Epilogue: Part 1

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The ride to Wapiti felt hours long, though you knew it was probably only about 15 minutes.

Rains Fall greeted Charles warmly before his expression fell at the sight of Arthur. Within seconds, other members of the tribe came over to help him off of Charles' horse.

He was completely passed out at this point and you couldn't be consoled. You couldn't speak to anyone; Charles and Sadie had to talk to the chief.

Rains Fall was willing and eager to help Arthur since you and the gang had helped them deal with the army before.

Arthur was taken into a tent and that was the last you saw of him for quite some time.

"Rains Fall has offered for you and Arthur to stay here as long as you need," Charles said.

You nodded, sniffling. You had calmed down significantly but tears were still falling.

"Sadie, there's an empty tent for you and y/n to stay in until Arthur's ready for visitors," he added.

"Thank you, Charles," she said. "Come on, honey."

He nodded and walked away towards Rains Fall. You wanted to thank them both but you were far too shaken up.

You followed Sadie into the empty tent and sat down.

"It's alright, y/n, Arthur's in good hands," she said softly.

"I know," you said shakily. "I know."

There was a short silence between you two as you adjusted your position so that your knees were up against your chest.

"I told him," you sniffled, your voice breaking. "He was dying..." you tried to continue but it was too difficult.

You put your head in your hands as you sobbed. Sadie held you in her arms and tried to console you as best as she could.

You were able to calm down after some time with Sadie's help.

You were exhausted, emotionally and physically, and you felt yourself closing your eyes.

"Get some sleep, y/n. You need it," said Sadie.

You nodded as you laid down. "If Arthur wakes up—"

"I'll wake you up," she smiled.

"Thank you," you sniffled. Sadie stroked your back for a minute or two before you fell asleep.


Sadie was gone when you woke up. The light from outside was dim; you had been asleep for quite some time.

You got up and left the tent in search for Sadie or Charles and it only took you a minute to spot him.

"Y/n," he greeted you. "Arthur's still asleep but you're welcome to go visit him."

You nodded, getting choked up. "Thank you."

He nodded in response and you turned towards Arthur's tent.

You pulled the flap back on his tent and crouched inside. Arthur was laying in a small cot on his back and looked incredibly peaceful.

His face was bruised and swelling in certain places and his eyes were red from the infection. Regardless, he still looked as handsome as ever.

You sat up next to him and grabbed his hand in yours, using your other hand to stroke his face gently.

"Oh, Arthur," you sighed. You continued to rub his face gently for another minute or two until you decided to let him rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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