Spreading the News

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Your POV

Christmas time had come again. You and Michael were packing to stay over at your mom's house for the holiday. Soon you finished packing. You and Michael put your stuff in the car. You got in the driver's seat. Michael got in the passenger seat. You started driving. You tried to focus on the road, but your thoughts kept on distracting you. Neither you nor Michael had a chance to tell your families about the pregnancy. How would they react? You arrived at your house. Michael opened the car door, but you hesitated. "What is it?" "Michael, how will they react when they find out I'm pregnant?" "It doesn't matter. We are grown and married." "I guess you're right." You both got out the car. You grabbed your stuff. You rang the bell. Security answered the door. You and Michael went inside. "Hey." "Hi mom." You gave your mom a hug. "Hi Mrs. Davis." "Hi Michael." Your mom opened her arms for a hug. Michael accepted the hug. "Are you two doing okay?" "We are great mom." "Michael, (f/n)!" The triplets screamed. The triplets ran up to you and Michael and hugged you and Michael. Soon the doorbell rang. Seconds later, Becky walked in with Tobey who was carrying Jr. "Hi Becky." "Hey (f/n)." You gave Becky a hug. Becky hugged Michael. "Hey." "Hi." You hugged Tobey. "Hey." "Hi." "Hi Jr." You and Michael both said. You all went to put your stuff in your rooms. You came back out of your rooms. "Grandma!" You and Becky and the triplets hugged your grandma. Tobey and Michael greeted your Grandmother. "Hi mom." Your mom hugged your Grandma. "Hi Autie Sally. Hi Uncle Irwin." You and Becky and the triplets said. You and Becky  hugged them. Tobey and Michael greeted them. "Hi Sally. Hi Irwin." "Hi Susan." Irwin and Sally said. "Hi Lily." You, Becky, Tobey, Michael, your mother and the triplets  said. "Hi."  Just then Arnold and Patrice came out of their rooms. They greeted everyone. The rest of them put their stuff away. You all watched Christmas movies. You all had dinner. "Can I have another plate?" "You have never asked for seconds before." "Please?" Your mom fixed you another plate. "Thanks mom." You ate your food. You all had dessert. You all went to your rooms to go to sleep. You laid down. You cuddled with Michael. "When are we going to tell them?" "I don't know Michael. Good night." Michael kissed your forehead. "Good night." You closed your eyes and fell asleep. You awoke with a sudden urge to throw up. You ran to the toilet. You threw up. You flushed the toilet. You washed your hands. You were hungry so you went into the kitchen. You went in the fridge and looked for something to eat. "What are you doing up?" You didn't know if it was the pregnancy, but you felt moody. "That's none of your business Becky." "You don't have to be rude. I was just asking a question." Becky was right. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." "It's okay. Why are you trying to get something to eat. Didn't you eat enough. "Did I ask you why you are awake or anything else? Why are you interested in what I'm doing?" "I'm just curious." Becky went in the fridge and got some water. She returned to her room. You got some Icecream and pickles. You immediately started stuffing your face. Just as you finished the last bite you saw someone come towards you. "There you are. I was worried about you." "I just got hungry. That's all." You and Michael went back to sleep. Christmas finally came. Your mom told the Christmas story. You all opened your gifts. The kids faces lit up with Joy as they opened their presents. Everyone was very happy.You piled your plate. "This looks delicious. I just wish there was some fish." "That's it. You've been acting weird." "Yeah. I agree with Becky." Your mom said. "How have I've been acting weird?" "Oh come on. The last time I heard someone talk about fish this much is when I was pregnant." Your mom said. "Yeah and the only time I actually enjoyed pickles in my Icecream was when I was pregnant." Becky added in. "Don't  get me started on how much more you've been eating lately." Your Aunt Sally said. "Alright. You guessed it. I'm pregnant. I'm just about two months along." "Yeah. I'm going to be a dad." The congratulations came pouring in. Soon dinner ended. You and Michael decided to go across the street to tell his mom and sisters. You ranged the doorbell. Joe answered it. "What?" "I came to talk to mom." "You leave and you think you can just barge on in here?" "Doesn't he have a right to talk to his mother?" "Was I talking to you?" "But I answered." Joe raised his hand. Michael quickly intervened."Joe you wouldn't hit a pregnant lady would you?" "You mean she's  carrying my grandchild?" "Yes." "Why didn't  you say so?" Joe moved from the doorway. You went inside. "Mom!" "Michael!" They hugged. "Hi (f/n)." "Hi." You hugged her. "Where's Janet and Latoya?" "I'll call them down Michael." Michael didn't bother asking for Randy since he already moved out. "Janet! Latoya!" They appeared on the stair way. "Michael, (f/n)!" They both said. You and Michael hugged them. "We stopped by because we have something to tell you." Michael said. "What is it?" Michael's mom asked. "I'm pregnant." The congratulations came pouring in. "We have to get your brothers on the phone. One by one you broke the news to Michael's  brothers and they congratulated you. Soon you and Michael went back across the street. You went to your room and laid down. "See? I told you there was nothing to worry about." The day came when it was time to say goodbye. You and Michael packed your things. You got in your car and drove home. You made it inside. "That was another nice holiday." "It's always a nice time with you Michael. I love you." "I love you too." Michael looked down at your belly and rubbed it. "I love you too." You giggled.

------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for reading. I hoped you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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