(15.) With Everything I've Got

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TW: Sexual Assault and Mild Torture. If you don't feel comfortable reading this chapter I totally understand, and if anyone ever needs to talk about anything relating to this topic or other stuff feel free to reach out ❤️

He made his way over to you again and you pushed your legs out to keep him from coming any closer. He just stepped over you as if you were a mere bump on the ground.

"You're startin' to piss me off, you know that?" he said, his hand wrapping around your throat. He was squeezing so tightly you couldn't respond, and within seconds, there were spots in your vision again.

He loosened up enough to let you breathe, but you still weren't getting enough air.

In a fraction of a second, he smashed your head against the hard wall. Dizziness spread over you from the contact and the air rushing into your lungs.

You tried to balance yourself but he was quicker.

He pushed you onto the ground, your chest now pinned down. Your face was cold against the dirty floor and your cuts burned.

Using one hand to choke you and the other to remove your clothing, he destroyed your dignity with each touch. You couldn't breathe again, only able to get short, shallow gulps of air from time to time.

"S-stop, please stop!" you yelled, but it was hardly a whisper. Dizziness crowded your mind and every sense, but you kicked and punched the air. Anything to make him leave, anything to make him stop.

"You keep resisting and I swear I'm gonna kill you," he threatened, but you could hardly register his words. Your face scraped against the floor with each movement of his hand, tears accompanied by gasps of pain and the struggle to breathe.

"I h-hate y-you," you spat, causing him to elbow you against the ground. You were sobbing now, salty tears staining your face.

"Shut up," he threatened again, and at that moment, everything left your body. It was like your brain had shut off because it could no longer cope with what was happening, though you would surely remember this forever.

One thrust, and then another. Empty sobs sounded through the cellar until it was the only thing you could hear. It hurt. Your whole body ached in exhaustion from the rough ways they had beat you.

"Please," you croaked in soft whispers. You repeated the same word over and over again, as if it would change anything he had done or was doing.

"Hey! You said I was supposed to have first dibs after Colm came!" Said an O'Driscoll from above.

You hated this. Hated that you weren't strong enough. Hated that you were being violated. Nothing could console you, not Javier, not Arthur. This was beyond evil.

The man stood up from above you and buckled his pants, cursing as he did.

"Ruined the fuckin' mood," he complained. He kicked the bucket of water towards you, its contents spilling out. You didn't move, not even an inch. If you died here, so be it. It would be a mercy.

In your hazed state, you barely breathed, the only air coming in to exhale a traitorous sob. For the first time in your life, you wanted to die. You had no hope.

Quiet, gentle sobs sounded throughout the cellar until your body gave way, and you fell asleep.


"I told you boys not to kill her!" Complained Colm, trotting down the rotten wooden steps.

Your eyes opened at the sudden noise and you realized you were hanging upside down. You were lightheaded, and everything was distorted.

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