Chapter 12

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** Ochako's POV **

I close the door behind me still blushing from Midoriya's compliment. I quietly walk through the living room to not wake Mom or Dad up. "Did you enjoy the party, Ochako," a voice spoke in the dark. The lights were switched on which revealed Dad sitting on the couch. "Holy crap, Dad! You scared me! Why were you sitting in the dark? That's so creepy!" I decided to take off my high heels which felt so good once they were off. Dad spoke up, "I was waiting for you. I wanted to make sure you made it home safe." I went over to Dad and hugged him then let out a loud yawn. "Dad, I'm tired. I'll tell you about the party later in the morning."

* Morning *

I wake up from the smell of chocolate chip pancakes so I jump off the bed. I run out of the room and head over to the kitchen then see Mom and Dad cooking together. "Good morning! The pancakes smell amazing," I exclaimed, taking a seat on a chair. "Good morning, Sweetie! Don't worry, the pancakes are almost ready." There was a knock on the door so I went to check it out. I look through the peephole and see Midoriya looking down, then I open the door slightly. I see that he's looking at his watch so I open the door more. "Good morning, Midoriya! What brings you here," I asked, acting as nothing happened.

"Huh, I kind of expected one of your parents to answer the door." I just smile even though he still doesn't greet me. "Oh? Why is that?" I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the door frame. "Considering that we arrived home at midnight and people tend to wake up late since they slept late. Anyways, I came here to let you borrow the book you wanted to read," Midoriya explained, handing me the book that he had hidden behind him. Mom comes up to me and sees Midoriya at the door. "Oh, Midoriya! You must join us for breakfast so you can tell us about the date with Ochako," Mom exclaimed, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I don't eat breakfast, Mrs. Uraraka."

We were surprised to hear what Midoriya said and worried about his health. "Why is that, Midoriya," Mom asked, grabbing his hands. "I've been busy with school work and paperwork so there are times that I don't get to eat." How come he doesn't give me some of his workloads? I am his assistant so I should be helping him but he doesn't give me much. "I don't want to intrude on your family breakfast. I'll be on my way," Midoriya said, pulling away Mom's grasp. He turns to leave but I grab his shoulder to stop him. "Midoriya, come join us. We're happy to have you over for breakfast." I squeeze my grip so he can take the hint.

He lets out a sigh and grabs my hand off his shoulder then glares at me. His glare is ice cold as always which would send shivers to anyone's spine. I whispered out, "It's just breakfast, Midoriya. Plus, I'm too stubborn to let you go on an empty stomach." Midoriya let out another sigh and replied, "Sure, I'll have breakfast with your family." Mom clapped her hands happily and grabbed Midoriya's hand then dragged him inside. "I'm so excited to hear about your date last night!" Midoriya mumbled under his breath, "It wasn't a date." We head to the kitchen and see Dad plating the food then we all sit down at the table.

"So, Ochako, did you enjoy the party last night?"

"Yes, Dad, I did enjoy the party."

"Ooh, what did you do there? I'm so curious!"

"... Well, nothing special, Mom. We just ate a bunch of desserts and danced together. Isn't that right, Midoriya?"

"Yes, that's right. That's all we did and nothing else, Mrs. Uraraka. We should start eating before the food gets cold."

Nobody said a word for a moment until I clapped my hands together to get rid of the eerie silence. I said, "Thank you for the food!" Midoriya nodded his head and hummed while Mom smiled and Dad glared at him. We start eating the pancakes with an uncomfortable silence and I look over to Midoriya only to see him taking small bites. "Midoriya, you should be taking a bit more of a large bite if you want to finish the food faster," I said, taking another bite of my pancake. "Hmm, sounds like you're trying to challenge me, Honey." I couldn't help but blush and got up from my seat staring at him with my beet-red face while Dad slams his fist on the table.

"Midoriya, you shouldn't call my daughter that or any other pet names," Dad burst out, glaring at Midoriya. "Your daughter gets flustered easily so she's easy to tease. But, it doesn't take much to make you angry, Mr. Uraraka." Midoriya hums while Dad continues glaring at him and I sit back down to my seat. Mom spoke out, "Everyone, calm down! Midoriya is a guest so don't do anything rash." We all calm down and continue eating, then I look over to Midoriya still taking small bites. "Okay, I can't take this anymore. Midoriya, do you feel uncomfortable having breakfast with me and my parents," I asked, setting my fork down.

He stops and turns around to look at me with an unreadable expression then gives me his ice-cold glare. He opens his mouth and venom spits out, "What a rude question you just asked. I wouldn't have a conversation with you or your parents if I was uncomfortable. I didn't want to intrude on your family time. And I didn't want to be here but I was forced and dragged to be here." There was a long silence so Midoriya stood up and left the kitchen while we just sat there startled at what he said. "W-what? Midoriya, come back here!" I was going to stand up to catch up with him but Mom stopped me and shook her head.

"It's best if you don't go after him, Ochako. He'll just get angrier if you go after him. Just give him some space to cool down."

"Your mom is right, Ochako. If you go after Midoriya, he'll just get angrier. Sometimes people like to be left alone and he seems like the type of person like that."

"He does seem the type of person but I don't know about that."

"What do you mean, Ochako?"

"He also seems like the type to bottle up his feelings, which is unhealthy. He needs to talk to someone to open up to someone about his feelings. So, I'm going to go after him whether he likes it or not!"

I quickly stood up again and ran out of the kitchen before Mom or Dad could stop me. They called out, "Ochako, stop!" I shook my head and didn't see Midoriya in the living room so I went out of the apartment only to see him leaning against the railing. "Um, Midoriya, you should step away from the railing since they look quite old," I warned, gently pulling on his arm. "No, it's fine. The railing may be old but they look quite sturdy." Midoriya wouldn't budge as I kept pulling him away from the railing. He whispered, "Stop pulling on me. Why are you even here? Go back to your parents and enjoy breakfast without me."

I stopped pulling on him and didn't say anything then turned around to see what he's looking at but didn't see anything. "What are you looking at, Midoriya," I asked, leaning against the railing. The railing seemed to be holding up well so I guess I was worrying about nothing. Midoriya spoke up, "I'm not looking at anything." I was going to say something but the railing snapped causing me to lose my balance and fall forward. Midoriya called out, "Ochako!" He grabs me and pulls me toward him but he also loses his balance and holds me tight. I kept my eyes shut and felt a gust of wind then heard the sound of bones breaking.

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