House Shopping

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Your POV

It was January. You woke up to the sun shining in your face. You kissed Michael. "Good morning." "Good morning Michael. Guess what?" "What?" "I'm taking my driving test today." "Really? I didn't know that. " "It must have slipped my mind." You got out of bed and got ready for the day. You fed Mr. Fluffles and had breakfast. You went to the place to take your driving test. "Hello." "Hi." "Can I help you?" "Yes. I'm here to take a road test." "Name?" "(F/n) (l/n)." The person flipped through some papers. "Okay give me one second." The person phoned someone. "(F/n) (l/n) is here for her driving test. Okay." Soon someone else came over to you. "(F/n)?" "yeah." "Okay. Come on." You followed the man outside. You got in the driver's seat of a car. You made all the needed adjustments. The man wrote something down. "Okay. Here we go." You followed the man's instructions as well as all the traffic lights and signs. Finally, the test was over. You pulled into the parking lot of the driving place. The whole time the man was taking notes. You parked the car. "You did perfect." You smiled. You went inside and took photographs. Within minutes your license was handed to you. You went home. "Michael look. I did it." "I'm so proud of you." You kissed Michael. The kiss lasted a while. "Okay. It's time to go to work." "Okay mom." "I love you Michael. I love you too." You went to work. You came back. Michael kissed you. "Hi." "Hi. Were you still here this whole time?" "No I left and came back. I started working on another album." "Okay. I've been thinking, since we're getting married we need a place of our own. Besides, we have to get you away from Joseph." "Okay." You found a newspaper and looked through it. You found several houses for sell. You tapped Michael. "Look at this one. It's huge and it only cost one dollar." "There has to be something wrong with it." "Well, I think we should look at anyways." You both went outside and got into your car that your mom got you for Christmas. "What's the address?" Michael told you the address. You drove over to the place. You parked the car and got out of the car. You and Michael went in the house hand in hand. You rang the bell. Somebody answer. "Hi. Did you come to look at the house?" "Yes." "Well come on in." The first thing you noticed was holes in the walls and the floor and the ceiling. "Please be careful. The last owner got a little mad and put holes everywhere, but this place has plenty of potential." You all looked around the place. "So what do you think?" "You don't want to know what I think." You mumbled under your breath. Michael nudge you with his elbow. "Ow." "What did you say?" "Um we're going to look at other houses before we make our final decision." "Okay Mr. Jackson." You both got back in the car. "No wonder that house is one dollar. You need the rest of your money to fix that place up." "I told you." "What's the next address?" Michael told you the next address. You started driving again. "I mean, my goodness, that house had more wholes than swiss cheese." Michael laughed. You made it to the next house. You parked the car. You got out of the car and went to the house. You rang the bell. "Hello." "Hi." "Did you come to look at the house." "Yes." She started showing of the house. Something ran across your foot. You looked down and saw a mouse run across the floor. "Aaaaaah!" You pointed at the mouse. "Well, now that you've seen the mouse, it's only fair that I tell you the truth. He's got a whole family here, but if you buy some mouse traps you won't have to worry about them anymore." "No. We can't kill them." "That's fine too, Mr. Jackson." You saw the rest of the house and left. You got back in the car. "What's the next address?" Michael gave you the address. "How nasty do you have to be to have that many mouses." "They're animals too." "That's fine. I still don't want them to live with me." You eventually made it to the next house. You parked the car. You got out the car and walked to the door. You rang the doorbell. Someone opened the door. "Hi. Did you come to see the house?" "Yes." "Come on in." As soon as you stepped inside you saw a whole bunch of spiders. "Nope." You turned to leave. Michael grabbed your hand. "Be nice. You have to excuse her. Now, come on." You stood your ground. "Uh-uh. There is no way I am going in there." "Look, if you go in there I'm going to buy you some pizza." "No." "And I'll get you some icecream." "Will you get me a soda too?" "Yeah." "In that case, no." "If you don't go in there, I'll never kiss you again." You pouted. "Fine." You walked in the house. Seeing the spiders and all their legs made your skin crawl. You finished the tour of the house. You all headed to the front of the house. "So, do you think you will buy the house?" Just then, a spider came down on its webb and landed on your face. You smacked your face as hard as you could. You screamed and cried a waved your arms frantically through the air. You ran out of the house into the car. Minutes later, Michael got in the car. "That was really embarrassing." "This is all your fault. I told you that I didn't want to go in that house. You know how I feel about spiders." "You are the one that wanted to go house shopping." "You know what, let's just go to the next house. What's the next address?" Michael read to you the next address. You finally made it to the next house. It was in a beautiful neighborhood. You both got out the car. You rang the bell. A women answered the door. "You must have the wrong address." "We saw your house in the paper." "You mean you are considering buying this house?" "Well, we would like to see it first." "I'm sorry. It's just that black people can't really afford a house like this." She let you inside the house. You whispered to Michael. "I know she didn't just say what I think she said." "Just calm down." Michael whispered back. "Y'all are so rude, but I suppose I should expect that from black people." You inhaled deeply to try to calm yourself down. You continued walking through the house. "This is the pool area. Considering the fact that you're black, you probably never seen a pool at a house before." You all continued to walk through the house. You stopped to look at a painting. "That is the Mona Lisa by William Shakespeare." "Ma'am William Shakespeare was from England and he wrote plays. This is a replica of the Mona Lisa. The original Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian." "Do you really think that you are right and I'm wrong? I mean you're black." Michael grabbed you're hand. "Look we're going to go now." "Wait a minute, aren't you that singer, Michael Jackson." "Yes." "I am so sorry for the way I treated you." "Goodbye." You both got in the car. "She got some nerve." "I know right. What's the next address?" Michael told you the address. You parked at the address. The grass was the most beautiful shade of green. The flowers were lovely. The outside of the house was lovely. You hoped the inside was just as nice. You both approached the door. Michael rang the bell. A lady opened the door. "Hi." "Hello." "Did you come to look at the house?" "Yes." "Well, come on in." You all went through the house. The lady was very polite. The inside of the house was even prettier than the outside. The more of the house you saw, the more you loved the house. The tour came to an end. "What do you think?" "Are there any bugs or rodents around here?" "No." "Michael, do you like it?" "I like it if you like it." "We'll take it. Do you accept checks?" "Yes." You started to fill out the check. "Who should I make it out to?" She told you the name of her real estate company. You finished writing the check. You gave it to her. "Thank you. Now if you will just sign this paper work, and then the house is all yours." After carefully reading over the paperwork with Michael, you signed the papers. You handed them over to the lady. She handed you the keys. "Thank you." "No thank you. Enjoy your new house. With that the lady left. "Would you look at that. We have our own house. Now let's go get that pizza, icecream and soda you promised me." "Okay." You got in your car. You headed to the pizza place and got the soda and pizza. Then you went to the store and got some icecream. You headed over to your mom's house. "You're back." The triplets said as they ran up to you. You hugged them. "There you two are. Where have you been?" "Mom we were just looking for a house to buy and we found one." "That's great. You're all grown up now. So, when will you be moving?" "As soon as possible." "Well, I'm going to give you some of my security. They will be your security." "Thanks mom." You and Michael ate your food and went to sleep. The next day you started packing your things. Michael had went across the street to pack his things. You put your things in the u-haul. One of Michael's security drove Michael's limo. Another one of his security drove his limo You drove to your new house in your car with Michael. "Luckily, Joe wasn't home today. I'm sure Joe would have been upset about me moving in with you." You arrived at the house. You began to unpack your things. You noticed that it was time to go to work. You kissed Michael. "I have to go to work. I'll see you later." "See you later." You got in your car and went to work. You went over to Becky and gently hugged her. "Hi." "Hey. You're all sweaty." "Yeah. I'm in the middle of moving." "Oh. You're moving in with your fiance." "Yeah." You finished work and went to your mom's house. "Hey, I'm surprised you're here. Michael already got the rest of your things." "Well goodbye mom." You hugged your mom. "Goodbye." You hugged Arnold and the Triplets. You went across the street. You rang the doorbell. Mrs. Jackson came to the door. "I came to say see you later." You hugged Mrs. Jackson. "See you. Hey Janet, Latoya, Randy, come say goodbye to (f/n)." The three came over and hugged you. "See you all later." "See you." "Hi Michael." You kissed Michael. "Hi." "Where is the u-haul?" "I had my security take it back." "Oh. Mom did tell me you got the rest of our stuff." "Yeah and I unpacked." "You're amazing. What are we going to have for dinner?" "Well, earlier I sent my security to buy groceries and pots and pans and utensils." You went in the kitchen and made dinner. You ate and put on your PJs. As soon as Michael laid down he fell asleep. You kissed his forehead and went to sleep.

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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