Chapter 19

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•• Izuku's POV ••

My hand suddenly gets grabbed so I turn to see Fruitcake looking pale. I can tell that she's afraid by her pale skin, clammy hand, and eyes widened in alarm. I've never seen her this fearful before so I whisper to her, "Why are you suddenly so afraid?" She stuttered back, "I-it's because I've b-been followed before. Back when I u-used to live in my d-dodgy neighborhood." She must've been followed many times before during that time. I grip her hand and pull her closer to me as I try to come up with a plan. We can try running away but I don't think she'll be able to keep up with me. Although, there is another way that might work.

But I need something from her, I'll have to see if she's willing to do it. "Fruitcake, I have an idea to lose that person," I confided, looking straight ahead. I can feel her eyes on me as she whimpers, "By running away?" I nod and continue, "But before that, there's something I need from you." She takes a deep breath and asks, "What is it, Midoriya?" I turn to her again and look into her eyes then answer with a question, "Do you trust me?" She gave me a puzzled look while I impatiently sigh and urged, "Just trust me, Fruitcake." She didn't hesitate to agree, "I trust you, Midoriya." She forced a smile, I frowned at her fake smile.

We turn to a corner so I scoop her up, holding her bridal style. "M-Midoriya!" She squealed, blushing profusely and covering her face. Then Fruitcake muffles, "Will you be okay carrying me?" I made sure to have my left arm under her legs and the other supporting her back so I don't take a toll on my injury. "... It's fine, don't worry about me," I reassured her, adjusting my grip on her. Suddenly, Fruitcake quietly berates herself, "I'm too heavy for him." But I'm not getting that impression, she's light as a feather and she earned herself a talk with me later. "Hold on tight, Fruitcake," I advised, as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I started running as soon as I heard footsteps getting closer to us. From a decent distance, I take a glimpse behind us and see that person running after us. I take a turn but I can hear the person's pounding footsteps keeping up with me. I pick up the pace and take another turn then glance back to see the person far behind us. I started taking one wrong turn after another until we got to the apartment. I run upstairs only to see Todoroki with a couple of suitcases at my doorstep, he looks at us confused. I set Fruitcake down and unlocked the door then ushered them inside. I instantly shut the door and lock it as I steady my breathing.

"... Todoroki, what the hell were you doing at my doorstep?"

"... Well, I had an argument with my old man and walked out on him before the argument escalated."

"Must've been one hell of an argument for you to walk out. But, how do you know where I live?"

"The information is classified for a reason which I can not disclose... Do you mind if I live with you?"

"... You're already here with suitcases. I just have to find a space for you."

He looked confused when I said that so I let out a long sigh and admitted, "... Uraraka lives here with me." His eyes widen in shock and ask, "Uraraka, are you a runaway or something?" I came close to laughing but I maintained my composure. In an instant, she shook her head and answered, "No, no, my parents live next door. I just feel guilty about Midoriya's injury because it was my fault he got hurt." Instead of spelling it out like she usually does, she kept it short and simple. Satisfied with her answer, Todoroki didn't ask any further questions and there was silence. The atmosphere got extremely awkward and uncomfortable.

Suddenly, there's a loud growl and I turn towards it only to see Fruitcake blushing. "I'm so sorry! I'll go make some snacks for us," she exclaimed, running to the kitchen. I sit over on the couch and Todoroki follows, we maintain distance and don't say a word to each other. A few minutes later, Fruitcake comes into the living room with a tray, she sets the tray on the coffee table and sits next to me. She serves me first with a plate of a ham club sandwich with a small bowl of fruits and serves Todoroki next then she serves herself last. We thanked her for the food and started eating the food in uncomfortable silence.

•• Ochako's POV ••

• 2 Hours Later •

After we finish eating dinner, we let Todoroki take a shower first as we wait for our turn. To kill some time, I go through my bag and I still have the book Midoriya let me borrow so I continue reading where I left off. "... How far are you in the book?" Midoriya asked as I maintained my face buried in the book. I replied, "I'm halfway through the book. I try to read as much as I can whenever I have the chance." He then asks another question, "Have you ever found it boring?" I instantly respond, "Not at all, this book is not boring by a long shot. I'm enjoying the mystery and suspense of the intense rescues and crime scene investigations."

I place a bookmark and close the book as I turn toward him and ask, "What made you think that way, Midoriya?" He thinks for a moment and replies with a question, "You don't know or are you pretending?" I was taken aback by his question but continued, "I honestly don't know what you're talking about." What is he trying to do? I can't read his thoughts, emotions, or intentions. "You usually read a completely different genre than mystery or any other genre," he implied, tapping his finger on the book. His tapping catches my attention, I look down at the book and turn back to him only to see him leaning towards me.

I gasp and blush since our faces are inches away from each other, I instantly close my eyes shut and there was a whisper in my ear, "Don't think that I haven't noticed, I've seen you read only romance novels." I open my eyes and notice him leaning back in his seat. I turn away from him, I can't let him see my embarrassed state. I can't believe I fell for it again, I want the ground to open and swallow me whole! I hear the bathroom door being opened so I stand up and run to my room, get my things then run to the bathroom. I locked the door but was able to hear Todoroki talking on the other side, "Did something happen to her?"

"Not that I know of," Midoriya replied, "she can be very quirky." Quirky?! I'm not quirky! The only reason I reacted that way was because he was up close to my face! What does he get out of me blushing?! Oh, he is so going to pay for this! I strip off my clothes and hop in the shower, I don't take long in the shower and quickly put on clothing as I wrap my hair in a towel. I unlock and open the door as I walk out, I see Midoriya and Todoroki discussing amongst themselves. "Oh, Ochako, can you come here?" Midoriya requested as I walked over to them. I was going to ask but he interrupted me, "Todoroki and I were thinking about watching a movie."

"A movie? Why?"

"... It's just a spontaneous idea. Care to join us?"

"Are we going to the movie theaters or stream it on the flatscreen TV?"

"We'll be streaming it here. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, sure, I don't mind! I can make some snacks while you shower, Midoriya."

He nodded and left while I went to the kitchen, I opened the cabinet and saw the box of popcorn but I couldn't reach it. I turned around to get the step stool and noticed Todoroki was behind me. "Oh, Todoroki, I didn't know you were behind me. Is there something you need?" I offered, looking up at him. He meets my gaze and answers, "Not really, I wanted to ask if you need any help with preparing the snacks." I nod and agree, "Yes, you can help me. You make the popcorn while I make something else." He nodded and grabbed the box of popcorn from the cabinet with ease while I went ahead making a different snack.

After ten minutes, we finished making the snacks and made our way to the living room and saw Midoriya had already picked out a movie. "Just in time, the movie is about to start," he stated, turning the lights off. Todoroki and I set the snacks on the coffee table and take a seat while Midoriya does the same. "Nachos as a movie snack? How unexpected," he blurted, taking a nacho chip. The movie starts and it seems normal at first but it gets a little weird. I can't ask Midoriya about it now since he's so invested in the movie. There are paranormal activity scenes, and that's when I realize the movie is a... HORROR MOVIE!

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