Chapter 13

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** Ochako's POV **

My eyes shot open wide when I heard the sound of bones breaking so I quickly sat up and saw Midoriya under me unconscious. "Midoriya, are you okay?" I asked, starting to panic. He didn't respond to me so I quickly checked for his pulse and I could feel it but I decided to call the ambulance since there's nobody outside who witnessed what happened. I reached for my phone from my pocket and was about to dial the ambulance's number but a hand grabbed my wrist. I look up and see Midoriya glaring at me then he spoke up, "Don't you dare call someone for help." He struggles to sit up but successfully does it although he doesn't move his leaf arm much.

I asked, "Why aren't you moving your left arm, Midoriya?" He answers with a harsh tone, "Don't worry about it, I'm fine. Get off of me now." I purposely place my hand on his left shoulder as if to get up but he winces in pain and I quickly take my hand off of his shoulder. "Midoriya, you're hurt! Where are you hurt?" I asked, still sitting on top of him. "No, I'm fine. Didn't I say to not worry about me?.. Wait, why are you crying?" I didn't realize that I was crying as I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. Midoriya softened his glare and sigh but I couldn't stop crying then I spoke up, "Y-you're h-hurt a-and it's a-all my fault!" He wipes my tears away and says, "Let's just go to the hospital."

* 20 Minutes Later *

We finally arrived at the hospital even though Midoriya kept telling me that he's fine on the way over. Now, we're in a room waiting for a doctor to come to check on Midoriya then he spoke up, "This is a waste of time." He slowly gets up from the bed and glares at me but then the doctor comes into the room. "Hello, I'm your hospital doctor, what seems to be the problem?" the doctor asked, as he looked up from his files. Midoriya opened his mouth but I beat him to it, "He saved me from falling off the second floor and I think his left arm is fractured." The doctor was surprised yet confused to see that Midoriya is conscious and able to walk even though he should've been admitted to the emergency ward.

"How are you not in the emergency ward? Considering you fell from the second floor and was supposed to have a spinal injury."

"That's because I fell on my left scapula and not on my spine like an idiot. I'm guessing I have a scapula injury."

"It's possible that you have more than one injury. Are you having a hard time breathing?"

"A little bit, I feel a sharp pain while breathing. I take short breaths to not feel much pain."

"Okay, I'm taking you to the emergency ward because your injuries are too serious for you to be up and about."

Midoriya was going to put up a fight but he fell from bed when getting up. "Midoriya! What's wrong?" I asked as I ran towards him. I started crying while hugging Midoriya's unconscious body then the doctor called out, "Code Blue! I repeat Code Blue!" The nurses quickly came with a hospital bed and carried Midoriya to place him on the bed and started taking him to the emergency ward as I followed them. "Ma'am, you can't come in. You'll have to wait here, you should get in contact with the patient's family," the nurse said, before heading inside to catch up with the other nurses. I mumbled under my breath, "But I don't have any way to contact any of his family members."

Just as I said that my phone suddenly started ringing so I dug into my pocket to pull out my phone and see an unknown number on the screen. Midoriya always told me to not answer any unknown number so I canceled the call but the same number called again. I picked up the call and placed the phone on my ear then the person on the other line started to speak, "Uraraka, you're mean! Why didn't you answer my call the first time? Did you show my brother my number?" I was surprised to hear Ichirō's voice on the other line of the call but my heart sank to the pit of my stomach when I told him what happened to his brother then he hung up on me.

* 40 Minutes Later *

I sat in the waiting room waiting for any news about Midoriya's condition with a miserable worried face when I heard loud footsteps coming towards me. I look up and see Ichirō looking down at me with a sad expression but I couldn't hold my tears and started crying. "I-I'm so s-sorry a-about your b-brother," I apologized, letting the tears roll down again. "Don't worry about it, Uraraka. It wasn't your fault." Ichirō sits next to me and hugs me from the side. Then an emergency doctor came out and called out, "Any family members of Izuku Midoriya?" We quickly get up from our seats and walk over to the emergency doctor then Ichirō asks, "Is my little brother going to be okay, Doctor?"

The doctor looks through the files and answers, "Don't worry, your brother is fine. He has his left scapula fractured, a couple of rib fractures, and a pulmonary contusion. We put him in an oxygen ventilator to support his breathing until the bruise heals." Ichirō sighs in relief while I get washed over with a large wave of guilt then he asks, "Can we see him please?" The doctor nodded his head and started leading us to Midoriya's room while my heart pounds out of my chest for every step closer to get to his room. We finally arrived at Midoriya's room and went inside only to see him lying on the bed helplessly.

I get washed over with another large wave of guilt seeing Midoriya laying on the hospital bed hooked up with the oxygen ventilator. "Izuku? Are you okay?" Ichirō asked, getting closer to the bed. I just stood at the doorway staring at Midoriya who slowly opened his eyes but glared at his brother. "You must be okay considering that you're glaring at me," Ichirō said, letting out a small smile. Midoriya ignores him and turns his head but I flinch when he sees me standing at the doorway. "Izuku, don't worry about Dad. He doesn't know that you're at the hospital," Ichirō said, waving his hand for me to come closer. Midoriya looks relieved to hear that while I hesitantly come closer to the bed.

"Midoriya, I'm so sorry. I should be the one on the hospital bed, not you."

"Izuku, did you know that she was crying in the waiting room?"

"Hey, you can't tell him that, Ichirō!"

"What? He's going to find out, either way might as well tell him sooner than later. Plus, my little brother doesn't have any say in this because of the oxygen ventilator."

"But, he can hear us. He may be mute for now but he's not deaf, you know."

We turned to Midoriya and saw him glaring at us. Then the doctor came into the room with a small whiteboard, marker, and eraser, "Here are some writing materials for him to communicate with us," the doctor said, placing the items next to Midoriya. The doctor leaves the room while Midoriya picks up the whiteboard and marker, and starts writing with his right hand. He finishes writing and flips the board towards us to read, and it says, "I was wondering when will you two stop babbling about me." Ichirō chuckles and replies to him, "Izuku, you're still indifferent even though you're on the hospital bed." Midoriya glares at his brother and starts erasing the board then starts writing again.

Midoriya finishes writing and turns to me then flips the board for me to read, but my eyes widen when I read what he wrote. My heart thumps out of my chest because his message says, "You owe me, Fruitcake." I understood what he meant because he saved me from getting injured but I don't know how I can repay him. I quickly turned to Ichirō who just stood there and didn't say anything but he avoided making eye contact with me. Midoriya started erasing his board and I was going to say something but then there was a knock on the door and we turned to see a girl holding a flower bouquet. I turn back to Midoriya and see him looking furious at the girl.

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