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Your POV
You woke up to Michael kissing you. "Good morning (f/n)." "Good morning Michael." You got up and fed Mr. Fluffles. You went to the triplets bedroom and brought the triplets to the table. The cook served the breakfast. You picked at it for awhile before finally deciding to take a bite. You finished your food and put your dishes in the sink. Soon it was time for you and Becky to go to work. "Alright, we're going now. Take care of the triplets." "We will." Tobey kissed Becky and Michael kissed you. You and Becky went to work. Soon you returned home. "Hi." Becky kissed Tobey. "Hey are you ready to go?" "Yeah." Becky and Tobey went out the door to go on their date. As the walk out the door, you saw Mrs. Jackson. "Hi Mrs. Jackson come on in." "Hi mom." Michael hugged his mother. His mother hugged him back. "Hi Michael. So this where you've been." Mrs. Jackson hugged you. You hugged back. "Hi (f/n)." "Hi Mrs. Jackson." "Please. You don't have to be formal with me. Call me Katie or Katherine." "Okay Katie. Where is Janet and Randy?" "Oh I figured that Randy was old enough to be by himself and he's watching Janet." "Oh. Okay." "Yeah. I came back to see if my friend Susan wanted to hang out with me." "Oh. She's not here." "Oh okay. Will she be back anytime soon." "I don't know." "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen her around here in a while. Where is she?" "In the hospital." "What happened?" "Her ex came over here and beat her so bad that she went into a coma and he broke some of her bones. The hospital she was in caught on fire and smoke filled her lungs. So she was transfered to another hospital and put her on life support." The tears flowed down your face. Mrs. Jackson wrapped you in a hug. "I'm so sorry." "Why did this have to happen?" "Let me tell you something that I told my son. Be strong. They are all just tests. I'll see you later. Let me know if you need anything." "Okay." "See you Michael." "See you later mom. Mom, Joe's not to mad that I'm over here, is he?" "Son I'm not sure. I never see him anymore. He's always gone." "Oh mom. It will be alright." "I know." Mrs. Jackson hugged Michael. He hugged back. She walked out the door. You sat on the couch. Michael sat next to you and wrapped his arm around you. He turned on the TV. He flipped through the channels. Your mind wandered. You thought about your mother. The tears fell down your face again. Michael turned to you. "How about we watch a movie?" "Okay." Michael wiped the tears from your face and wrapped his arm around you. "Everything is going to be alright." "Michael, she's on life support. You and I both know that is just one step away from death." "That's not always true. The doctor said she could recover." "Whatever." Michael's eyes lit up like he had an idea. "I know what can make you feel better. We can dance to some music." You shrugged your shoulders. "If you say so." "Okay let's see." You and Michael looked around for some music to dance to. You found a VHS tapes labeled  The Jacksons Variety Show. "Michael what's this? Were you on a variety show?" "Yeah we did a show a back in 76 through 77." You smiled. "Hey there's that beautiful smile I love to see." "Let's watch it." You put in the VHS. You and Michael danced to the songs. You laughed at the whole episode. All too soon it came to an end. "I needed that." You and Michael went to the table. Miss Stacey brought out the triplets and set them at the table. The cook put the dinner on the table. You ate dinner. You watched another episode of The Jacksons variety show. You and Michael went your room. You cuddled with Michael and fell asleep. Everyday, you went to the hospital with Michael, Becky, and Tobey. You looked and hope for your mother to wake up. Day after day passed and still your mom showed no improvement. Another month passed. It was June. Your mom opened her eyes. "Mom!" You saw tears come to her face. "You don't have to cry mom." Her crying became so loud. A nurse rushed in and tried to comfort your mother nothing worked. They brought her food. Some how, some way, someone decided to bring her milk. She drunk it and calmed down. You sat next to your mom. "Mom. I'm so happy that you're awake." You're mom just stared at you. You tried talking to her, but you got no response. You set there for hours until you smelled an awful smell. Your mother started crying again. A nurse ran in the room. "Are you all right Mrs. Davis?" The nurse removed the blanket. You saw the source of the smell. Your mother had used the bed. The nurse helped your mother into a nearby chair. It didn't seem like her legs were working properly. The nurse cleaned the bed and put a diaper on Mrs. Davis. Soon a doctor came in. "We've run some test on your mother. Everything looks fine. Except I believe your mother is going through something call regression. You see it's when a person starts acting way younger than what they are. Regression could be caused by stress or brain injuries. She won't be this way forever. Just keep her calm and she should be back to normal in no time." The doctor left the room. Your mother spent another month in the hospital. Your mother went home in July. You talked to her all the time. Mrs. Jackson often came over to see her. On one wonderful day in September, you were talking to your mother as usual. "So you see, I'm your daughter." "(F/n)." "Yeah that's my name." Suddenly, you stopped. You're mother had said your name. "Do you remember me mom." "Now I do. I remember everything, thanks to you." She got out of her wheel chair and put her wheel chair away. "Oh (F/n)." "Mom." You hugged your mother. You cried tears of Joy. "Do you remember me?" "Of course Michael." Your mom hugged everyone in the house. Life was normal again. "I want to thank you Michael and Tobey for looking after my two daughters and helping with the triplets." "It was no problem." "Yeah no problem at all." Tobey left. You kissed Michael goodbye. You went to sleep finally happy."

Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for updates. And as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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