Michael's Birthday

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Your POV

Michael's birthday was right around the corner. You wondered about what you should get him. Meanwhile, you and Michael visited your mother. She had woken up about a week ago. "Hi mom. How are you?" "I'm just fine." Just then, a doctor came in. "Hi Mrs. Davis. We have been monitoring you and you have been doing very well. I'm going to release you. You are free to go." My mother immediately got up and made her way to the NICU. She found her triplets. "Mommy's here now. Oh they're so beautiful." "Yes mom. They are. So are you going to come home?" "No. I'm going to stay here with my babies." "Okay, well we're going home. See you later." "Bye Mrs. Davis." "See you later." Michael and I headed home. We finished decorating the baby rooms. "Hey (f/n), are you okay?" "Yeah, why?" "You don't say much lately." "Oh. I've just been thinking. That's all." "What's on your mind?" "I can't tell you Michael." "You can tell me anything." "Maybe I'll get around to telling you eventually." "Come on." "Sorry Michael. How does this room look?" "It looks great. Now, don't think you're going to change the subject. What's wrong?" "I told you, I'm fine." "Okay." You enjoyed each other's company for a while. Soon it was time for Michael to go home. Time flew by and it was August 29th, Michael's birthday. You had a wonderful idea. You went home from work. Michael finally arrived at your house. You gave him a kiss. "Hi (f/n)." "Hi. I have a wonderful day planned for us. First, you have to disguise yourself." So Michael disguised himself. He was completely unrecognizable. "Okay. Let's go." "Okay." You grabbed Michael's hand and headed out the door. You two went to the movies. The movie was fantastic. Next, you went to the zoo. "Look at that lion. It's so majestic." "Well, he is the king after all. He's beautiful." You continued walking around. "Oh, look at the snakes. They're so cool." "I couldn't agree with you more (f/n)." You went to see the chimps and all the animals. You went to the aquarium. "Oh I just love dolphins. Look at how they move through the water. I wish I could swim like that." "Keep practicing. You'll get there someday." "Yeah, right." You saw all sorts of fish, turtles, stingrays, crabs, and other things that you find at aquariums. You also visited a museum. You walked along the beach. You went to a playground. "I've always wanted to go to a playground." "Me too Michael." You went to the mall and looked around. Lastly, you went to Disneyland for a little bit. You waved at all the Disney Characters. You got on the rides. It was fun. Everything was going terrific until Michael's disguise fell off. People started running from every direction. You grabbed Michael's hand and ran to the limo. The driver drove off as soon as you got in. You finally arrived home. "(F/n), I had a terrific time today. Thank you." Michael gave you a kiss on the lips and a tight hug. You hugged him back. "It was nothing. I'd do anything for you." You smiled at Michael. "Well, you make yourself at home. I have to go and get some things from the store." "What could you possibly want from the store?" "I'm just going to pick up a few things. I'll be right back." You kissed Michael's lips. He wrapped his arms around you and deepened the kiss. You pulled back. "Michael, I have to go to the store." "Okay." He sat on the couch. You went out the door. You went to the store and picked up a cake and some icecream. You got back in the limo and drove to KFC. You got the kfc and headed home. Your limo driver went through the back door. You went in the front door. "You're back!" "Yep." "What did you get?" "You'll see." Just then Becky came in with Tobey. "Hi." "Hey." They went over to the table in the living room. Your mother came in. "Hi mom." "Hi (f/n), everyone. I'll only be here for a little bit. I have to get back to the babies." "Yeah mom. We understand. Come on Michael let's go the table." Once everyone was seated at the table you went in the kitchen and brought out the KFC. "I love KFC!" "I know Michael. That's why I got it." You all ate the KFC. Soon you brought out the cake. You put candles on it and lit the candles. "Okay everyone, on the count of 3, 1...2...3," You all sang Happy Birthday to Michael." "I'm thankful, really I am, but I don't celebrate my birthday." "Well there's a first for everything." " You don't understand. It's a religious thing. I would love to celebrate my birthday, but I'm one of Jehovah's witnesses and we don't celebrate birthdays." "What's wrong with celebrating birthdays?" Michael opened his mouth. Only silence came out. Tears fell down his face. "Michael if it makes you feel better, when I was younger, with my kidnappers, I used to watch all their children have the best birthday parties and get the best toys. When my birthday came around I got nothing." A tear fell down your cheek. "I know how you feel Michael." You wrapped him in a hug. You sobbed because of the memories that were flooding into your mind. "Don't cry." "Michael, I was thinking of what you wanted for your birthday. I realised that all you wanted was to go out there and do things that everyone else does. That's why I took you to all of those places on your birthday." "I know. Thank you so much. I got to experience what normal people experience. Truly, it's the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me. Don't cry." He wiped your tears. "We both had awful lives, michael." "I know." "Well, I better clean up the cake and icecream then. I'll just eat it later." "Are you kidding? Have you forgotten that I have a sweet tooth. There is nothing wrong with eating cake and icecream." So we ate the cake and icecream. "It's late. I better go. Thanks for everything." He gave you a kiss on the lips. "Any time." Michael went home and your mother went to be with her triplets.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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