(22.) The Raid of Shady Belle

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A slow, cheerful song could be heard from camp as you passed the two concrete entry gates.

"Guess they're havin' a good time," you joked, passing by the two current camp guards, Charles and Javier.

You both dismounted your horses and walked over to Pearson with the newly acquired 'fat raccoon.'

Pearson was more than happy, and a fresh stew was already being prepared. Arthur followed you to the campfire with his hand gently hovering on your waist.

"Y/n! Arthur! Come join," shouted Uncle drunkenly.

"I think you've had just about enough to drink," poked Arthur, grabbing two beers from Lenny.

"Nah, that's just stupid old Uncle," laughed Lenny. You gave him a silent 'cheers' in agreement before taking a sip from the beer.

You scooted closer to Arthur, who took it as a sign to let his arm rest lazily around you.

"Arthur?" you whispered into his ear.

"Hm?" he asked lazily, his voice a gentle vibration against your hair.

"Thank you for today, I really...it..." you struggled to find the words you wanted to say. "I ain't felt that good in a long time, I mean, so at peace with everythin,' and then you beside me..."

He chuckled softly, the sound traveling throughout your whole body. "Me too, y/n. Me too."


You must've fallen asleep at some point in the night. Arthur was trying to wake you up without sending you into a panic first, which he had succeeded at.

"It's gettin' late, figured you might wanna sleep somewhere a little more proper."

"I don't wanna sleep alone tonight," you admitted groggily, paying more attention to Arthur's comfort than the trauma you'd endured.

It was a half-truth. You did want to sleep alone, because the thought of being that close to someone for that long in such a vulnerable state was a terrifying idea. But the thought of Arthur's strong, safe arms around you in the purest of ways was enough to make you want it.

"You sure? You've had a bit to drink," Arthur warned, trying to figure out if you were too drunk to know what you were saying. He'd only watched you drink two beers, but he didn't want you waking up tomorrow thinking he'd taken advantage of you.

"I only had two, Arthur, I promise I'm fine. It's just...it's a little cold, and I don't want this to end..."

He nodded and sat up, stretching his tired muscles. "Come on."

The two of you went into the house and up the stairs as quietly as you could. Abigail and Jack had fallen asleep hours ago in the room next to Arthur's, and Molly and Dutch were probably asleep too.

You took off your shoes and (other items you wear) that you didn't want to sleep in, stripping yourself down to your most comfortable clothes.

You laid down on the bed, facing the wall as Arthur changed promptly into his pajamas.

There was awkwardness in the air, a sort of understanding you both shared but an unwillingness to put it into words.

"If you need another pillow or somethin' I'm sure I've got a jacket you can use—"

"This is just fine, Arthur," you smiled sweetly, and Arthur scratched his neck with an awkward smile.

"Lay down, Arthur, it's late."

He nodded, praying that the darkness of the night would cover his blush. He was nervous in a way that he hadn't been in a long time.

His heart raced as he laid down next to you and you turned to face him, your face almost angelic in the moonlight.

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