(32.) Once Enemies, Never Friends

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Three weeks in Beaver Hollow had brought out the worst in some of the gang.

Karen's alcoholism had somehow gotten worse, Bill and Javier had turned on everyone but Micah and Dutch, and Arthur wasn't getting any better.

The only thing that could cheer you up now was the imminent hanging of Colm O' Driscoll.

He and his gang had killed your friends, raped, tortured and nearly killed you; you could say you had a bone to pick.

Poor Sadie had lost her husband to them, and Dutch's rivalry with Colm went even further back.

You had already gotten revenge on your attacker, but this was for Jake, Annabelle, and the whole gang of children he let die. Today was justice, if you could call an easy death justice.

"We should leave now, we still have to get on our disguises," said Dutch.

He seemed in a much better mood today, and for a moment, even if short, you thought the old Dutch might be back.

"Hosea, Arthur, you're with me. The women can travel separately and meet us at the gallows."

You and Sadie looked at each other, expressions serious and borderline angry. You had both lost far too much to Colm O' Driscoll, and today you were going to get the closure you both desperately needed, together.

"We'll see you there, Dutch," Sadie said, mounting her horse. You followed suit and waved the three men off as you left the camp.

"You gonna be alright?" you asked, sending her a sympathetic look.

"I'll be fine. My Jakey—I'm doin' this for him, not me."

You nodded, looking straight ahead.

"I guess I'm doin' it for my friends then, too. His gang..." you paused, swallowing hard, "they slaughtered my friends when we was kids. We was all orphans, we got together to keep ourselves fed...I weren't there one day and they were killed."

"God, I hate this bastard," she spat angrily.

"Well he swings today, or I'll shoot him myself."

"Not if I do first," she scoffed.


"They should be here any minute," you said, rubbing your wrists comfortingly.

"Yeah, they're gonna hang him 'fore they come."

A few more minutes passed and Dutch strutted by in an officer's uniform.

"Who'd you kill for that?" you asked, smirking. You had missed this Dutch.

"Very funny, y/n. I didn't kill anyone for it, just did some bribing. You spot Hosea?"

"No, I haven't seen him come through."

"He might already be in there..." he peeked around the corner and into the hanging yard. "I'm going to look around, you two follow after a minute or so."

You waited until Sadie pulled you past the gate and into the crowd.

"You see Arthur up there?" she asked, and you turned around slowly as to not look conspicuous.

"Police uniform, pretty sure it's him," you sighed softly in relief.

A wave of nausea hit you and you frowned, rubbing your forehead with your hand.

"Hey, y/n, you okay?" Sadie asked, instantly forgetting her anger.

"What? Oh, yeah, I just want to see this bastard swing," you assured, trying to steady your breathing and keep yourself from puking.

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