(10.) Late Night Confessions

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You sat with the gang until late into the afternoon. Dutch had told everyone to stay in camp for the most part until they had scouted out the place, so there wasn't much left to do.

Plus your outing with Sadie had exhausted you slightly, and Javier's warm embrace was not something you wanted to leave.

Bill left his guard post and came to the campfire eventually and placed his gun down. You were starting to get bored and Javier had been silent for some time, so you picked up the gun.

"I'll take your spot," you offered, and he shrugged. Javier gave you a rough look, almost sarcastically questioning you.

"What? Gotta do somethin' 'round here," grunted Bill.

Javier gave him a dirty look but you had already turned away and begun walking through the forest.

You still couldn't believe how good this spot was. Intruders were easy to keep out, as well as monitor. There was a dock for fishing, albeit slightly rotted.

If Dutch and Hosea found a lead, this could be the end of all their work. With enough money, you could all disappear. You'd take your share and head out—with Javier in tow, of course, if things went right.

They'd go right. Javier was kind, if a bit clingy, and Dutch and Hosea were smart men. If they could rob a bank's pay ferry and get away, they could certainly rob Rhodes dry. The town didn't seem too complicated.

You heard a rustling in the trees and turned, expecting either a deer or an unlucky passerby. You waited for further noise and it continued, causing you to shout.

"Who's there?!" You asked, but you could already see the white Arabian. Dutch and Hosea had returned.

"On guard, I see," said Dutch, tipping his head ever so gently in your direction.

"Just doin' my part," you replied. The gun stayed by your side and you returned your thoughts to the path ahead of you.

Hours seemed to pass by. Keeping guard was horrible, boring work, but at least you were getting some space. There was nothing wrong with the company you kept—well, not in the sense that they bothered you—but you had needed some alone time.

The sky had just begun to slightly darken. Your pocket watch was by your tent but it had to be early afternoon by now.

"Y/n?" you heard, causing you to spin around quickly. The voice was Hosea's, but it had spooked you.

"Sorry," he said, raising one hand. The other held a steaming bowl of stew, and your stomach growled. "I wanted to bring you this."

You took the stew from his extended hand and thanked him, sitting on a nearby rock.

"You settling in alright?" he asked, sitting down next to you.

"Just fine, surprisingly," you smirked. "Never thought I'd fall in with outlaws after havin' turned in so many of 'em."

Hosea gave you a questioning look.

"I ain't gonna turn any of you fellers in—" you said quickly, realizing what he was probably thinking.

"Well I'd hope," he chuckled. "Arthur never told me you were a bounty hunter?"

"Been doin' it for a couple years now," you sighed, taking another bite. "You and I ain't so different, you know? doin' dangerous things to get by."

He nodded in understanding and stood up. "I should probably let you get back on guard."

You didn't really want him to leave so soon, but you felt weird asking him to stay. He took the empty bowl from you and excused himself, returning to the camp.

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