Chapter 6

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** Ochako's POV **

We just stared at the principal and didn't say anything. Midoriya just gave the principal a hard cold glare and gritted his teeth. "Mr. Nezu, I'm capable of doing my assignments without any help. There's no need for me to have a personal assistant," he said, trying to contain his anger. "Midoriya, try to calm down!" I quickly grabbed his hand but he quickly took his hand away from my grasp and walked out of the office. "This kid... I knew he would react like that," Mr. Nezu sighed, looking down at his desk and motioning his paw for me to sit down.

I sat down and tried to process what just happened. "Mr. Nezu, I don't think that I'm qualified to be Midoriya's personal assistant. I'm pretty sure someone else is more qualified than me... For example, Momo Yaoyorozu or Tenya Iida," I suggested, twiddling my thumbs. "I can see where you're coming from but Yaoyorozu and Iida can't because Midoriya is a cutthroat person... I have another reason why I want to be Midoriya's personal assistant." I became curious about Mr. Nezu's other reason.

"My other reason is for you to change Midoriya's attitude. He makes it impossible for him to have friends and have a normal life."

I was shocked to hear that Mr. Nezu wants me to change Midoriya's attitude and for him to have friends also have a normal life. "Did he not have a normal life before," I questioned, feeling sorry for Midoriya. "I don't know since he never opened up before. He's a quiet and unfriendly kid... Also, be mentally prepared for Midoriya since he can be overwhelming... Uraraka, please don't give up on him. People had given up on him." I was determined to change Midoriya so I nodded my head and excused myself to look for Midoriya.

Once I got out of Mr. Nezu's office and I saw Midoriya leaning against the wall. "So, Mr. Nezu wants you to help me with the assignments I have as the school president... I also know that he wants you to change my attitude toward others... He really doesn't give up and he didn't tell you that he tried other people to get me to change but they fail so quickly," he said, glaring at me causing me to flinch. I was determined to change him so I got closer to him and smiled at him. "Mr. Cold-Hearted President, I'm determined to change you! I'm a stubborn person!"

"Well, that's not happening any time soon since we just got more assignments. You're in for a ride, Fruitcake," he said, scrolling through his phone. "What did you just call me?" Midoriya didn't say anything to me and walked away leaving me standing alone in the hallway. "... Well, are you going to just stand there or follow me," he called out, glaring at me from the distance. I ran towards him once I got closer to him and suddenly I tripped on my own feet. I feel something hard and warm so I start sliding my hand and feel a few heartbeats.

"Are you done groping against my chest, Fruitcake?"

"W-wait... W-what?"

I quickly sit up and see Midoriya under me glaring ever so coldly. I blushed crimson and quickly got off of him. I held out my hand to help Midoriya but he didn't take my hand. "Was that your way to change my attitude, Fruitcake? I'm just asking since I still feel like myself," he said, as he gets up on his own. "N-no! It w-was an a-accident! I'm s-sorry! I'm so s-sorry!" I kept on apologizing to Midoriya until I noticed that he was gone. I went to the bathroom to calm down once I was done I decided to go to class.

* Lunchtime *

Iida and I found an empty table and started eating once we sat there. We ate in comfortable silence until I decided to break the silence. "Hey Iida, what does fruitcake mean," I questioned, facing him. "Isn't fruitcake a type of cake? Why are you asking?" Huh? Why does Midoriya keep calling me that? "Wait... Midoriya calls you that," Iida asked, his outburst causing a few heads turns. Did I say that out loud? I saw a few people staring at us and I panicked. "Shhh! He only called me that a few times but I don't know what it means. That's why I asked you."

Iida thought for a moment and shrugged his shoulders. "Why don't you ask Midoriya? He'll probably tell you," he suggested and started drinking his cup of water. "That's a really good obvious question, Iida. Why didn't you ask me, Uraraka?" I didn't say anything so I just sat there frozen not moving an inch. "Not going to talk, huh? Is it because you remember that you groped against my chest," Midoriya asked, which caused Iida to spit out his drink. He began coughing so I quickly went over to him and started patting his back.

"I don't have much time but I need to ask you a question, Uraraka... Do you have any electronics like a phone, tablet, or laptop?"

I decided to stall time for him since he said that he doesn't have time so he must be in a hurry. "I'll answer your question if you tell me what's fruitcake," I suggested, while Midoriya just glares at me. "Not this again... You didn't answer my question last time. I don't have time for this." Midoriya sounded angry then we heard a loud bang across the cafeteria. "Deku! You think you can hide from me, huh?! Hey, I'm talking to you, nerd!" Midoriya just rolled his eyes and turned around to face Bakugou.

"Bakugou, what a pleasant surprise. What do I owe you?"

"Quit being a smartass! You know exactly what I'm talking about, Deku!"

"Hmmm... I don't remember anything. What are you talking about, Bakugou? Or should I say Kacchan."

"Don't fucking call me that! I'll beat the shit out of you!"

"Oh my god, I'm not afraid of you. When will you grow up, Bakugou?"

It didn't take long after Midoriya said that because Bakugou tried to throw a punch at Midoriya. But he dodged it then Bakugou threw another punch and Midoriya caught it. "Bakugou, you're so predictable. I can tell what's your next move. Just give up now," he said, twisting his arm. "Don't tell me what to do! Let go of my arm!" Midoriya lets go of his arm and turns around to face me. "This is what I mean by I don't have time," he said, walking past me. "Hey! I'm not done with you, Deku!" Get back here!"

Midoriya didn't say anything and walked out of the cafeteria. Iida and I sneaked out of the cafeteria before Bakugou could turn towards us. "Does that happen all the time," I asked, walking down the hallway. "Sometimes... Midoriya tries to avoid him since he doesn't want to deal with Bakugou. That's why Midoriya stays in his office most of the time." I nodded understanding the situation and remembered something. "Argh! I forgot to ask Midoriya where's his office since I became his assistant," I exclaimed, wanting to crawl into a hole.

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