Becky's Wedding

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Becky's POV

I woke up next to my soon-to-be husband. I gave him a kiss. "Good morning." He kissed me back. "Good morning." We stretched and got out of bed. We went downstairs. I cooked Bacon and eggs for us. "This is delicious." "Thank you." I smiled at him. Tobey went to take a shower and brush his teeth. I went to another bathroom and did the same thing. I went to our room to put on regular clothes. "Have I got a surprise for you." "Really?" "I sure do." I finished getting dressed. Tobey reached out his hand to me. I took it. He led me outside. Then I saw it, a new car. I hugged Tobey tight. "Thank you." "Anything for you." Tobey kissed me. "Can I take it for a spin?" "Of course." I jumped in the car. I decided to drive to my biological parents' house. I hopped out the car. I rang the doorbell. My mom answered the door. "What do you want?" "I just thought you might want to know that I'm getting married next week and..." "You mean someone actually wants to marry you." "Yeah." "Either they're a fool or they're playing you for a fool. No one would actually want to marry you. I mean look at you. You're so ugly and worthless. You're a nobody." I held back tears. "Well, do you want to know that your going to be a grandmother? I'm pregnant." My mother punched me repeatedly. "Get off my porch." I ran off the porch into my new car. I cried. I dried my tears. I looked in my mirror. I had a black eye and a busted lip. I drove home. Tobey's car wasn't in the drive way. He probably went to work. I went in the house and put makeup on my black eye and lips. I discovered that I had bruises on my arms as well. So I covered them in makeup. I put the make up in my purse. Then I put on a pair of sunglasses. I looked at the time. I got back in my car and drove to work. I parked my car and got out of it. I went to work.

Your POV
You woke up. You fed your bunny. You went to the table for breakfast. It was weird not seeing Becky. Fortunately, you would see her at work. You got ready for work. You arrived at work with your mom. You spotted a new car in the parking lot. You went inside. Becky was already there. "Becky!" "(F/n)!" You hugged Becky. She hugged back. Becky said hi to your mother. "You didn't happen to see that new car in the parking lot, did you Becky?" "Oh. That's my new car. Tobey got it for me." You got into costume and started posing. You couldn't help, but notice that it was hot. You occasionally fanned yourself. "Take five." Someone shouted. You went over to Becky. That's when you noticed that she was covered in bruises. You wondered how you hadn't noticed them before. "Becky how did you get those bruises on you." "Oh you know me. I am so clumsy." "That's just it. I know you, but I've never known you to be bruised. Did Tobey do this to you?" "Of course not." "Then who?" "Breaks over. Get back to your places." You went back to posing. Only this time you had to force a smile. "Come on (f/n) smile." "I am." "I want a genuine smile." "Well this is as genuine as it's going to get! So you're going to have to work with it!" "First of all..." I didn't mean to give attitude to my boss. I was just upset at what happened to Becky. "Wait Mr. Stanley. Let me talk to her. (F/n), is this about me being bruise?" "Yes." "You don't have to be upset over me." "Who did this to you?" "My biological mother, but it's okay. I'm not going over there anymore." "Why did you go see your biological mother?" "I thought she deserved to know that I was pregnant and getting married. Really. I'm fine." You sighed. "If you say so. Let's try this again." You were still pretty upset, but you managed to have a genuine smile by thinking about your amazing boyfriend. Soon work ended and you went your separate ways.

Becky's POV
I ended up explaining to (f/n) what happened. Soon work ended. First, I headed to the hospital just to make sure my baby was still okay. I got in the car and reapplied makeup to my bruises. I went home. I greeted my fiance like everything was normal. Everything was going great. Soon it was time for bed. I climbed into bed. "Aren't you going to take your makeup off first?" "What makeup?" "The makeup on your face." "What?" "What are you hiding?" Tobey reached out to wipe the makeup away. He saw my black eye and busted lip. "Who did this?" I proceeded to explain everything and reassured him that the baby was fine. The bruises went away and it was time for the wedding. I hadn't heard from my biological mother. Today would be perfect. I hurried over to the chapel.

Your POV
Michael and you hurried to the chapel. You went to Becky and helped her into her beautiful gown. She had a professional makeup artist and hair stylist. At last she was ready. You hurried up and got yourself ready. "You look beautiful Becky." "Thanks you look great too." "Thanks. Congratulations." Soon your mother, aunt, and grandmother came in. "Don't you look lovely?" "Thanks everyone." Then you went to find Michael. "Well, the bride is all ready and she is gorgeous." "Well I think that you are the most beautiful woman at the wedding." You smiled. "And your the most handsome man at the wedding." You two kissed until someone shouted. "Places everyone. The wedding is about to begin." Everyone rushed to their places. Music started playing. Tobey took his place at the front of the chapel. The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle. Then it was time for you, the maid of honor, to walk down the aisle with Michael, the best man. You stood at your place and Michael stood at his. Soon your cousin,Lilly, spread rose petals on the ground. The pianist started playing here comes the Bride. Arnold walked Becky down the aisle. "Who so giveth this woman, Becky Thomas to this man, Tobey Anderson." "I do." Tobey grabbed Becky's hand and Arnold went to sit down. Becky passed her bouquet to you. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together in marriage, Becky Thomas and Tobey Anderson. The preacher went on and on. Tobey sang a song. Soon it was time for the vows. They were beautiful. "Becky Thomas, do you take Tobey Anderson to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in Health, through the good times and the bad, as long as you both shall live." "I do." "And Tobey Anderson do you take Becky Thomas to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in Health, in the good times and the bad, as long as you both shall live." "I do." "The ring." Michael handed the ring to Tobey. "Will you place the ring on the bride's finger." Tobey put the ring on Becky's finger. Becky also put a ring on Tobey's finger. "Does anyone have a reason why these two shouldn't join in marriage? Speak now or forever hold your peace." Some middle aged lady stood up. "This man is a cheater! He has been with every women in this city at the same time!" "Your embarrassing me!" "I gave birth to you and don't you forget it! Can't you see that no one could ever love you?! If you love me, you will leave this man alone right now!" The middled aged woman made her way to Becky. Becky's facial expression showed one of horror. The woman began to hit Becky, but Tobey quickly intervened. You weren't quite sure what to do. You walked over to Becky and the woman. You shoved the woman. "Hey, back off!" You yelled. The woman hit you as well. So you signaled to your security. Michael signaled to his security as well. Michael and Tobey came over to you and Becky. "Hey, leave them alone!" They shouted. Soon the lady was taken away by security. Becky began to cry. Tobey wrapped her in a hug. "I'm never going to let her bother you again. Let's just finish this wedding." "By the power vested in me, by the state of California, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Tobey kissed Becky. Becky and Tobey left. Becky ran off somewhere. You followed her. She was in the dressing room, crying. "Who was that?" "My biological mother. How could she do this to me? She embarrassed me in front of everyone." You gave Becky a hug. Soon your mom came in. "Oh Becky." "Becky look, I'm sure my security and Michael's security are going to see to it that she gets arrested and I know Tobey isn't going to let her bother you anymore. Now you're Mrs. Anderson." "That's true." Becky wiped her eyes. "Okay. Let's go to the wedding reception." "Okay." So you all headed over to the wedding reception. You went over to Michael. "There you are. Is everything okay?" "Everything is fine." "I can't believe that lady just embarrassed Becky like that." "Yeah. That was crazy." Soon there was dancing and partying. You slow danced with Michael. The dancing only stopped long enough for everyone to eat. Then Becky threw the wedding bouquet. You caught it. You smiled to yourself. Soon it was time to go. "I just want to thank everyone for coming." You said goodbye to everyone. Eventually, you cleaned up and went home. You turned around and smiled at Michael. "What?" "I caught the wedding bouquet and you know what that means." "Okay. Who's to say that I'm going to be the one to propose to you one day?" "What?" "I'm kidding." You hugged Michael. Michael hugged back. He kissed you. You kissed back. "See you tomorrow." "See you." He left. You went to sleep.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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