Something's Wrong

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Your POV

You woke up one morning in September. You smiled. It was time to go home. You and Michael packed your bags. You two doubled and tripled checked the hotel suite to make sure you weren't leaving anything behind. Finally, you decided it was time to go. "Alright let's catch that plane." You reached for your suitcase. "No, let me get that for you."

Becky's POV

It was early in the morning. I awoke to a baby crying. I went to go check on Jr. I tried to give him a bottle. He refused to drink it. Then I checked his diaper. It was clean and dry. Just then Tobey came in the room. "Can't you make him be quiet?" "I'm trying, but nothing's working."  I decided to call my mother. "Hello?" "Mom, my baby is crying and I don't know what to do to make him stop." "You mean to tell me that you have been a mother for 4 months and you still don't know how to make Jr. stop crying?" "I just need a little help, that's all. I mean usually he's so calm." "Look it's to early in the morning for me to think. I'm sure you'll figure it out. Bye." "Bye." I tried to think about who else would know about babies. That's when I thought of my sister. When she was with the people who she thought was her family, her so called parents had lots of babies. Surely, she would know what to do. I decided to give her a call.

Your POV

You were walking out the door when the telephone rang. You answered it. "Hello?" "(F/n), you have got to help me. I've tried absolutely everything to get Jr. to be quiet." "I'm still out of town. I'm not sure what you want me to do." "Just tell me what to do." "Are you sure you tried every single thing?" "Yes." "Then take him to the doctor. Babies cry when they are sick or hurting because they don't have any other way to express themselves." "Okay. Thank you. Bye." "Bye." You hung up the phone. "What was that about?" "Becky can't get Jr. to stop crying." "I hope it's nothing serious." "Me too. Let's catch that plane." You saw the rest of Michael's brothers in the hallway. You all snuck out the hotel using the back stairs. The luggage got loaded into the rented limos. You headed to the airport. You all got on the plane. It finally landed in L.A. Michael's limo driver picked you and Michael up from the airport. "Bye guys." "See you later (f/n)." You hugged Michael's brothers. Michael said goodbye to his brothers. You got in the limo. "Home sweet home." "Yeah." You and Michael unpacked. "I wonder how Jr. is doing." Just then the phone rang. You answered it. "Hello?" "Hi. It's me Becky. I'm calling from the hospital." "Oh hi Becky. How is Jr. ?" "I don't know. The doctors have already ran so many test on him and they didn't find anything. Now I have to go to work. I don't want to leave Tobey like this." "Don't worry. I'll cover for you at work." "Thank you so much." You hung up the phone. "I'm going to go to work now." "But we just got back." "I know. Bye Michael." You kissed Michael and went out the house. You went to work. You saw your mother. "Mom!" "(F/n)!" You gave your mom a big hug. "How was the tour?" "It's always a good time watching Michael and his brothers perform." "You wouldn't happen to know where Becky is, would you?" "She's at the hospital with her son. She couldn't get him to stop crying. So I told her that he might be sick or in pain." "I hope he's okay." You and your mother started modeling the day away. Your boss came over to you. "Do you know where Becky is?" "Yes. She's in the hospital with her son." "Oh. I understand. Tell her that I wish for her son to get better." "Okay. See you tomorrow." You hurried over to the hospital. You walked inside. You heard loud crying. You saw Becky and Tobey. "Is that Jr. crying?" "Yes, they haven't been able to get him to stop." "I hope they figure it out soon. Oh and our boss said that he wishes for your son to get better." Becky started to cry. "What if something is seriously wrong with him?" "Becky, I'm sure he's going to be fine." "You don't know that." Becky sighed. "It's not like you would understand. You don't have a baby." "I understand that you want your baby to be okay." Your stomach growled. "I'm going to the cafeteria are you two coming." "No." "Okay." You found a phone on the way to the cafeteria. You called up Michael. "Hello?" "Hi. It's me. I just wanted to let you know that I'm at the hospital checking up on my nephew." "What is all that noise in the background?" "That is Jr. He is still crying. I'm going to go grab something to eat." "Okay. See you later." "Bye." You hung up the phone. You went to the cafeteria. You got some food and ate it. Suddenly, the crying stopped. You cleaned up your trash. You walked as fast as you could to where Becky was. She was gone and so was Tobey. You waited for what seemed like forever. Finally, Becky and Tobey came out with the baby. "Well? What did the doctor say?" "Oh. It was just a little flatulence." "How did they figure that out Becky?" "They said that he farted. After that he stopped crying." "I'm glad he's going to be okay." "Me too. I'll see you later." "Bye." You headed home. "Hi. I'm home." Michael came over to you and gave you a hug and a kiss. "Hi. Is the baby going to be okay." "Yeah. He's going to be fine. He was just suffering from a little flatulence." Michael laughed. "Are you serious?" "Yeah."

------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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