Your Little Nephew

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Your POV

It was a beautiful day in May. You woke up to the sunshining. Michael woke up too. "Good morning." "Good morning." You went to the kitchen and made breakfast. You and Michael ate breakfast. You got ready for work. You kissed Michael. "I'll see you later." "Bye." You arrived at work. Everything was going great. The end of your work day had come. You saw Michael. You and Michael went to your boss. "Hi." "Hi Mr. Jackson." "I'm going on tour in July. Can (f/n) take 3 months off?" "Only, if I get tickets to the show." "It's a deal." Michael and your boss shook on it. You and Michael walked back to your mom and Becky. Becky screamed. "I think I'm going to have the baby!" It did seem like Becky's water had broke because the ground beneath Becky was wet. You called 911. "911, what's your emergency?" "My sister's having a baby." "Okay. What's the address?" You gave the person the address. You stayed on the phone with the person until the ambulance arrived. You called Tobey. "Hello?" "Becky's gonna have the baby." "Is she going to the hospital closest to her job." "Yeah." "I'll be there as fast as I can." "Okay. Bye." You hung up the phone. "Tobey said that he will be there." You all ran outside. You got in the car next to Michael. You drove to the hospital. You sat in the waiting room to hear about Becky.

Becky's POV
My water had broke and I was experiencing intense pain. I was rushed to the hospital. My contractions just kept coming faster and more intense. I screamed because of the pain. Time passed. Tobey had finally arrived. I was rolled to another room. "Tobey." "Are you okay?" "No!" Just then another contraction came. "Push Mrs. Anderson." I pushed. I screamed as the contractions continued to grow more painful and more frequent. "Push!" I squeezed Tobey's hand and pushed some more. "Push." I pushed again. "Come on push." I pushed some more. I screamed out in pain. "Push!" I pushed some more. "Just get it out of me!" "Come on Becky. You can do it." "Push!" You pushed again.

Your POV

You paced the floor as what seemed like an eternity slowly passed. "She sure is taking a long time." "(F/n) she'll be fine." "How do you know that?" "Look, let's take your mind off of it. We can go down to the cafeteria." "Okay." You walked hand in hand to the cafeteria. Michael was wearing a disguise. You got yourself some food. You sat at the table. "Soon you're going to be my wife." "I know that's so crazy. I can't wait to marry you." "I can't wait to marry you either." "They'll be food and dancing." "Yeah and then will go on our honey moon. Where do you want to go for our honey moon?" "I've always wanted to go to Hawaii." "Then we'll go to Hawaii." "I love you." "I love you too." "Do you know what comes after marriage?" "What?" "Babies. I wonder if my sister is doing okay." "Well, a least I distracted you for a little bit." You brought some food to your mom. You went back to pacing the floor.

Becky's POV

The pain was beginning to be unbearable. I screamed some more. "Push." I pushed again. "I see the head!" A doctor shouted. My energy was renewed. I pushed with all the strength left in me. I screamed in pain once again. "Push." "You can do it Becky." Tobey said. I pushed again. "You're doing great ma'am. Just one more push." I pushed. "It's a boy!" A doctor said. The baby didn't cry. The tears started to fall down my face. "Please be okay." Tobey kissed my forehead. I was taken to another room.

Your POV

You were starting to nod off. "It's been six hours. When is that baby going to be born?" "Shh. Just relax. It's okay. You can go back to sleep. Everything will be fine." You rested your head against Michael's shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you. Michael kissed your forehead you fell asleep. Your sleep was wonderful. You had a beautiful dream about Michael. Suddenly, you were awoken from your sleep by Michael shaking you. "What?" "The doctor is here." You looked up and saw a doctor heading your direction. "Are you here for Becky Anderson?" "Yes." "She just had a baby boy, 8 pounds. We are working on trying to get the baby to breath. You can go see them now." The tears rolled down your face. The doctor told you Becky's room number. You all went to Becky's room. You put on a brave face. Becky was crying. Tobey was trying to comfort her. "My Baby is dead." "Becky I'm sure the baby is fine." You said. "Then why didn't he cry." "I don't know." "What did I do wrong during my pregnancy." "Becky you didn't do anything wrong." "I must have done something wrong. My son is a still birth." At that moment Tobey broke down. "Tobey, Becky, I'm sure the baby will be just fine." "Thanks for trying to make me feel better. It isn't working." "Yeah. What she said." "You can't lose hope." "Look, it's late. Why don't you just go home." "We're not going to leave you Becky." Just then you all heard a baby cry. A nurse brought in a baby and sat the baby in Becky's arms. "My baby, he's alive." "I told you. What are you going to name the child?" " Tobey and I had been talking about it. Everyone meet Tobey Jr. (F/n) do you want to hold him?" "Yes." You scooped the baby up in your arms. Everyone got a chance to hold the baby. "We're going to let you get your rest. Bye Becky." You said. "Bye." Everyone said. You went home. "I can't believe I'm an aunt now." "I know how you feel. I couldn't believe it when I became an uncle in 1973." "But you were only 15." "I know." You went to the kitchen and made a light meal. You kissed Michael Goodnight. Then you went to sleep.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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