Chapter 21

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•• Izuku's POV ••

In my sleep, I feel my arms clumsily wrapped around something warm and comforting, it was something soft and plump. I start to stir a little from a sweet soft scent, it smells nice. I snuggle closer, burying my face into something soft and plump. The sweet scent is a lot stronger so I inhale it deeply, it smells like strawberries. I sigh softly and feel small sparks while also feeling warm and fuzzy. This feeling is foreign to me, I never felt like this before. I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm nuzzling against Uraraka's chest, I immediately but quietly pull away from her. I feel my face heat up as I look at her still sleeping peacefully unaware of what just happened.

She's a little too carefree, does she not know that she's sleeping next to a guy on his bed? I take a look at her while she slumbers, she's very cute. Uraraka has short bouncy soft hair, a soft round face, innocent doe brown eyes, soft pink cheeks, a button nose, and soft plump lips. She always has a smile on her face and her personality is kind and bubbly. I sigh and shake my head as I slowly and quietly get out of bed without disturbing her sleep. I stretch my limbs uncomfortably since I still have the arm sling and still feel groggy from waking up. I get out of my room and head to the kitchen to brew some coffee.

I stare at the coffee machine as it brews coffee and the smell of coffee fills the kitchen. I hear someone stir on the couch, then I remember that Todoroki is sleeping there and hear footsteps towards me so I look up from the coffee machine. "... Morning, Midoriya, brewing coffee?" Todoroki asked, stretching his arms. "... Obviously, want some?" I answered with a question as the coffee machine finished brewing the coffee. He thinks about it for a moment and agrees, "Sure, why not? I could use the extra boost for the day." I nod and pour him a cup and hand it over to him as he takes the cup from my hand and pours myself a cup of coffee.

"When do you think your father will want you to go back home?" I asked.

"Hmm... Eventually but I don't have any interest in going back. You have a bad relationship with your father, right?"

I hesitate for a second, "... Yeah, you can say that. I hate talking about it though. Makes my blood boil just thinking about him."

"Yeah, I get it. I wonder who got the most fucked up relationship with their father." Todoroki smiled, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Kinda sounds like a competition. Might as well say it's neck to neck."

I take a sip of my coffee, feeling the warmth of the coffee spread in my body while waking my body up. Todoroki blurts out questions, "When will Uraraka wake up? Does she usually sleep in?" I nodded and continued drinking my coffee before answering, "It depends on her. Sometimes she'll wake up early, other times she'll sleep in." Just when I said that I heard my bedroom door click shut, Fruitcake emerged from the hallway and greeted us, "Good morning, guys! I smell coffee, I'm going to help myself to some coffee so I hope you guys don't mind." She gets a mug, pours herself some coffee, and adds a splash of milk into her coffee as she stirs her coffee with a spoon.

"So, do you guys have anything to do today?" Fruitcake asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Todoroki or I didn't answer her question. "Okay, I'll take that as a no. Don't you have any fun hobbies to do?" She asked again, setting her cup of coffee on the counter. I reply, "... I spend my free time reading or watching movies." Then Todoroki replies flatly, "... I spend my free time visiting my mother. Don't ask me questions about my mother." Neither of us spoke a word to Todoroki since it wasn't any of our business to meddle, we just nodded and continued drinking our cups of coffee. I finish my coffee and immediately wash my cup.

I secretly look over to Fruitcake and see her eyes lit up with excitement as if she got an idea. "I just got an idea," she says excitedly, "We should do something together! We can go out somewhere." Todoroki and I blurt out in sync, "Why?" I walk over to Fruitcake and tower over her while crossing my arm over the arm sling as I look down at her with a raised eyebrow, "What's your endgame? Care to explain why you want all of us to hang out?" She blushes and looks away from my gaze as she stutters her words, "... Th-there's an awkward t-tension between all of us... I-I thought we could do s-something together so the a-apartment can have less a-awkward tension."

She did have a point since the atmosphere in the apartment is awkward and tense, and we have to have some sort of easygoing activity for all of us to live comfortably. "... Do you have any ideas where can we go?" I remind her, "Your options are limited since I have an arm sling." She continues avoiding my gaze and then Todoroki blurts out, "Stop flirting. We can just go to the mall." I immediately turn to Todoroki and glare at him as I sneer, "We aren't flirting, Todoroki." He rolls his eyes as if he doesn't believe me and makes a remark, "Yeah right, I'll believe it when I see Uraraka isn't nervous or blushing."

I was going to say something but Fruitcake blurts out, "Yeah, going to the mall is a great idea! I'll go get ready!" I turn around and watch her disappear in the hallway so it's just me and Todoroki. "Does she have a crush on you or something?" He asked, finishing his cup of coffee. I stay quiet for a moment and mumble, "... Just get ready, Todoroki. We'll be leaving in a few minutes." I go back to my room and rummage through the closet, I find a white sweatshirt and a pair of black pants. I manage to change out of my pajamas into the black pants but now I can't put on my sweatshirt, there's a limit to my mobility on my left arm. I walk out of my room shirtless and knock on Fruitcake's bedroom door as I call her out, "... Fruitcake, I need... your help."

She slightly opens the bedroom door and peeks her head out once she sees me shirtless, she blushes profusely and immediately covers her eyes. She looks like a tomato with her red complexion, I notice she's still in her pajamas as I walk into her room. "... Fruitcake, you have seen me shirtless before," I whispered in her ear. She lets out a small squeal and backs away from me as her face gets redder than before. She stumbles back, and I immediately catch her by placing my right hand on the small of her back. Fruitcake's extremely red face is covered with her hands while I whisper to her, "Hey, you're very clumsy. You know that, right?" Suddenly, her bedroom door opens and Todoroki looks at us with a slightly surprised expression.

"... Oh, excuse me... Sorry about interrupting your moment," Todoroki stammered, closing the bedroom door before him.

Fruitcake stands up straight and exclaims, "No, wait! It's not what it looks like!"

I let her go and hand her my white sweatshirt as I mumble, "... Just help me put on my sweatshirt, Fruitcake."

"O-okay," she whispers, helping me put on the sweatshirt, "I also need help with my outfit."

"... I'll help you," I whisper under my breath, "... Don't worry your pretty little head."

"Thank you." She shyly looks away and realizes something then asks me, "W-what did you say in the last part?"

"It's nothing important," I answer, "I'll just go through your closet and see if I can find something for you to wear." I walk over to her closet and open the closet's doors then pull out a white off-shoulder trumpet sleeve crop tee and a high-rise cuffed hem denim shorts. "... There you go. No more issues, Fruitcake," I blurt out, placing her clothes on her bed. I walk over to the bedroom door and open it as I tell her softly, "Todoroki and I will wait for you at the front door." I walk out of her room and close the door behind me, I make my way to the front door and see Todoroki already waiting there as I put on my shoes. Fruitcake suddenly calls out from the hallway, "I'm ready! We can go to the mall now!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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