(17.) Do You Know Who You Are?

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A week had gone by since you'd returned to camp, the women and Arthur moving in and out of your tent so someone could keep you company.

Arthur had begun picking up new jobs around the camp to keep himself even busier than before, but without having to leave camp much. There was a sort of unspoken promise he had made to not leave until you felt better.

He would come in each night to talk with you when no one else was watching. It would be late into the night, but you were always readily awake.

"Hey," he greeted, taking his hat off as he entered. You visibly lit up at the sight of him, a sense of relief and comfort filling the tent.

"Hey," you replied. You felt a whole lot better in terms of energy, but your body was still healing from fractured bones, bruised limbs, and other injuries.

"Sorry I'm a little late, Dutch needed helpin' with somethin' again—"

"It's alright," you assured him. "You don't have to visit me every night, you know."

He smiled and sat into the old wooden chair. "Well the ladies tell me you always seem better when I come 'round, seems you enjoy my company."

You blushed and looked down before he could notice your embarrassment. He was still smiling.

"Sure I do," you admitted. "But I'm sure visitin' gets awful borin'."

He shook his head. "Never."

He presented a small sack and opened it to reveal a small chocolate bar.

"It ain't much, but I thought it might lift your spirits," he smiled, giving it to you.

You sat up further, resting against the tiny pillow. "You're so sweet, I...thank you."

You opened it up and ate it slowly, enjoying each bite. Arthur watched you with gentle eyes, reveling in the sight of you being happy for the first time in a while.

"You know the first time I ever tried chocolate was with you, all them years ago," you suddenly said.

"Yeah, I sorta remember that," he chuckled. "How'd you make it this far east by yourself?"

"It's a long story," you said, not wanting to bring up your painful past.

"I got time," he said quietly, leaning back comfortably.

Arthur had been kind and accepting when you were at your lowest, and he would probably be accepting now. His gaze was curious but gentle, and you couldn't deny him. Maybe talking about it would help.

"My parents...I lost them when I was young, I think around twelve? Thirteen?" You sighed. "I don't know, but they were robbed one night. I hid under my bed for a long time, and I escaped to a nearby town with as much food as I could carry."

You watched his expressions closely as the words spilled out. He looked like he understood how you felt, and it suddenly occurred that he'd probably been orphaned too.

"It ran out eventually, you know. I begged for a little while, but it didn't feed well, so...I began to steal. Started with a few pockets, and then I got a little more bold, so I got caught. And then I met you."

He smiled a little. "And after that?"

The part you had been dreading.

Your hands began to tremble slightly and Arthur noticed.

He pretended not to for your sake, but at this point Arthur had seen a lot more of who you were than you'd imagined he would.

"I bribed a woman and her husband to take me to a new town eastward, I don't even think it had a name. More of a little settlement where I could start fresh, maybe get work. There wasn't much of course, and I turned to stealin' again."

An Unfortunate Face (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now