

There are times when I felt led to share sermons with people, other times a song, other times I would speak to them myself and other times send verses. Avoid just evangelising to them out of habit but always ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words, the guidance and direction in what to do. There are times He might not even lead you to do anything but intercede for them and you'll be surprised that hear how they received Christ because they had a dream or supernatural encounter. They could be walking down the street and someone says something that touches them and reminds them of your words.

3) Your lifestyle also evangelises and edifies.

We don't just evangelise with our words but with our lifestyles as well. Our lives bring conviction to other people's hearts. When they see someone else their age willingly choose to read the word, seek God and have a relationship with Him, it often bothers their hearts.

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