(14.) Mark and Recapture

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You sat down in your cot and put your face in your hands. You let out a weary sigh and left your tent to get your mind off of everything.

"Y/n!" You heard Mary-Beth say from next to you. You turned, a lazy smile. You were thankful for the distraction, but she seemed a bit too high energy for you at the moment.


"I heard you and Arthur stayed out all night last night—you have to spill!" She was smiling ear to ear, clearly interested in drama that wasn't there.

"Weren't nothin' like that, a job went sort of south and we had to camp out. Gave me 'is jacket—"

"Oh my god, y/n! You are so lucky! He's so sweet, and charming...and he gave you his jacket! So cute!" She exclaimed brightly.

"Well sure, but I don't have feelin's for him, least I don't think so. And he's got feelin's for Mary..."

"He ain't seen her in months, and last time he didn't see too happy to see her. I know I'm a hopeless romantic, but you and Arthur would be so good together—oh, but what about Javier?"

"I don't think things are goin' well for me 'n Javier...he's...mad at me for stayin' out with Arthur."

"Oh," she said solemnly. "You don't seem too unhappy about it?"

"It's been like that a few days now...I think I'm better off by myself for now.

"So there's a chance?" She smiled widely.

You sighed with a smile and looked at her warmly. "Maybe, but Arthur is far out of my league."


"Y/n!" Dutch called. Your heart raced and you excused yourself from Mary-Beth.

"You called me?" you said, approaching his side. He stood taller than you, but you weren't exactly intimidated.

"Yes, Arthur told me you impressed him with your bounty work and I have an opportunity."

You sent Arthur a quick glance but he wouldn't meet your eyes.

"Sure, what's goin' on?"

Pearson approached the three of you, followed by Hosea.

"It could end years of feuding—"

"Or get us killed!"

The two of them argued before Dutch finally interrupted.

"Pearson, I'm willing to hear you out, but I'm going to need a good reason to convince me Colm is serious about this."

You looked at Arthur, and then to Dutch for answers, but neither seemed to give any.

"A couple O'Driscolls in the saloon told me they wanted to have a parley with our gang. Colm is tired of the fighting between us—"

"Few of Colm's boys attacked me last night, and they won't be too happy to see me," you said. Dutch gave you a questioning look, but you didn't elaborate.

"If this thing really is a trap, the last thing we need is y/n getting caught up in it," Arthur argued, avoiding your gaze. You knew it didn't come from a place of disbelief in your skills...so why didn't he want you to go?

Dutch closed his eyes, sighing. "Colm...he killed a woman I loved dear...."

You hung your head at the memory of those you had lost to the O'Driscolls. A second more of the idea in your head only made you more interested in the parley.

"You can't possibly think this is legit, Dutch?" Hosea asked, but Dutch brushed him off.

"Arthur, y/n, are you with me?" he asked sternly. Arthur was silently pleading with you to stay; someone else could take your place. You couldn't see him at the moment and his desires went unseen.

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