Chapter 17

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** Ochako's POV **

What am I doing? This is so embarrassing, I'm hugging the cold and distant Izuku Midoriya. I just did it out of instinct and it felt right to hug him. Then he blurts out a question, "What are you doing, Fruitcake?" I didn't respond but felt my face instantly heat up, I know for a fact that I'm blushing in embarrassment. I couldn't help but bury my face into his hard chest to hide my beet-red face. I can feel his heart as it beats, thumping slowly and steadily. Midoriya warns, "My patience is waning, Fruitcake." He isn't returning the hug, he must be uncomfortable with it. I hesitantly replied, "... I'm hugging you but I'll let you go now."

Just when I was about to let him go, he awkwardly hugs me even though the arm sling is in the way. It was stiff and clumsy, then he let go and turned away from me. Although the hug was a brief moment, it felt like we'd been hugging for hours. I couldn't help blushing a little from his sudden awkward hug, but I at least calmed him down. He sits on the couch, I take a deep breath and sit down with him. He grabs a Dorayaki from the coffee table and starts eating it. I wait for him to say something about the Dorayaki. Instead, Midoriya turns on the TV but then he whispers, " Thank you for the tea and Dorayaki. They're delicious, Fruitcake."

* 2 Days Later *

For half of the day, everything has been going smoothly until the classroom phone rings. Mr. Aizawa sighs but answers the call and says a couple of words then hangs up. "Uraraka, you're needed in the principal's office. You're dismissed," he announced, without making eye contact with me. I hesitantly pick up my items and walk out of the classroom, making my way to Mr. Nezu's office. I knock on his door and hear Mr. Nezu's voice calling out, "Come in, please." I open the door and then walk inside as I close the door behind me, I see Mr. Nezu drinking tea. I spoke up, "Excuse me, sir. You needed me, Mr. Nezu?"

He gestures to me to sit so I go over to him and sit across from him. "Uraraka, how's it going with Midoriya? Any progress?" Mr. Nezu asked as he set his teacup down. His question caught me by surprise so I hesitantly answered, "He's doing fine. As for progress wise to be honest, I'm not sure." He nods and continues, "I understand, he's a confusing individual. But don't let it stop you from changing his attitude." I smiled and nodded, feeling reassured and determined since Mr. Nezu puts a lot of trust in me. "Although, I do have a small task for you," he spoke up, taking another sip of his tea. I asked, "And what that might be, sir?"

* Lunchtime *

How am I supposed to do that?! He's difficult to talk to considering that he's extremely straightforward. I played with my food as I let out a sigh while sitting with Iida in the cafeteria, during our lunch break. "What's on your mind, Uraraka?" Iida asked, looking concerned. I stopped playing with my food and answered, "It's nothing in particular." Then something struck me, I dramatically got up from my seat which startled Iida. I quickly ask, "Iida, are we friends? I'm just curious about thoughts." He instantly answers, "Of course, we are. I consider you as my friend. Do you not feel the same way?"

"No, no, don't get the wrong idea! I feel the same way! I like hanging out with you!"

"Oh, that's a relief. I enjoy your company very much, Uraraka."

"I do, too, Iida. I'm glad we're friends."

"Me, too."

"Aww, such a disgustingly sweet and touching moment between friends."

I gasp in surprise and turn around to see Midoriya standing behind me, glaring at us. Why is he here now?! "Midoriya, h-hi! What are you doing here?" I asked, awkwardly smiling at him. He instantly replies, "Am I not allowed to be here?" I quickly shook my head and decided to change the subject, "Hey Midoriya, why are you negative about friendship? It's not so bad to have friends." He crosses his arms and hisses, "Oh, really? What would happen if they betray you? Or use you to gain something out of that 'friendship'?" I was at a loss for words, he's strongly against the idea of friendship. I don't know how to respond to his questions.

Iida suddenly chimes in, "Maybe it's because they weren't your actual friends." Midoriya turns to him and snaps, "When did I ever say that I had friends? I don't recall ever saying that." It makes sense because he's hostile and straightforward but that's going to change at one point. "Midoriya, please... Care to elaborate on why you think that friends can be backstabbers?" He replies, "I've witnessed it too many times before. Friendship is a lost cause." I wasn't expecting that response, just thinking about it sends chills down my spine. "... Midoriya, you can't say that," I argued, maintaining eye contact with him.

"Oh? Why is that, Fruitcake?" He questioned, leaning towards me. I started to blush, seeing how he was inching closer so I leaned back. I'm trying my best to maintain eye contact with him but he makes it difficult. I stuttered, "B-because you never had f-friends and never e-experienced betrayal before." I place my hands on his chest to stop him from leaning in too much, my face is probably redder than before. "Fruitcake, are you implying that I make a friend?" Midoriya asked, narrowing his eyes. I can't stop blushing since he's too close and I still have my hands on his chest. What's he thinking of leaving me in such an intimate position?

I want to crawl into a deep dark hole to never be seen again, it's a miracle that I haven't broken any eye contact with him. I need an escape route before people start to notice us. Midoriya warns, "I'm waiting for your answer, Fruitcake. I don't have all day." Before I can react, he pins me in place by blocking my one and only escape route. How did he know I'm planning to escape from him? I finally broke eye contact with him since I couldn't handle his closeness and answered, "M-maybe I am." Midoriya takes a step back and grabs my hand by surprise as I ask, "Where are you taking me?" He responds, "You're going to be my witness."

"W-what? What do you mean?"

"You heard me."

"What are you on about?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Yes, spell it out for me."

He stops and turns towards me as he glares at me then hisses, "Weren't you the one who insisted that I make at least one damn friend?" I didn't think it would happen so soon, I thought it'll take days. I nodded and smiled at him but he quickly turned away and tugged me to continue walking. "Do you have an idea who to ask to be your friend, Midoriya?" I asked, trying to keep up with him. He must've noticed that I was struggling to keep up because he slowed down. When did he start being considerate? I blush at the thought of him being considerate but then I realize we're holding hands which made me blush even more.

"To answer your question, I've thought of someone who can be my friend."

"Really? Who is it?"

"Yes, it'll be my old man's business rival's son."

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