(5.) Catch and Release

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A few days had passed since you'd arrived at the camp. You'd gotten a feel of some of the members and the way the camp worked.

There was a tithing box, which the gang was expected to donate into in order to pay for camp supplies.

There was a kid named Jack, who was Abigail's son. John was supposedly his father, but that remained more of a theory than a fact.

Your ankle was mostly healed, though it was still quite sore. You could walk much more smoothly and stand for more than a few minutes without having to sit down.

At the moment, you were playing with Jack near the outskirts of the camp. It was a game that Jack had created where each player had five stones and had to move one while the other player had their eyes closed.

"You moved that one Miss Y/n," said Jack, pointing to the stone you had definitely not moved.

You laughed and nodded, handing him the stone. He was currently winning 3-2, and he seemed to be having a lot of fun.

You closed your eyes and waited for him to move one of his stones, but opened your eyes when you heard him say, "Hey, Uncle Arthur!"

You turned to look behind you and sure enough, Arthur was standing behind you.

You had to look far up to meet his tall frame, but the pain was worth the sight. He was quite attractive, you had decided, but he was an outlaw and you were a bounty hunter.

You also hardly knew him. Hosea seemed sweet enough, but Arthur? He seemed to be too double-sided.

"Jack, Miss L/n," he said, tipping his head in your direction.

"You want to play with us?" asked Jack, causing you to smile at Arthur.

He paused for a moment. "Your momma wants me to take you out fishin' instead."

"Can Miss Y/n come with us?" asked Jack, looking between Arthur's knees and you.

"Miss Y/n is free to join us, if she'd like," Arthur replied.

You smiled at Jack. "Sure, I'll go."

"Okay! I'll go get my pole!" said Jack, running off.

You stood up and Arthur, as polite as he was, offered you a hand.

You took it and smiled up at him, shaking your head. He just gave you a quick smile and walked to his horse.

You walked to your own and greeted them for the first time in a few days. They'd been brushed and fed by Kieran, the really nervous man who'd been at the cabin.

Apparently he used to be an O'Driscoll, though he always claimed he wasn't. You didn't really care much; he seemed sweet enough and he had taken wonderful care of your horse.

"Hey, h/n," you smiled, mounting them. You looked over at Arthur who was picking up Jack.

It was the cutest sight you'd ever seen.

"You ready?" asked Arthur, one hand on his reigns, the other holding Jack against him.

Too. Cute.

You nodded, and Arthur lead the way. The path felt familiar, though this was your first time riding out of camp. They'd picked a pretty good spot to stay hidden.

"So, uh, where we headed?" You asked, trying to fill the silence.

"'S a nice lil' river, westward a' here. It's a quick ride, but it's real pretty. Hosea was tellin' me they got some big fish in there. Maybe you can catch a big chain pickerel, Jack."

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