Chapter 15

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** Ochako's POV **

The doctor nodded his head and asked, "Are you his girlfriend or just his neighbor?" I blushed at his question as I avoided eye contact with the doctor and stuttered, "N-no, I'm not his g-girlfriend. I'm just his n-neighbor." The doctor hums in response as he puts something down on the medical files while I can feel Midoriya's stare burning holes through me as I avoid eye contact with him. "Okay, Midoriya, do you feel any pain or discomfort?" the doctor asked, looking up from the medical files. Midoriya starts writing on the whiteboard and flips it over which says, "The pain reliever medicine works wonders but the damn oxygen ventilator is stopping me from eating and talking. I want to rip it out of my mouth."

Midoriya starts erasing the whiteboard as the doctor replies, "I'm sorry to hear that but you need the oxygen ventilator otherwise you'll have trouble breathing." Midoriya was going to write on the whiteboard when I blurted out, "Doctor, how long does the bruise take to heal? So he will be able to eat and talk." He thought for a moment and replied. "It'll probably take a couple of weeks, Miss... I'll take my leave since I have other patients to attend. Have a good day, you two." The doctor left the room and there was an uncomfortable silence. Then I felt Midoriya's glare burning holes through me as I tried to ignore his glare but it's impossible to ignore when he glares at me so intensely.

I took a deep breath and finally turned to him then I spoke up. "What? I just asked a simple question, Midoriya. I bet you also had that question in mind." I start staring at him intensely and his glare softens a little then he looks away and starts writing on the whiteboard. He flips it over and it says, "You stole my question, Fruitcake. Anyways, Ichirō will come back around this time since he works part-time." I nodded my head as he cleans the whiteboard then there was a knock on the door which made our heads turn to see who was at the door. "Hey! I brought food for me and the noncrippled person," Ichirō said, walking over to us with two bento boxes. He hands me a bento and asks, "Did I miss anything?"

"Well, the doctor said that Midoriya has a clavicle fracture but he doesn't need any surgeries. However, he also needs physical therapy to restore shoulder motion."

"Damn, Izuku has to wait until the bruise is healed, right?"

"Yeah, the doctor also said that Midoriya will need someone's help while his arm is immobilized."

"Oh, I would help my little brother but it would arouse suspicion when our dad notices that I'm gone for most of the time."

"Don't worry, Ichirō. I'm going to help Midoriya since I'm responsible for his injuries."

"That's great, I think it's better if you move in with Izuku until he is fully healed."

* 2 weeks later *

I close the suitcase and zip it shut when there's a knock on my bedroom door so I turn around and see Mom with a worried look. "Ochako, are you sure about this?" she asked, approaching me. I let out a sigh and replied. "Mom, I'm fine. I need to do this, he saved me and because of me, he's injured. Plus, I'll be next door so don't worry." She nodded as I grabbed my suitcase and headed out of my room as I walked down the hallway. I see Dad looking so focused on something. "Dad, what are you doing?" I asked, setting down my suitcase. He didn't reply then Mom opened the door and said, "Ignore your dad, Sweetie. He's in one of his overprotective dad phases. Hurry before he holds you as if you were a hostage."

She gently pushes me out the door and closes it behind me just then I hear the door open and close so I turn around and see my suitcase on the ground with a note on it. The note says, "I'm sorry, Sweetie. Your father would've got a hold of you and never let you go but he needs to understand that you'll be next door, it's not like you're going to another country." I let out a sigh when a voice spoke up, "Wow, your father doesn't want you to leave home. He needs to learn that his only child will start her own life as she gets older." I let out a small scream and quickly turned around only to see Midoriya with a blank stare then the door swung open revealing Dad with a worried expression.

He goes over to me and asks, "Ochako, are you okay? What happened?" I nodded my head and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine, Dad. Midoriya just scared me, that's all." Dad turns around and glares at Midoriya but he doesn't seem unfazed by Dad's glare. "Mr. Uraraka, are you willing to pay my medical bill? Let me tell you, it's quite expensive," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. Dad grits his teeth but didn't say anything and looked away then left in a huff. "I'm sorry about my dad, Midoriya. He's just overprotective," I apologized, letting out a nervous laugh. "It's understandable since you're his one and only daughter but he has to let go once you'll get married."

I couldn't help but blush profusely and squirm at the thought of dating let alone marriage. I twiddle my thumbs and stutter, "I d-don't think I-I'll ever get m-married."Midoriya picks up my suitcase and turns around then says, "You say that now and next you know you're already married." He walks away after saying those words while I stand there frozen, blushing and trying to register his words. "... Well, are you coming or just continue staring?" he said, turning back around with a glare. His glare is always unsettling, making me shiver and uneasy. I quickly reply, "Yeah, of course! I'm coming, I'm coming!" I quickly walk over to Midoriya and open his apartment door for him but he looks at me with a frown.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Don't you know what you did?"

"No? What do you mean?"

"You don't know, Fruitcake?"

"I honestly don't know, Midoriya."

"I'll give you a few seconds to think."

I thought about it when I realized that I opened the door for him. "Were you frowning because I opened the door for you? I'm helping you since you're carrying my suitcase, right?" I asked, still holding the door. Midoriya huffed and went inside so I followed him behind as I closed the door and then locked it. He turns his head and asks, "Did you just lock the door?" I was confused but replied, "... Yeah, is there a problem?" He shook his head and said something but I couldn't hear what he said. I followed him until he got to the same first room where I changed into my dress. "This it'll be your room and my room is across from yours," he said, setting down my suitcase.

Midoriya opens the bedroom so I go inside and it looks clean and neat as I sit on the edge of the bed. I started looking around the room, it was plain without any decoration in sight even my room had some decorations. Suddenly, I hear a loud thump next to me so I turn to see. Midoriya standing next to me, he's so close to me. I kept staring at him but I must've got his attention because he turned towards me. Our faces inches away from each other, I blushed but I couldn't stop staring into his green eyes. Midoriya cupped my right cheek which made me gasp and blush even more but then he started leaning toward me.

I quickly closed my eyes shut then there was a whisper in my ear, "Stop staring at me or I'll pinch your cute cheek." I open my eyes and see Midoriya standing there with his hand on my cheek. My face was still flushed but I looked at him confused then asked, "W-what?" He suddenly pinches my cheek and it starts to sting, making me cry out, "Midoriya, stop! Please, it stings!" He lets go of my cheek as I quickly start to massage it to soothe the pain. He turned to leave when I realized that he whispered something in my ear. "Wait! What did you whisper in my ear?" I asked, stopping him. He replied. "I said to stop staring or I'll pinch your cheeks."

Huh? I could've sworn I heard him say something about my cheeks.

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