Petty Arguments

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Your POV

You woke up on a beautiful morning in February. You got out of bed. You took a shower and got dressed. You went in the kitchen and started making breakfast. You finished cooking. Michael came out of the room. "Something smells good today." You giggled. "Thank you." "Good morning." Michael kissed you. "Good morning Michael." You gave Michael some food. Then you gave yourself some food. You sat down and ate breakfast. You washed the dishes. Then you brushed your teeth. "I'll see you later Michael." You kissed Michael. "See you and be careful." "I will." You got in your car and starting driving. You made it to work. "Hi mom." You hugged your mom. "Hey (y/n). How's the baby?" "The baby is still growing." Your mom looked at your stomach. "You can say that again." Your mom rubbed your belly. You smiled. "Hey." "Hi Becky." You hugged Becky. "How's things between you and Michael." "We're good. How are things between you and Tobey?" "We're more in love than ever." "How's Jr." "He's good. He is growing so fast. I cannot believe that he will be a year old in 3 months." "Hi mom." "Hey Becky." They hugged. You started modeling shoes. Soon it was time to go home. You made it home. You sat down. A few minutes later Michael came in the door. "Hey." Michael kissed you. "Hi." "I got my driver to stop at KFC." "Oh. I was thinking about eating healthier for the baby." "This morning you had pancakes and syrup." "Yeah, well now I want to be healthy." "Let me go toss you some salad." "Look you don't have to get sarcastic with me!" "The least you can do is say thank you for getting some food!" "Do you know what I think?! I think that you don't want me to cook for you because you think I'm going to give you my weird pregnancy cravings!" "That is ridiculous! I have never thought that!" "That is not true! One time when I was making me something to eat, I offered to make you something! You said no and had cereal instead!" "Okay. That has nothing to do with this! I bought this KFC because I want you to rest!" "Well I don't need to rest! Do you think that just because I'm pregnant, that I can't do anything?!" "I never said that!" "You just did!" "You know what?! Leave me alone!" You ate your half of the KFC and went to watch TV. Then you went to sleep. Michael slept in another room. The next morning you took a shower. You cooked yourself something to eat. You sat down and started eating. Michael came out of his room and sat down. After a few moments he spoke up. "Aren't you going to get me something?" "Get your own food. I'm clearly incapable of doing anything." "You know what fine." Michael got up and cooked his food. You brushed your teeth. You left the house without saying goodbye. You made it to work. You said hello to everyone. You finished working. You went home. You sat on the couch and watched TV. You heard Michael come in the door. "Hey." "Hi." Michael sat next to you. "I've been thinking. We can put all of this behind us if you just apologized." "What should I apologise for?" "I don't know, maybe starting the argument." "How did I start it, by deciding to be healthy?" "No. That's not it." "Just shut up." You went in the kitchen and cooked. You had something to eat. You went to sleep. The next morning you woke up and got ready for work. You went to work. You said hi to everyone. "Is everything okay with you." "Yes. Why do you ask Becky." "It's just that these past couple of days you seemed so sad." "I'm fine really." "Come on. I am your best friend and sister. You can tell me." "Michael got mad because I said I wanted to be healthy." "That doesn't sound quite right. Are you sure you didn't leave out something?" "Two nights ago, he brought home some KFC. I said I was trying to be healthy." "I already found the problem. You should have said thank you. It's common courtesy. Now, you should apologize." "I am not apologizing. Obviously, you don't know how stubborn I really am." "Fine. Suite yourself." You started working. Work ended and you went back home. You sat on the couch and you watched TV. You heard Michael come in. He went into the bed room. A while had past. You went in the kitchen and made dinner. Michael came out of the room. "We need to talk." "Okay then, talk." "I'm moving back in to the family house in Hayvenhurst. You can have this house. I want a divorce. I don't love you anymore. You're not the same person I married." You scoffed. "You wouldn't leave me. I'm pregnant with your child." "When you have the baby. I'm going to get full custody." You threw your arms around Michael and started to cry. "No! Please don't go. I'm so sorry. I should have been more grateful for the KFC. I'm even going to be woman enough to not blame my behavior on my pregnancy." "No, I'm sorry. I should have been more considerate of how you were feeling and that you're pregnant. I forgive you." "I forgive you too. I love you." "I love you too." You kissed Michael. "I'll make you something." You made some food for Michael. You gave it to him. "This is delicious." You smiled. You fixed yourself a plate. You and Michael finished his food and put his dish in the sink. You went into the bedroom. You laid on the bed. Michael kissed you. You kissed back. "I love you." "I love you too." "Good night." "Goodnight Michael." Michael rubbed your belly. You smiled. "Goodnight to you too. I can't wait until your born."

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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