(26.) What Lovers Do

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(edited 3/7/22)

smut warning

"Been a while since we seen this place," he sighed as you both arrived at the saloon. Your heart began to beat just a little faster at the realization of what you were about to do.

He dismounted from his horse and offered a kind hand for you to follow. Taking his calloused hand in yours, he helped you down.

"Come on," you smiled, pulling him gently forward and into the saloon.

Curious eyes met yours as you looked around. You knew a few of them probably recognized you, but you paid it no mind and hurried to the bartender.

"'Scuse me, mister? May I get some dinner and a bath for the gentleman? And a room for the night, too."

He eyed Arthur curiously, but you handed him the money as well as a hefty tip and he took the offer.

"Food should be out in a minute, and I'll have the bed and bath ready soon."

"Thank you," you smiled, turning back to Arthur. "Here, come sit down. You need rest."

"I'm fine, y/n—"

"I don't care how fine you think you are, I'm takin' care of you."

"Okay," he chuckled, clearing his throat. "But you don't have to."

"I want to."

"Your fried catfish, sir," said the waitress, placing the warm dish on the table.

"Thank you, ma'am."

The glorious smell of the catfish reminded him of his gnawing hunger.

"You want somethin' to eat?" He asked, but you shook your head.

He ate quickly, having probably been basically starved on Guarma. You felt horrible about it,
but there wasn't much more you could do now. He had a hot meal, a hot bath and a warm bed waiting for him.

"I think your bath should be ready."

He perked up at your statement, having almost forgotten about it.

You both got up and he blushed, silently hoping that you would join him.

"I'll go change while you wash up," you said nervously, climbing the stairs alongside Arthur. You wanted to bathe him, but you didn't know how to ask without sounding creepy.

"Sure," he nodded, hiding his disappointment well. He found a fresh, warm bath waiting for him and he promptly undressed himself to get into the tub.

"Would you like any help in there?" a lady asked in a high-pitched, sing-song voice.

"Ah, no thank you," Arthur answered. He leaned forward and began scrubbing his legs.

"It's me, Arthur," you giggled, and his heart began to race.

"Oh," he said, his voice cracking. "C-come in."

You opened the door to see Arthur relaxing in the bath, his muscular figure making you blush. His face was warm, too, but you didn't pay attention to it.

"You don't have to say yes, but I...I figured you might want to relax, let me—let me bathe you."

"S-sure," he stuttered, and you bit back a grin at his nervousness. You were nervous too, but at least you had some experience in what you were doing.

An Unfortunate Face (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now