Chapter 9

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** Ochako's POV **

* 2 Days Later *

I rummaged through my closet trying to find a dress for the party. I turn around and see Mom with her arms crossed over her chest. "Don't worry, I'll clean up the mess," I said, picking up some of the clothes. "Sweetie, I suggested going to the mall to buy a dress. But you said that you have one in your closet." Mom walked into the room and started helping me. "I could've sworn that I had one," I exclaimed, starting to panic. "Maybe you should go to Midoriya and tell him that you can't attend the party."

I rapidly shook my head but Mom pushed me out of the room. I see Dad in the living room with a grumpy face. "Dad, what's with that face," I questioned, pointing at him. "Oh, just ignore your dad. He's just grumpy." Mom continued pushing me but dad stopped her. "Of course, I'm going to be annoyed! Knowing that my baby girl is going to a party and on top of that it's a date," he exclaimed, hugging me. "I-it's not a date! Plus, I don't think I can go since I don't have a dress and I have to tell him!"

Dad lets go of me and gives me a wide smile. "Then go tell him the good- I mean bad news!" Dad gently pushes me out of the door and closes it. I went over to Midoriya's door but I hesitated to knock on it. "Midoriya, are you home? I need to tell you something," I called out, knocking on the door. After a moment, Midoriya finally answered the door but he was shirtless. I could feel my face heat up and I quickly covered my eyes. I didn't think Midoriya would have a shredded body!

"That's because I worked out for 10 months and still do."

"D-did you hear me? W-wait, d-did I say that o-out l-loud?"

"Yes, you said it out loud. What is it that you need to talk about, Fruitcake?"

"U-umm... I d-don't have a dress... I c-could've sworn that I had one! I don't think I can go to the party. I'm so sorry!"

"I thought something like this would happen. Come inside with me."

I opened my mouth to say something but I could feel him giving me a harsh glare to not question him. He lets me inside and closes the door behind me. "You know, you can take your hands off your eyes," Midoriya whispered, in my ear. I quickly backed away from him and went for the punch but he caught it. "My my, such a reaction from you." He lowered my fist and walked away to his room. I plopped down on the couch trying to calm down my fast-beating heart and there's no doubt my face is beet red.

I took some deep breaths then went to Midoriya's bookshelf so I can distract myself. A lot of books are from an author named Junji Ito so I just picked out a book. Just when I saw the book's cover my heart instantly dropped to my stomach. I quickly put it back on the shelf and try to look for another one. I found a book called "The Body in the Woods" by April Henry and began reading it. I got so absorbed in the book that I didn't hear Midoriya calling me.

"Ochako Uraraka! Can you not hear me," he questioned, pinching my cheek. "Ow! Please, don't squeeze my cheek! I'm sorry!" Midoriya starts squeezing a little harder and lets go of my cheek. It started to sting a little so I rubbed my cheek to ease the sting. "I see that you're reading one of my books... Anyways, your dress is in the first room on the left side of the hallway," he said, taking the book from me. I quickly go inside the room and see a short pink off-shoulder lace tulle dress laid out for me, so I put it on.

I quickly slipped in matching high heels that came with the dress and went out of the room

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I quickly slipped in matching high heels that came with the dress and went out of the room. I didn't see Midoriya in the living room and assumed that he's in his room getting ready. I went to the living room and found the book on the coffee table. I sat down and started reading to pass time while waiting for Midoriya. A few minutes later, I hear a door clicked open then shut closed. "Are you ready?" I turn around and see Midoriya wearing a maroon button-down shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a matching black tie, vest, pants, and shoes.

"Oh, wow! Midoriya, you look so cool!"

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"Oh, wow! Midoriya, you look so cool!"

"... We should get going before my brother starts complaining. He's an impatient person."

"Oh, okay... Wait, can I borrow this book from you? I promise to take care of it! And return it to you in perfect conditions! Please, with a cherry on top!"

"... Oh... Sure, I guess. Leave it here and when we come back you can borrow it. Make sure to return it when you finish reading it."

I nodded my head and left the book on the coffee table. We headed out but then Mom and Dad stopped us. "Oh my goodness, Ochako, you look so beautiful! Oh, Midoriya, you look so cool! Let me get the camera," Mom exclaimed, leaving to get the camera. Dad started to glare at Midoriya while I started fidgeting around. "I want my daughter to be back by midnight." Midoriya nodded his head then Mom came back with a camera in her hands. "Alright, start posing for the camera," she said, holding up the camera.

"Hmm... Something is missing about you, Uraraka." I turn my head towards him and see that he pulled out a pink rose hair clip. "It's pretty! And it matches with Ochako's dress! Midoriya, why don't you put the hair clip on Ochako," Mom asked, motioning to Midoriya. He got closer to me and tilted my head to look up at him. I heard a few clicks then Midoriya placed the hair clip on my head. I heard some more clicks then turned to Mom and Dad. "Perfect! I got some photos!"

"Hey, Izuku! Are you and your date ready to go?! Let's hurry up and not waste any more time!"

I waved to Mom and Dad and gently pushed Midoriya so we could go without Dad throwing a fit. We got downstairs and got in Ichirō's car. "Hi, Ochako! Are you excited about the party," he asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "Hi, Ichirō... I'm nervous but I think I'll be okay." He turned to his brother and opened his mouth to say something. "Don't talk to me and keep your eyes on the road. Otherwise, we'll get into an accident." And with that, the ride was awkward and quiet.

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