(4.) Revenge, For Fools

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"So how you know Miss Y/n?" asked the bigger man, which you had found out was Bill.

You were prepared to defend yourself against whatever statement Arthur was going to make about you: that you were a bounty hunter, that you'd probably turn them all in if you weren't shot, but he beat you to it.

"Old friend from a long time ago, 'fore I knew you."

"Mhm," grunted Bill. "That sound legit to you, John?"

The man with the raspy voice turned to look at Bill with an annoyed expression. "Who the hell cares? Dutch always preached that we're to help others, and y/n here helped us with those O'Driscolls. Only fair we help 'er back."

Bill remained silent and you turned to Arthur, who was riding alongside you.

"Dutch...he's the leader of your gang, right?" You asked as quietly as you could.

Arthur nodded silently and you watched him uneasily.

"I saw his posters in Blackwater too," you said, trying to ease some of the awkwardness, but you couldn't quite break the tension.

"H-how's y-your leg h-holdin' up?" asked the nervous man.

He was riding on John's horse, only a few feet farther up the formation.

"Just fine," you said, gripping the reigns tightly to help dull the pain. You were getting used to the pain, even though it still burned like fire.

"Camp ain't too far," commented Bill from the front of the group.

You nodded and closed your eyes, letting your horse follow the others.

When you opened them again, you were climbing up a hill. It wasn't a steep path, just enough to get higher up on a slow incline.

"We're here," said Arthur, dismounting his horse.

You let yours trot a little farther into the camp before dismounting. It was painful and you immediately regretted it, but for your sake you kept a straight face.

The camp was bustling with people, women and men. You weren't exactly sure what you had expected, but this wasn't it.

You avoided eye contact with them as slowly they all started to look at each other and stare at you, trying to figure out who you were and why you were at their camp.

"Miss Grimshaw!" Arthur called, and an older woman came out of the crowd. Her eyes traveled down to your ankle where blood had begun to seep through your clothing.

Dutch came out of the crowd and you immediately recognized him. Unlike Arthur, his wanted poster was much closer to the way he really looked.

"Who are you?" he asked, eyeing you up and down. Miss Grimshaw came to your side, her eyes switching between you and Arthur.

"Y/n L/n," Arthur answered, walking up to you. "Found her fightin' off O'Driscolls with us...great shot, if I'm bein' honest—"

"Okay, okay," said Dutch, eying your ankle. "Miss Grimshaw, will you fix her up?"

"Sure thing," she replied, and led you further into the camp, past the many curious eyes surrounding you.

"Tilly, Mary-Beth and Karen, get a tent for y/n ready while I deal with 'er."

A few girls moved from the crowd and walked together towards a wagon.

"Just for a few days, Dutch, she needed help," said Arthur, turning to him.

"I know, son. It's not a problem, and if she's a good shot, she could be useful. Anyone who takes down O'Driscolls is a friend of mine."

Arthur gave a grim nod and walked away from Dutch, going to his respective tent.

An Unfortunate Face (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now