Negro Spirituals

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First off, happy late juneteenth. Secondly, happy late father's day and I especially want to wish Michael Jackson a happy Father's Day. RIP Michael. Without further delay, let's get into it.

Your POV

It was a normal day in November. You had went to work already. You were back home. Michael came over with his stuff so he can spend the Thanksgiving holiday with you. You and Michael were roaming around the house. You discovered a book covered in dust. "I wonder what this is." You said "I don't know. Let's open it and find out." You opened the book. It looked liked it was filled with songs. "Maybe mom know's something about this. Let's ask her." You went to find your mother. You finally found her. "Mom we found this up stairs. Do you have any idea what it is?" "Yes I do and I would love to share with you what it is. I want to tell the whole family. This is perfect timing because tomorrow is thanksgiving." Soon Becky and Tobey came over. Everyone said hey to everyone. "I'm actually glad that mom invited us over here. I have something to show you guys. I mean I could have shown you and mom at work, but I just didn't think it was the appropriate time." Becky turned to the side. She had a tiny baby bump. "See?" "Yeah." Michael looked a little mad. I pulled Michael off to the side. "Okay. What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Michael, you can't fool me. I always know when there is something wrong with you." "It's just that Becky's showing off her little baby bump." "Michael, everyone moves at a different pace. We'll get there some day. I promise and I always keeps my promises." "Are we going to get there today." "No Michael." "How about if we just practice?" "Not now." "Can I at least get a kiss?" "Of course." You kissed Michael. "Okay now let's go back to the others." You both went back to the other people. After a few hours, your grandma, auntie Sally, uncle Irwin, and cousin Lilly came over. "Hello everyone." Everyone said hello to everyone. Everyone gave hugs. They put there stuff away in rooms. They came back. "Okay everyone gather around." You all sat down round your mother. You leaned against Michael. Michael kissed your forehead. Then you kissed his lips. "Hey knock it off you two. This is a serious topic." "But I am serious Mrs. Davis, seriously in love." Michael smiled at you. You smiled back at Michael. "Besides I'm not the one who got pregnant. Becky is the one who got pregnant." "You're pregnant Becky?" "Yes Grandma. I'm three months." "But the wedding was only two months ago." "Yeah. I got pregnant before I was married." "Alright. Settle down everyone." Everyone quieted down. Your mom did her best to get the dust off the book. "This book is a collection of negro spirituals. It's been passed down for many generations and up until recently, I didn't think I would have anyone to pass it on to. What are Negro Spirituals? You see slavery was very hard. So slaves often sang to get through the hardships. They sang songs such as nobody knows the trouble I've seen and sometimes I feel like a motherless child." You all sang those two songs. "Other songs had secret codes and messages. For example, Wade in the water is a song about going in the water so that the hound dog can't find the runaway slave's scent. The song steal away to Jesus was the slaves way of telling other slaves that they were going to run away soon. Follow the drinking gourd was a song about look at the constellation called the big Dipper so you can find the north star and follow it to freedom. Meeting at the old campground was a song that slaves sang to let each other know about the secret worship services they would hold at night. Go down Moses was a song that slaves song to communicate that Moses had come." "Yeah and Moses was actually Harriet Tubman." Lily said. "But she was born Araminta Ross." You added in. "Her nickname was minty." Michael stated. "You are all correct. I have some very smart people on my hands. Harriet Tubman was a conductor on the underground railroad and she never lost a passenger. She led many slaves to freedom even when there were wanted posters everywhere saying there was a 40000 dollar reward for whoever could capture her. Most of the journey on the underground railroad was by foot. Harriet Tubman later served the Union army in the civil war as a nurse, cook and spy. After the war the slaves were emancipated. Somebody went around asking slaves about the songs they sang and that's how they made this book." "Wow. That's fascinating." "Yeah. When Araminta was younger her master sent her to the store. So she went to the store. At the store was a runaway slave. The runaway's master told Araminta to hold the runaway slave. She wouldn't do it. The master picked up a two pound weight and threw at the runaway, only it hit Araminta. Ever since that day Araminta would often pass out and fall into a deep sleep." You were holding back tears. "Excuse me." You ran out the house. The tears fell down your face. You ran to the park and sat on a swing. "Hey, do you want to talk about it?" It was Michael. He had caught up to you. "I was thinking about how the slaves were treated and it reminded me of how my life use to be." "Well now you have your family and me. We won't ever let anyone hurt you again." "But it still hurts. Nobody should be treated that way, nobody." Michael opened his arms. You went into them. He wrapped you in a hug. You cried into his chest. "You're right. No one should be treated that way." I eventually stopped crying. "You know Michael, because of you I found my real mother and I don't have to live with those horrible people anymore." "How is it because of me?" "If it weren't for you I wouldn't have stopped to stare at you, I wouldn't have been trampled, I wouldn't have stopped to have a conversation with you or ride with you in your limo, the people who I thought they were my family wouldn't have been mad at me for taking so long with the food, they wouldn't have thrown the hot food on me, I wouldn't gone to the hospital, I wouldn't have met my real mom, and I wouldn't be here right now I would be back with those awful people." "I guess you're right. You ready to go back?" "Yeah." You walked back hand in hand. You started to shiver. "Are you cold?" "Just a little bit." "Here." Michael took off his Jacket and put it on your shoulders. "What about you?" "I'll be fine." You finally made it back home. You walked inside. "Are you alright?" Everyone asked. "Yeah. I just remembered what my life use to be like that's all." You all had some dinner and went to sleep. Michael laid next to you. You kissed his lips. "Good night." "Goodnight (f/n)." You rest your head on his chest and fell asleep. The next morning came. They all talked about what they were thankful for. Soon it was your turn. "Well, I'm thankful that the slaves were freed and now we're all free. I'm thankful that I found my real family and they are very loving. I'm thankful for God and Jesus. Last, but certainly not least, I'm thankful for Michael." You kissed him. Later on you all had Thanksgiving dinner. Soon you all went to bed. The next day it was sadly time to say goodbye to your Uncle, Auntie, Grandma and cousin. They left. You turned to Becky. "So how's the married life." "Just great. Well, I'll see you at work tomorrow." "Bye." You carefully gave Becky a hug and waved Tobey goodbye. Michael said goodbye to them as well. You yawned. Michael kissed you. "I'll see you later bye."

Hello everyone. This chapter was in honor of Juneteenth. Even though it wasn't Juneteenth in the chapter I came up with the idea for this chapter before and on Juneteenth. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you so much for reading and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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