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Your POV
You didn't like the way Joseph was looking at you. Rehearsals ended. You went back to the hotel, but before you could get to your suite, you were grabbed and your mouth was covered so you couldn't scream. You were thrown into another hotel suite. You turned around and there was Joseph. He closed the door. "Remember when I said that you were ugly?" "How could I forget?" "Well I lied. You're absolutely gorgeous." Joseph started unbuttoning his shirt. Tears fell down your face. "Please Mr. Jackson, don't do what I think you're going to do." "Relax. You're not even my type. Now remember earlier? I said that we would discuss me hitting you." "Right." "If you want me to stop hitting you, then you have to stay right here and do what I tell you to do." "What if I say no?" "I go back to hitting you and insulting you." You thought long and hard about your options. "Okay. I'll stay here and do what you tell me to do." "Great." Joseph went in the bathroom and put water all over the floor. Then he came over to you. "Clean it up." "How." "You figure it out." You went in the bathroom and dried up the water with a towel. You went to find Joseph. "It's all up Mr. Jackson." Joseph went back in the bathroom and put water on the floor again. "Clean it up again." You did what Joseph told you to do. You heard the phone ring. "I've got an extra toothbrush. Use it to scrub the floors, walls, and the ceilings. You scrubbed every inch of the floor. Your muscles were already sore. You scrubbed each wall, one after another. You found a chair. You stood on it. You started cleaning the ceiling. You moved the chair to scrub more of the ceiling. You heard the phone ring. You tried to listen as you cleaned. "Hello. No. I'm sorry to hear that. Bye." You moved your foot the wrong way and fell off of the chair with a loud thud. "Ouch." Joseph came out of his room. "What are you doing?!" "I'm sorry. I fell trying to clean the ceiling." "Well get back to it." "Yes sir. Who was that on the phone?" "A wrong number." You had a feeling that he was lying. He went back to his room. You scrubbed the rest of the ceiling. You finished one room. You went to the other rooms to clean. The sun came up. You were tired, sore, hungry and sweaty. Joseph woke up and came out his room. "You call this clean?!" "Yes Mr. Jackson." "Well it's not. So clean it again and it better be spotless when I get back." ",but..." "No butts." "Can I get something to eat?" "Sure." Joseph gave you a piece of bread. "Enjoy." "Is this about me dating Michael?" "My goodness. She's a genius." "Everytime Michael and I kiss or even talk to each other you have a problem with it." "Well (f/n), no one is going to ruin Michael's career, not even you. Now get to scrubbing." Joseph left. You sat there sobbing. You were tired, hungry, sore, sweaty, and you didn't know if you would see Michael again. You ate your piece of bread. You got back to scrubbing. You looked at a nearby phone. You wanted to call Michael's suite. Surely he would come and save you, but he wasn't in his suite besides, you didn't have time to call him. Just as you finished scrubbing the floors, walls, and ceilings, Joseph came back. He looked around. "I'm impressed. I'm hungry. Fix me something." You went in the fridge and found some food. You heated it up and gave it to Joseph. You stared at his food, practically drooling. "Go get you a piece of bread." You ate another piece of bread. Joseph finished his food. "Clean this up and when you get through doing that, filled the tub with water so I can take a bath. Then scrub all the tables and countertops." "Yes Mr. Jackson." You cleaned Joseph's trash and filled the bath with warm water. It wasn't until then that you realized how thirsty you were. So you drank water from the sink. Then you went to clean all the tables and countertops. Joseph came behind you. "I'm not that cruel. Why don't you lie down on the couch and get you some rest?" "Thank you Mr. Jackson." You waited for him to go to his room. Then you collapsed exhausted. When it was time to leave for the next place, Joseph turned in your key and caught a later flight then his sons. For 5 months you did all that Joseph told you to do and he kept his promise. He didn't hit you or insult you, but you never felt more miserable. You hadn't seen Michael in forever. One day Joseph came back to his suite after rehearsals with his sons. He went in his room and came back out dressed nice and he had on cologne. "(F/n) you have to leave. I have a lady coming and she's going to be here in a minute." "So you're cheating on Mrs. Jackson?" "Yes. How long do you think I can go without a woman. I'm sure Michael moved on to." "What is Michael's room number." "1230."  You headed to the door of Joseph's suite. "Don't you think for a minute that I'm going to let you see my son. You come right back here when I call for you." "Yes Mr. Jackson." You diligently sought his suite and knocked on the door. It opened.

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