Chapter 16

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** Izuku's POV **

I walk out of the room and close the door behind me, leaving Fruitcake with her thoughts. I quietly go into my room to collect my thoughts as I close the door behind me and sit on my desk chair. I leaned back on the chair and thought about what happened in Fruitcake's room. I saw everything, I saw how she blushed when I was close to her and got more flustered when I touched her. She closed her eyes as I leaned toward her. Does Fruitcake have a secret crush on me? No, that's impossible she can't have a crush on me, there's absolutely no way in hell she has a crush on me. It must've been a fragment of my imagination. I must've been seeing things.

But, why do I have this funny feeling in my chest? Am I sick? I don't feel sick in any weird way. I ignore the feeling since it's not a big deal, it'll be long forgotten before it resurfaces. There isn't anything much to do for me since I do everything ahead of time. I look over at my bookshelf and a book catches my eye but I didn't bother taking a look at it because I know what kind of book it was. I walk over to my bed and lay on my side, my eyes start feeling heavy then I fall asleep. A few minutes passed and I was standing alone in total darkness with the same fucking door again. I'm so pissed to the point that I punched a hole in the door.

"I don't need to go through that hell hole over and over again! It's always the same bullshit!.. But the last time when I was in the hospital was different from the ones before," I trailed off, taking my fist out of the hole. I walk away from the door but then the door bursts open and the black mass emerges, it heads towards me so I stop in my tracks and let it grab me. It pulls me back toward the door. I didn't bother fighting back and the door disappeared before my eyes. I let out a long sigh and murmured, "Meh, it doesn't matter if I try to escape... It never fucking matters." The black mass lets go of me so I sit on the ground with my head down then let out another long sigh.

Why do I always have the same dream? I've been having the same dream for years, it's never a different dream. Everything is the same the total darkness down to those hateful voices. "My life is a joke, I hate my miserable life," I sneered, glaring at the ground. I finally look up and see a dim light from a distance but I ignore it since it wasn't worth going after. It started shining brightly, blinding my eyes causing me to cover them. After a couple of minutes, I uncovered my eyes and saw the pitch-black darkness go to snow white but I was unimpressed. I just shake my head since I can care less about what just happened, I lay down on the ground, staring up.

I suddenly hear a soft voice, calling out my first name, "Izuku?.. Izuku?.. Izuku?" I frown, pretending that I don't hear the voice as I turn away from it. The voice gets louder and louder until I turn around and hiss out, "What the fuck do you want?" The light was there, the same one that was in my dream when I was in the hospital. It turns into a girl, she's glowing brightly but yet again I can't see her face. I decided to try and start a conversation with her to see if she can say anything else. "You only call out my name and nothing else. There's no reason for you to get my attention if you have nothing to say," I complained, glaring at the girl.

"... Life is cruel and unfair, isn't it? The world is also a cold and chaotic place yet you survived."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your heart..."

"What about it? Is there something wrong with my heart?"

"Your cold heart is like an ice cube in the middle of burning flames but it never melted because it learned to survive."

"... Such nonsense. You don't know anything about me or my life. You can't compare my heart to an ice cube."

I don't want to continue my conversation with her since she started talking about life, the world, and my heart. I turn around and walk away from her, I don't want to hear any more bullshit from her. The girl didn't stop me but spoke up, "Walking away, I see. What benefit will it do for you?" That made me stop in my tracks and snap at her, "Why would I listen to a faceless, nameless girl? Who thinks she knows and understands me when she doesn't at all." She didn't say anything but appeared in front of me in the blink of an eye and it surprised me a little. I quickly recompose myself and she went on to change the subject, "There's going to be a certain girl who will change you."

I cross my arms and stare at the girl blankly then argue, "... What nonsense. There's no such person as a special girl. Stop spitting out bullshit." She stays quiet for a moment and replies, "There will be a special girl, I just know it." I scoff while rolling my eyes and sneer, "Ha! Don't make me laugh like there's ever a special girl out there." The girl leans into my ear and whispers, "Oh, but there is one. You just can't see it yet." Just like that, she snaps her fingers and disappears causing me to wake up without asking what she meant. I slowly sit up and let out a long sigh then there's a knock on my door. I get out of bed and answer the door to see Fruitcake standing there.

She fidgets and stutters, "Um... I m-made some s-snacks if you want some." I can tell she's nervous since she's fidgeting and keeping her head down. I clear my throat which made her stop fidgeting and look up, I look up, and I notice she has some flour on her right cheek. "You have some flour on your cheek," I stated, indicating where the flour is. Fruitcake blushes and quickly starts wiping her right cheek before she can react. "Right there, Fruitcake... Although I'm curious about what you made," I whispered, still wiping her cheek. Our eyes meet and she blushes even more to the point that she looks like a tomato.

She starts walking backward while frantically waving her hands but she trips causing her to fall back. I quickly catch her by placing my hand on her back before she hits the ground. I immediately felt a sense of déjà vu in this position but I ignored it and then commented, "Who would've thought my caretaker is very clumsy." Fruitcake instantly covers her face in embarrassment, she's blushing since her ears are red. "Fruitcake... Your ears are very red," I mentioned, and she instantly covers her ears. I get a full view of her tomato-red face and continue, "Can your face get any redder?" She covers her face again and I can see her red ears again but suddenly the front door opens.

I turn my head and see Ichirō standing at the doorway with a grin on his stupid face. "Well, well, well... Already acting like newlyweds," he teased, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed. I roll my eyes and help Fruitcake stand up but she still has her face covered. I coldly stare at Ichirō and ask, "What are you doing here?" He goes inside and closes behind him then answers, "Come on, bro... I just come to check on you, freeloaders." I cross my arms and snap at him, "I don't need your affection so don't waste your time, save it for someone else. Why are you here?" Ichirō let out a sigh, "Don't be so hostile. I genuinely came to check on you and your cute little girlfriend."

"Bullshit! And she's not my girlfriend."

"Whatever... I see the moving process went swiftly, considering that I see some Dorayaki on the coffee table."

"Okay, you saw us. Now, you can leave and I'll be changing the locks on my door."

"Fine! And one more thing, she's looking for you."

And with that, he grabs a Dorayaki from the coffee table and leaves without saying anything else. I just stood there, glaring at the door with my hands clenched as anger boiled inside of me. Why the fuck is she looking for me? I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with her. I NEVER want to see or hear from her ever again. I suddenly feel something off touching my hand, I turn to see Fruitcake holding my fist. "Midoriya, calm down. You'll bleed if you keep clenching your fists," she said softly, soothing my knuckles. I just can't let this go because it's pissing me off, just the mere thought of her makes my blood boil. I let out a sigh and saw Fruitcake staring at me with sad eyes then she suddenly pulled me into a hug.

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