Chapter 8

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** Ochako's POV **

* The next day (Day 1) *

I wake up early so I can walk to school with Midoriya. I made lunch and placed the food into bento boxes. I wrote a note and placed it where my parents can see it. I grab my bag then head out the door and see Midoriya locking his door. "Good morning, Midoriya! Ready to go to school," I asked, waving at him. "No, I'm not ready to face hell but let's just get this over with." I'm just going to ignore the fact that he didn't greet me. We started walking together to school without saying anything to each other.

I decided to break the silence since I want to learn a little bit about him. "Midoriya, do you have any siblings? Or are you an only child," I asked, turning my head to face him. He didn't say anything instead he stopped in his tracks. "Well, aren't you a little nosy?" He turned his head to face me and booped my nose then continued walking. "Hey! Don't boop my nose," I yelled, running up to him. "You don't need to know anything about my family. Don't ever ask me about my family again." His tone was cold and harsh, then he gave me a hard cold glare.

"O-okay! I got the message!"

We continued our way to school in silence until we got there. "Fruitcake, you shouldn't ask any personal questions to people. You'll make them feel uncomfortable but you can ask any non-personal questions to them," Midoriya lectured, pinching my cheek. "But asking you about siblings isn't much of a personal question, you know." He didn't say anything and squeezed my cheek a bit harder. "Ow! Ow! Ow! That hurts Midoriya! Let go, please! I'm sorry!" He finally let go of my cheek and entered the building without me.

* (Day 2) *

* Lunchtime *

I walk into the cafeteria and see Iida sitting at an empty table. I went towards him and started waving at him until I bumped into someone. "Oh my god, I'm sorry! Are you okay," I apologized, turning to face the person. "Well, it isn't the new girl from Class 1-A. You know, if you're really sorry then bow down." I didn't say anything and kept staring at him. "You're asking too much, dude. I just apologized to you so that should be enough," I said, walking away from him.

He stepped in front of me which made me stop walking. "Nobody has ever walked away from me!" Suddenly he raised his hand, I shut my eyes waiting for the impact but it never came. I open my eyes and see Midoriya in front of me holding the guy's wrist. "Monoma, you're still as salty as ever. Didn't your mom ever tell you to never hit a girl? If she didn't then she's doing a shitty job as a mother," Midoriya said, glaring at him. Monoma didn't say anything and walked away.

"Why is he like that?"

"He wanted to be the school president but he didn't get elected. Since people noticed that he's a disagreeable, overconfident, disdainful, and narcissistic person."

"Oh, okay. Thanks for saving me, Midoriya!"

"Be careful next time. And watch out for him."

* (Day 3) *

* After School *

I was doing paperwork on my desk in Midoriya's office. We spent a few days doing paperwork and I can never get free time to do something fun. "Fruitcake, you're spacing out. What's on your mind," Midoriya asked leaning against my desk. "N-nothing! D-don't mind me!" I went back to work but I could feel Midoriya's cold stare. "You know what?... Let's go somewhere," he suggested tapping on my head. "O-okay, sure... But where are we going?" Midoriya just glared at me so I just started packing my things.

* 40 Minutes Later *

We arrived at a café and once we got inside the scent of coffee hit us. The café looks like a library but cozy and the atmosphere is nice. "It's like a manga café but this one is better because it has manga and novels too," Midoriya said, leading me to a seat. "Oh, I like it. It's cozy and a nice atmosphere." He nodded his head and placed his bag next to me. "What kind of drink would you like," he asked, crossing his arms. "I'll have hot chocolate, Midoriya." He nodded his head and left to order.

I quickly went to get a couple of romance novels and returned to my seat. I started reading the first novel then Midoriya returned with two cups and a couple of novels. He set the cups and novels down on the table. "Thanks, Midoriya! What kind of books do you read? I have always been curious about it," I said, sipping some of my hot chocolate. He points at a distance so I look over to see and I almost spit out my drink. "I read horror and thriller novels. The same goes for manga."

* (Day 4) *

* After School *

I spent my time doing paperwork and sipping tea in Midoriya's apartment. I decided to have a look around until someone knocked on the door. Midoriya went over to the door and looked through the peephole. "Who is it," I asked, while Midoriya took his seat. "It's some idiot outside. Just ignore it." The knocking continued for a while until the door was kicked down. "Izuku! Didn't you hear me knocking?! Were you listening to music the whole time?!" Midoriya didn't say anything to the guy.

The guy looks like Midoriya except that he's tall and has black hair, grey eyes, and no freckles. "Oh, I didn't know that you had a girl over! She's cute," he exclaimed, nudging Midoriya. "Shut up. Why are you here? And you owe me a new door." The guy just ignored Midoriya and approached me. "Hello, my name is Ichirō Midoriya. I'm Izuku's older brother. Nice to meet you," he greeted, raising his hand."Nice to meet you too. I'm Ochako Uraraka." I shook his hand and smiled at him.

"Ichirō, you didn't answer me."

"The old man is having some kind of party and wants you to be there. The party will be big and fancy. There'll be food there, too. And the party is in a couple of days."

"Is that it?"

"You need to bring a date, too. His words, not mine."

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