(20.) Gone for a Swim

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You leaned into Arthur to keep up the act. You weren't sure how much he'd be comfortable with, but he was the reason you were sitting on his lap, after all.

"All's fair, Mr. Kilgore," assured Blythe. Your eyes lingered on him seductively, and he had started to notice.

"I'm sure," Arthur responded, and you squeezed his arm again gently. He was trying to bite his tongue and stay calm, but he was nervous and worried for your sake.

Arthur was all too hyper aware of your body against his, and it wasn't long before embarrassment had distracted him. It wasn't right for him to feel that way towards you so soon after everything you'd been through; he felt guilty.

He couldn't deny that he'd imagined your body this close to his—in a different situation, of course—but now was not the time to be thinking that way.

"Lose the hand, Tacitus," you whispered as quietly as you could to Arthur. He shook his head doubtfully, but you gently rubbed his hand with yours, hoping he would get the message.

Either he'd gotten back luck or he'd listened to your advice. It didn't matter how he'd lost but he did, and your plan was in motion.

"I believe a bit of the lady's attention is mine?" Blythe smiled, and you tried to hide your disgust. You weren't eager to do what came next, but you still had some tricks up your sleeve.

"I suppose," Arthur growled.

He leaned backwards and you stood up, finally seeing Arthur's full face since you'd sat down.

Worry creased his forehead and you felt yourself doubting the whole idea, but you couldn't give up now.

You sent him a gentle smile and a quick wink before letting Blythe take your arm.

"Shall we dance, Mr. Blythe?" you asked dreamily, batting your eyelashes at him.

"It would be an honor, Ms. F/N."

The two of you danced to the music, one hand on your waist all too tight and the other interlaced with yours.

It was all for the money, and Arthur knew that, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could take it.

He was jealous. He'd be the first to admit that it hurt to see you with someone who wasn't him, even if his main concern should have been your safety.

"You look beautiful, you really do," started Blythe, and your heart picked up. "But I have something upstairs that would make you shine like a diamond: A Delleiah crystal bracelet all the way from its original New York shop."

"Oh, Mr. Blythe," you smiled sweetly. "You're too kind...I'd love to see it."

You knew Blythe had collateral in a safe upstairs, but you didn't think it would be so easy to get to it. It would be a much quieter way of getting the score.

You found Arthur's gaze lingering on you as he chatted with Strauss and Trelawny.

Blythe was too focused on getting you upstairs that he didn't notice you signaling to Arthur that he should follow you.

You gave your attention back to Blythe and the two of you ascended the stairs, Arthur following far behind.

He took you into a room and closed the door behind him, holding you close to him.

"What about the safe?" you giggled, reaching your free hand under your skirt from the back.

"First things first, sweetheart..."

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