Chapter 3

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** Ochako's POV **

* Lunchtime *

I sat on a chair where there was an empty table without any food since I forgot my bento box at home. I started looking around the cafeteria and noticed a lot of people with their friends. I pulled out my sketchbook and started sketching until I heard a chair being pulled out in front of me. I quickly close my sketchbook, look up, and see the guy who ran into class and started yelling. "Hello, my name is Tenya Iida. I'm supposed to give you a tour around the school since you're new," he said, taking a seat in front of me.

I put my sketchbook back in my bag and nervously faced him. "Yeah, I'm new. The guy with the scary glare was supposed to give me a tour but I came late so he couldn't do it," I said, then suddenly I feel chills running through my body. "Scary glare, you say? I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about me." I couldn't face him but I could feel his stare at the back of my head. I finally turned my head around to face him but it was hard to maintain eye contact with him. He looked a little amused watching me struggling to maintain eye contact.

"Heh, such a determined and stubborn girl. I suggest for you to give up because nobody is able to maintain eye contact with me."


"You stuttered. Oh? Your cheeks are all red. You're blushing, aren't you? Ready to give up?"

"N-no! N-never!"

I couldn't help but avoid his eyes and cover my cheeks with my hands. "That's what I thought. You wasted 5 minutes of your time and it's time for you to go on a tour. Get to it now," he said, looking at the watch on his wrist. His tone was ice cold which caused us to flinch. "Hey! I'm not done with you, Deku!" He ignored the blonde boy and went on his way out of the cafeteria. Is his name Deku? That's an odd name to call him. I quickly got up from my seat and so did Iida and we sneaked out of the cafeteria before the blonde noticed us.

* 30 Minutes Later *

Iida showed me around the school within 30 minutes. "Thanks for showing me around, Iida! I hope that I don't get lost since it's a pretty big school," I said, walking with him to our next class. "I'm sure you won't get lost. Do you have any questions?" I started thinking about some questions that I have in mind. I'll start with some basic questions then the ones about "Deku". "I do have questions.... What is your role in the classroom? I'm just asking because of what happened in the morning."

"Oh, I'm the class president of Class 1-A. I make sure everything is in order in our classroom," he answered, cleaning his glasses with a little cloth. "That's really cool! Is there a vice class president, too?" He smiled and nodded his head and then pointed at a girl with long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail. "That's the vice president. Her name is Momo Yaoyorozu. You can also ask her for help when you need it," he explained, waving at Yaoyorozu. She waves back and sees me then smiles at me and I do the same.

I was going to ask Iida about the blonde boy but the bell started ringing. We all quickly went into class and took our seats and then the teacher came in with a yellow sleeping bag. "I know that I'm supposed to give you a lesson but I'm really tired so you can have a free period... Don't bother me while I'm sleeping," he said, putting on the sleeping bag and laying on the ground. Some of the students started moving around and Iida sat in front of me. "Does the teacher always sleep during class," I asked, pointing at the teacher. "Yeah, sometimes."

I nodded my head understanding but I don't know his name and I don't think he knows that he has a new student since I didn't see him this morning. "What's the teacher's name? I don't think I saw him this morning," I said, feeling a little embarrassed. "That's Mr. Aizawa. He was in class the whole time this morning but the problem is that he was sleeping under his desk. Don't worry, he just sleeps a lot." I was so surprised by what Iida said about Mr. Aizawa being in class this morning. "Do you still have any other questions?"

"Yeah, I still do. What's the blonde boy's name? The one that was knocked out."

"That was Katsuki Bakugou. He's an aggressive and short-tempered person. I suggest that you try and not get in his way."

"Okay, I'll remember that... What's the name of the guy with a scary glare? Is it Deku or is it not?... What's Bakugou's relationship with him?... I'm just asking because I feel like they know each other."

"I see you're being very nosy. I suggest that you should mind your own business."

I shivered by the sudden cold voice whispering in my ear. I quickly turn my head to the side and then I feel something on my lips. I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm kissing "Deku". Wait! I'm kissing someone that I don't know! "Look! She's kissing the school president." He quickly pulls away and puts his arm over his mouth. "I'm s-sorry! I'm r-really s-sorry," I apologized, blushing from what happened. He gave me the nastiest glare that I've ever seen and gave Iida a stack of papers.

"None of you are to speak of this ever in your life! If I ever find out someone blabbing about what happened just now I will make your life a living hell!"

And with that he gave us a nasty glare and then stormed out of the classroom. Everyone was silent and turned their heads toward me while I was still blushing and sinking into my seat. I want to crawl into a bottomless pit and never be seen again. "Alright, stop staring at her! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Continue to whatever you were doing," Iida said, catching everyone's attention. They resume to what they were doing before while I feel a few stares from a few girls.

Iida placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a sympathetic look. "Uraraka, are you okay," he asked, letting go of my shoulder while I face-planted on my desk. "No... That was my first kiss but I'm not worried about that... I'm more worried about that guy... Who is he?" I faced Iida and he gave me a sign to get closer then I leaned towards him. "That was Izuku Midoriya... He's the school president," he answered. I was speechless then slowly started panicking... I accidentally kissed the school president!

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