(30.) Then Prove It

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The next week and a half was rough for the gang. Word had spread about Arthur's diagnosis, and those who cared weren't sure what to say.

Hosea seemed to have taken it the hardest.

Everytime Dutch would make a comment about Arthur or you not pulling your weight, Hosea would argue back quickly.

He had bought you a little over a week to stay and look after Arthur, but your protection had its limits.

You brushed out your hair and pulled out an outfit to wear for the day. You were waiting for Arthur to come back into the tent before getting ready, but it had been nearly five minutes since he was gone.

You changed quickly and walked out to Strauss sitting on a rock close to the tent.

With quite a bit of coaxing, Arthur had admitted that the reason he'd gotten Tuberculosis was because Strauss had sent him to collect debt from a man who was sick.

Admittedly, Arthur had beaten him up for the money, and he considered this his karma of sorts.

You'd never liked Strauss, and this had only added fuel to the fire.

"Oh, y/n. Good morning," he offered.

"Good mornin' Strauss," you quickly smiled.

"Will you tell Arthur that I've got another few debts for him to take care of? J. John Weathers out by Three Sisters, and an Arthur Londonderry in Annesburg."

You wanted to tell him to stop preying on the desperate people he seemed to attract, but you bit your tongue.

"I'll let him know," you nodded.

You headed towards the campfire where Sadie, Abigail and Jack were all sitting and enjoying the cool morning.

"Mornin' Sadie. Abigail, Jack," you smiled at them.

"Morning Miss Y/n," smiled Jack. It put a smile on your face, the first in some time.

"Hey, y/n," said Sadie as you sat next to her, handing you a cup of coffee.


"Figured you'd need it this mornin.'"

"Heard Arthur got a letter from Mary, y/n," sighed Micah from behind you. "He don't look too happy about it though, maybe you've still got a chance. You know he saw her in Saint Denis, right?"

"Shut up," you snapped, looking around for Arthur. Surely enough, he was sitting a little ways away by one of the wagons, a letter in his hands and a sad look on his face.

"Don't worry 'bout her, y/n—" Sadie started as you got up.

Arthur looked up from the letter at Sadie's voice. He could see you walking towards him now, and his heart dropped to his stomach.

"That from Mary?" you asked, sadness seeping into your words and betraying your angry tone.

"Yeah," he grimaced. "Ain't nothin,' I promise."

"Did you visit her in Saint Denis?" your voice cracked.

"Y/n, it ain't what you think, okay? Mary thought...she thought she could run away with me, go off and start a new life but I—"

"Did you tell her you would do that? Run away with her?" Tears we're starting to form, and you wanted to scream. Now was not the time.

"I wasn't thinkin,' I was—"

"But you said it?" your lip quivered and you quickly closed your mouth to hide it.

"Y/n, please," he said, putting the letter down quickly and taking your hand in his.

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