(6.) What a Ladies' Man

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Arthur rode behind you, watching over his shoulder for the agents. You were uneasy, but he told you to ride into camp, so you did.

You hitched your horse and Arthur let Jack down, who ran into his mother's arms.

"Oh, Jack! Did you have fun?" Abigail asked, hugging him.

"Yes, mama! And I made Miss Y/n a necklace!" He smiled.

You smiled and Arthur leaned closer to Abigail, whispering something. Her face got serious, and then she hurried Jack away.

Arthur sighed, finally turning to you. "You okay?"

"Just fine," you said, dusting off your clothes. "You think Jack's alright?"

"He's fine. He's...we try to keep him away from them sorta things, but...he's alright."

You nodded, unsure of what to do next.

"I need to go talk to Dutch," said Arthur suddenly. "But if you need anything, you come find me."

You nodded. "I...I might be a fool for sayin' this, but...I think I'm gonna stay. Bounty huntin's gettin' real scarce these days, and...if what you say about Dutch is true, then...if you'll all have me, I...I just might stay."

Arthur looked down, the smallest smile on his face. He looked up at you again, nodding his head slightly. "I think we're all fools, so...I guess you're right at home."

You chuckled and he walked over to Dutch's tent. You sighed, and walked back to your tent, wondering if this was the right thing to do.

Probably not, but it was too late now.

You grabbed some gun oil and began to clean your weapons. There was a little table just outside of your tent with a few half-cleaned parts, so you finished them and laid them out neatly.

"Thank you, Princesa," you heard from behind you. You recognized the accent and turned around to see Javier.

Javier had been talking to you these past few days, but only small comments and passerby greetings.

"Oh, sure. I just saw 'em here, I got bored—" you smiled.

"Well you just made my day easier," Javier chuckled.

You didn't know much about Javier, only that he was from Mexico and had ended up in America running away from the law.

There was a short silence between the two of you.

"So, you planning on staying with the gang?"

"I think so," you smiled. "Why, you wantin' me to stay?"

"Possibly..." he smirked.

You handed him one of the freshly cleaned repeaters. "Any chance there's some work 'round here for me to do?"

"Plenty," he sighed. "Mrs. Grimshaw is always on the ladies about cleaning or folding for whatever—"

"I'd rather do somethin' a little less...boring."

"Ha-ha," he laughed. "So you like to rob and kill too?"

"No," you said, scrunching your nose. "I don't enjoy being a criminal, not—not that I am one, bounty hunting is completely within the law—but I don't enjoy murderin' folk."

"I understand. So you're a bounty hunter, huh?" He asked, and you fell into a hole of stories.

The two of you seemed to talk for ages until he had to go on guard duty.

"We will talk later, Princesa."

You gave a slight blush at his nickname and waved him off.

An Unfortunate Face (Arthur Morgan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now