(18.) All the Little Things

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You stood up for the first time in weeks with the assistance of Charles and Arthur. After lots of reassurance from Arthur, of course.

It was a bit embarrassing, humiliating, even. But Charles and Arthur made a quick deal of it, supporting you until you could get a proper feel of the ground beneath you.

Your injuries had been reduced to bruises and small scars, excluding the mental agony it had put you in. You'd get better one day, you knew that, but nothing would ever be normal again.

Arthur had finally left the camp for a job, leaving you all alone. Of course you could always talk with the ladies, but nothing compared to Arthur's humor and words.

"Glad to see you back in action, y/n," Sadie greeted, smoking a cigarette. She offered one and you accepted, lighting it on the edge of your spur.

"I wouldn't go that far," you smiled and took in a breath of smoke.

"I know a proper badass when I see one," she complimented. "It's gonna hurt for a while, I know that. But don't give up hope on healin' little by little. With the right people, and time, you'll be okay. I promise."

You took a calming inhale while listening. "Thanks Sadie...I...that means a lot to me."

"Sure," she smiled. "I was thinkin' about headin' into town later, if you'd like to go. Could be good to get out a little."

"I don't know..."

"No pressure," she assured. "But I'll be with you, so you won't be alone, and we won't do nothin' crazy. I promise."

"Alright," you caved. "But just for a bit."

"I think Arthur is headin' in a little later, maybe he'll meet up with us."

"What?" You asked.

"You don't fool me, I know you're gettin' sweet on 'im."

"I am n—" you tried to say, but she was smiling at you, and you couldn't lie to her. "Of course I'm sweet on 'im, but...I don't know when I'll be ready for that type of thing again, if ever..."

"He's patient, you know that. And he cares about you. I ain't sayin' you gotta hurt yourself to be with 'im, 'cause that ain't good for no one. But don't push 'im away 'cause you're afraid he won't wait 'round for you."

"I know," you responded. "He's shown his kindness more than once...I just need time."

"Sure," she assured. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah," you said. You flicked your cigarette and stomped it out onto the ground.

She mounted your horse, and you climbed onto yours for the first time since you'd come back.

They were happy to see you, even though you seemed a bit off. You weren't as comfortable on the saddle, or sitting as confidently.

"You alright?" Sadie asked.

You nodded. "Just been a while. Let's ride."

"Hiyah," she commanded, and your horse followed slowly behind. The trails winded out onto the main road, and you rode into town.

"Grimshaw said she needed some medicine, so I'm goin' to the doctor's first...you comin'?"

You nodded and followed her in, helping her with the catalogue.

She got the supplies and you left the store with a small crate of tonics and bandages, the camp supply having been drained by your injuries.

"Can we go to the general store? I want to get some stuff for h/n."

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