(21.) Pictures Last Longer

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It was early into the morning by the time you and Arthur had made it safely back to camp.

"You okay to sleep alone?" He asked as he took your hand and helped you down.

You blushed at the question. He'd never offered for you to stay with him in the night, though it probably would've kept half the nightmares you had away.

"I—" you started, unsure what to say. You wanted his comfort but it was all too soon. "I don't think I-I'm ready, Arthur—I'm sorry."

"Hey, ain't no reason to apologize," he smiled, his hand gently resting on your shoulder, "I was jus' offerin' in case you were too nervous to ask."

"Oh," you laughed nervously, looking down.

"I'll walk you to your tent," he said as he held back a chuckle.

Arthur opened the flap and you stepped halfway in before facing him.

"Goodnight, Arthur," you smiled sweetly at him, taking his rough hand in yours.

"Goodnight," he smiled, laying a soft kiss on your forehead.

You sighed contently at the lingering kiss still on your forehead.

A smile remained until you fell asleep, and even then your lips couldn't help but curl upwards at the thought of Arthur Morgan.


You woke up to a loud commotion next to the house.

"You'll damn us all, Dutch!"


"We need the money Hosea," Dutch's voice dragged on.

"We just robbed that boat last night, we've got time to let things settle down—"

"—I have a plan, Arthur! We're sticking to the  plan!" interrupted Dutch. 

You dressed yourself and rushed out of your tent, nearly tripping over yourself as you stumbled to a halt.

Arthur, Hosea, and Dutch were still arguing with each other on the front steps of the rotting steps of the house only twenty or so feet from you.

You had caught Dutch's eyes and a sense of dread had washed over you, causing your body to stop itself from going any further. You'd talk to Arthur about it later.

"Y/n?" you heard from behind you, recognizing the voice as Pearson's. "If you see Arthur again before I do, will you tell him our provisions are getting low? Could use a deer or a good few good critters."

"Sure," you smiled warmly, and he left you in the same spot you'd been standing in for an uncomfortably long time.

You realized the arguing had stopped, but none of the men were to be seen.

You sighed, figuring it would be a little while before you saw Arthur again. You didn't really want to wash clothes or sew holes in someone's jacket, but it seemed like that was the way today was going to go.

You busied yourself next to the other girls with a few dirty shirts, conversing with them about petty drama.

Suddenly, you got the courage to tell them about the kiss.

"I, uh...Arthur kissed me," you smiled at the girls, anticipating Mary-Beth's excited reaction.

"Oh my, y/n! He kissed you!?" She beamed, saying it loud enough for half the camp to hear.

"Yes, yes," you laughed, "I just sorta asked him to kiss me last night, and then—he did."

"I'm so happy for you," Mary-Beth said, clasping her hands together in excitement. "I told you he was over that Mary girl. Oh! Here he comes."

An Unfortunate Face (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now