(24.) This Don't Look Like Tahiti

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The camp was half-unpacked when you arrived. The women were bustling about, while Kieran was trying to calm the horses and hitch them in the best spots he could find.

"Miss L/N," said Miss Grimshaw exasperatedly. "Are the others alright?!"

"Hosea's behind me, the others...we got separated from them. We were surrounded immediately—someone must have snitched."

"Oh my..."

As if on cue, Hosea entered camp and dismounted his horse. "Miss Grimshaw, how are things looking?"

"All the rooming is arranged, you're just over here—"

"Good. Y/n, go keep guard with Sadie. We shouldn't have been followed, but we can't be sure. I doubt the others will be back before morning, Miss Grimshaw, so rest yourself if you need too."

"Ain't no time for that, Mr. Matthews. We've got our hands full."

Everyone went to work on the camp except for you and Sadie, who slowly made her way up to the guard posts with you.

"I'm worried, Sadie. I know I shouldn't have left them, but I...I had no choice to, there were so many Pinktertons—"

"Everything is gonna be fine, y/n. I know Dutch has been seemin' a little off lately, but he ain't gonna let his men die if he can help it. Arthur will be fine."

"Oh, Sadie," you said sadly as you wrapped your arms around her in a tight hug. "I hope you're right."

She sent you a warm smile and you moved up to the furthest guard post while she stayed behind, closer to camp.

The hours seemed to crawl by as dusk came and went. No one had returned, but no Pinkertons had invaded the camp, so you had at least one thing to be thankful for.

The crack of a twig behind you made you spin around quickly to see who was there. It was only Karen holding a repeater, hinting that she was probably there to take over for you.

"Go get some sleep, y/n. The worryin's only gonna make you sick."

You lowered your gun in defeat, knowing she was right. You didn't think you could sleep without Arthur there, but you had to try. If he were here, he would make sure you were eating, sleeping, resting...he'd be heartbroken to return and find you starved and tired.

"Yeah, alright. Thank you Karen."

She winked and shot a smile at you. You tried to return it but the worry on your face made it hard to.

A small fire rested below the stewpot and your stomach rumbled loudly.

"I put you next to Arthur but if you want me to move your things—" Miss Grimshaw started.

"It's just fine."

She nodded and headed off, leaving you next to the stew. It smelled wonderful, making your stomach growl again.

After eating you made your way into the large rotting building where yours and Arthur's things were. He'd left his hat and his satchel behind, and you curiously grabbed the former.

It was cold in your hands but it reminded you of Arthur, so you didn't let it go.

You put it on your head and it fell beneath your eyes, just slightly too big for your head. It made you giggle, which lifted your spirits, and you removed it again.

You laid down on the floor on top of some itchy sheets and tried to sleep, but it was hard. Even in the swamp the night was cold, and without Arthur it felt even colder.

An Unfortunate Face (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now