Women Of Revival

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Matthew 28:19-20
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.

The Great Commission is something that all believers are called to no matter what stage they are in their faith. It isn't just the job of those who are called to be evangelists. It isn't just for those who have been Christian for years. It isn't just for teachers and pastors. It's not about how well you know the bible or how strong you feel in your walk with God.

I once met a girl. I told her she could be a light and spread the gospel since she was good at making friends and talking to strangers. She replied to me saying how she doesn't feel like she knows the bible well enough and told me what happens if people have questions she doesn't have the answers to. I could tell this girl was dealing with a lot of insecurity about whether or not God could use her.

It isn't about that. There are many many examples in the bible of people who just encountered Jesus yet immediately began spreading the gospel. A lot of these people weren't born Jewish. They didn't have a biblical background. They didn't know the bible (Torah at the time) very well. They were often looked down upon because they weren't as close to God yet God used them to bring more people to Him. The woman at the well is a good example (John 4).

What that girl was dealing with was insecurity mixed with doubts and excuses. In the same way, when God wanted to use Moses, he made excuses, to avoid his call (Exodus 3).

What if I can't answer a question?

So will there ever be a point in your walk where you know everything?

No, but I want to wait till I grow and know more.

Yeah but something you'll discover in your walk with God is that there will never be a point where you'll know everything. The deeper you go into God the more you'll realise the little knowledge you gain is nothing compared to how vast God is.

They are just excuses. The gospel isn't complicated, it's simple. If you don't have an answer then just humbly tell the person you're not sure. Tell them " I don't know everything but here's the truth I do know".

God calls all of us to make disciples. Every person is called to be a light and bring others to Christ. God didn't save us just so we can be happy, there's a perishing world out there they if people aren't preached the truth they perish. We should be afraid of what people think of us to a point where their opinion is above what God has commanded us to do.

Evangelising isn't a chore. It's a joy. You know one of the best feelings in the world is knowing Jesus. Knowing you're loved unconditionally. Knowing that He forgives you and loves you despite everything. Knowing He has bigger and better plans for you.

What can be more freeing? What can be more enjoyable?

When you feel this, the only thing that beats in your heart is the fact that you don't experience it. You'll see the world in a new way. What felt normal was okay before started bothering you. Your eyes are opened. You see the men and women walking everyday life with burdens on their backs. You know the path they are taking is one that they are blind to see.

You see the oppressed and want their deliverance. You see the slaves and want them free. You see the brokenhearted and you want them to heal. You see the tied and bandaged and you want their peace.

You see the sick and want their healing. You see those oppressed by darkness and want to present to them the one who delivers them from everything.

You want them to know the truth.

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