Fire at the Hospital

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Your POV

The next day you woke up in Michael's arm. He kissed you. "Good morning." "What's good about it?!" You got out of bed and fed Mr. Fluffles. You sighed. You turned to Michael. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to have an attitude. Good morning." "It's okay I understand." You went in the living room. "Are you hungry?" "No Michael." The day had come and gone. A few more days passed. You hadn't ate a thing. You were sitting on the couch. Michael wrapped his arm around you. "(F/n) you have to eat something." "I'm not hungry." "It's been days since you've eaten anything." "If you make my mother come through that door, then I'll eat something." "Starving yourself isn't going to make her come through that door any faster. Look I'm only trying to get you to eat because I love you and I care." "Thank you for your concern. I'm not hungry." "Come on. Just eat a little bit." "No." It was time to go to work. You went to work and came back home. Tobey and Becky went on a date. The cook made lasagna. Michael and the triplets ate. You picked at your food. "Come on, just one bite." "Fine." You took one bite. Soon the lasagna was gone from your plate. Michael giggled. "I thought you weren't hungry." Time passed. At last you mustered enough courage to visit your mother at the hospital. Michael, Becky, Tobey and the triplets went with you." She was still in a coma and still had several casts. You sat in a chair by your mother's side. "Mom, it's me (f/n) and I just wanted to let you know that we all miss you. Please wake up." "Yeah mom, I don't want you to miss my wedding." Becky added in. There was still no response from your mother. You all decided to go home. You went in your room. The tears began to fall. Michael quickly wrapped you in a hug. "It was very brave of you to go see your mother. I know it hurts to see your mother like that." "How could you possibly know?" "Because, when you were in the hospital after you got hit with a bat, or almost drowned, I was devastated. Do you want something to eat?" "No I'm not hungry." "Okay." You laid in your bed. Michael laid next to you "Okay maybe just a little bit." You and Michael got up and went to the kitchen. You both got something to eat. You both went in your room and fell asleep. A month passed. During that time Miss Stacey had come home from the hospital, Leroy was found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to life in jail. Also Patrice and Leroy we're officially divorced. That was a little relief for you. You went to the hospital to see your mother. Tobey and Becky went on a date and the triplets were at home with Mrs. Stacey. Michael came with you. You sat next to her. She had her casts removed, but there was no sign of your mother waking up. You held your mother's hand. "Mom, I don't even know if you can hear me, but please wake up. The planning for Becky's wedding is almost done. The triplets are doing fine, but what if they get a little older and you don't wake up. What are we suppose to tell them? I have some good news mom. Leroy was sentenced to life in prison. You don't ever have to see him again." Suddenly you heard a loud noise. You knew it was a fire alarm. "We have to get out of here." "I know Michael." You put the back of your hand on the door. You opened the door. You started to go out of the door, but you stop. "Wait, what about Mom." "We have to go right now. Somebody will save her. Come on." Michael grabbed your hand. You both hurried out of the room. You got to the first exit, but it was blocked by the fire. You turned to go somewhere else. You found another staircase, but fire was consuming this staircase as well. You found another stair case. It was also on fire. The fire began to close in on you. "We're trapped Michael. What do we do now?" "I wish I knew." You grabbed on to Michael and he grabbed on to you. Smoke filled the air. Soon you saw a fireman. He tried to grab you, but you held on to Michael. "Go (f/n), I'll be alright." You reluctantly let go. The fireman took you to a window and carried you down a ladder. You backed away from the hospital. You waited for what seemed like forever. At last you saw Michael coming towards you. You hugged him and cried. "It's okay. We're safe now." "That's not why I'm crying. I'm crying because my mother is in there." You decided to walk around and look around. There was no sign of your mother anywhere. Soon the fire department put out the fire and left. There was still no sign of your mother. You went over to Michael's limo. You got inside. Michael got in to. You stared out window. At last you were home. You ran to your room. You slammed the door. Michael came in. "Go away!" The tears fell down your face. Michael wrapped you in a hug. Becky came in your room. "There you are. We worried about you two. Tobey and I saw the news." "Did they say who died and who didn't." "Not specifically. I mean I didn't watch the whole report. I was too nervous because I knew you two and mom were there. Why do you ask?" "I waited and I waited, but I didn't see them bring mom out." "No, she can't be dead. I won't believe it." "I know. I don't want to believe it either." Becky started to cry. Tobey hugged her. "I just want to go to sleep." "Me too." Becky left your room and so did Tobey. "I knew that I should have stayed there with her." "Don't be ridiculous. Then I would have been sad." "At least I would be out of my misery." "But then I would be miserable." "Stop making this about you! You're so selfish! As a matter of fact get out of my room, out of my house and out of my life!" You yelled through tears. You pushed Michael out of your rooms. You were filled with instant regret. You opened the door. "Michael!" You found Michael sitting on the couch in the living room. He stood up when he saw you coming. You hugged him. He hugged back. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of that." "I know." You crawled into bed. You cuddled with Michael. You cried yourself to sleep. The next morning came. You decided to watch TV to get your mind off of your mother. It was on the news and they were still talking about the fire at the hospital and how it was discovered the fire was started by electricity. You turned the channel. "Why is this thing always on the news." You finally found something to watch. You rest your head on Michael's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around you. The day dragged on. Suddenly there was a phone call. You picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Is this the daughter of Susan Davis?" "Yes it is." You dreaded what you would hear next. "I'm a nurse and I'm calling to let you know that your mother has been transferred to our hospital after the other hospital caught on fire." "Okay and how is she." "She's..." Your heart raced as you waited for what the nurse would tell you. "Stable." "She is?" You couldn't believe your ears. "Yeah." The nurse told you what hospital your mother was in. "Thank you so much." "No problem." "Bye." You hung up. "My mother is alive!" "What?" "Yeah and I know what hospital she's in." You told Becky the wonderful news. You, Michael, Tobey and Becky climbed into the limo. Becky told the driver what hospital to go to. The limo finally pulled up to the hospital. You all went to the front desk. "We're here to see Susan Davis." Becky said. The nurse searched her desk for something. Then she stopped. "I'm sorry. She's with the doctors right now." You all sat down. After what seemed like forever a doctor came out. "Are you here for Susan Davis?" "Yes." "Okay. There is no easy way to tell you this, but smoke entered her lungs causing them to fail so, she's on life support. Now, this doesn't mean that she won't recover. She does have a chance to recover. You can go see her now." You went to see your mother. She had tubes going in and out of her. The tears fell from your eyes. Michael hugged you. "Is this suppose to be better?" Soon the doctor spoke. "We would have called you sooner, but there were so many patients coming in from the other hospital, plus the patients that we already had, we were just so busy." "I understand." You all went home and went to bed.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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