Your Escape

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Your POV

Time went on. Suddenly you heard your father. "She's been very naughty again, so I'm going to punish her again." "Go ahead." your mother responded. You knew exactly what that meant. Your father came in the room. "Please!" "Hush you naughty girl. You're so attractive." He got on top of you and there was nothing you could do. He raped you again. Then he left out the room. You became desperate for escape and only came up with one solution. In the middle of the night, you went in the bathroom and got a razor blade. You climbed back on your bed. You held the blade to your wrist as tears fell down your cheeks. Just then your telephone rang. So you answered the phone. "Hello?" "Hey (f/n)." "Oh hi Michael. You do realize that it's the middle of the night right?" "I'm sorry." "No need to apologise. Besides, you called just in time for me to say goodbye." "What does that mean?" Tears continued to roll down your cheeks. "I'm about to end it all." "No please don't. Everything will turn around." "I can't take this anymore. This is the only way to escape this place." "I'm begging you." "Give me one reason why I shouldn't end it all. If I was dead who would miss me?" "I would." You were shocked at this response. You were also confused. "You don't even know me." "I'd like to get to know you." "Why?" "Remember when we first met, you said I was the first person you ever talked to. Don't you want someone to talk to?" Tears again poured down your cheeks. "Yes." "Well I'm also very lonely. I would love to have someone to talk to. I'm also a great listener. So talk to me. Tell me everything." You hear footsteps quickly approaching. "Alright I'll talk to you some other time, but someone is coming now. Bye." You hang up seconds before your dad came in. He turned on the light. "Yep, those are some bad burns. Your mother and I are taking you to the ER, but what ever happens don't tell them that we did it. You got that?" "Yes sir." So you went to the hospital. After the doctor examined you, you saw his concern look. He looked at your parents. "This is very bad, so bad that I don't have time to explain." Then he took you to another room. "Okay you're fine. You have very minor injuries." "What about the burns?" "Barely even reached the second degree. They will heal up quite nicely." "So why did you bring me back here?" "Because I can tell that you are being abused." "No." "Listen you're staying here until I get you some help and your parents will not be allowed to come back here. Also you will not be charged for this hospital stay." "Thank you so much." The doctor left. I called up Michael. "Hello?" Michael yawned. "Hi. Did I disturb you?" "It's fine. You sound rather happy." "I'm at the hospital." "What happened? Please tell me you didn't." "No. You see earlier my family dumped the dinner that I prepared for them on my head. So some hours later my parents brought me to the hospital." "Are you okay?" "Better than okay. The doctor is keeping me here until I get some help and he won't be allowing my parents to come back here." "That's great. See I told you things would turn around." "Yep." You let out a sigh. "What's wrong?" "I was just thinking about earlier." "Do you want to talk about it?" "Michael I" Tears rolled down your cheeks at the memory. "Just before you called, my father raped me." "That's terrible, but hey you'll never have to experience those things again." "Yeah, your right." "Okay so let's get to know each other. What's you favorite color?" You told him your favorite color. "Well I like red,black, blue, gold. What's your favorite food?" You told him your favorite food. "Well my favorite food is Mexican food." "Mexican food is so good." "I know right. I love to swim and play games. I love arcades and amusement parks, but I can't go anywhere to do those things or I'll get mobbed." "I've never done those things before. I've never even been to a playground before." "When I was younger, I desperately wanted to go to the play ground, but I had to practice or record songs at the studio and all the kids would tease my brothers and I. They used to tell us we were never going to be anything." "That's so sad." You began to cry and you heard sniffling coming from Michael. "But hey, you sure showed them." "I did didn't I? The Jackson 5 isn't doing so great anymore." "Oh no." ",but I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm working on a solo album. It's called off the wall. You want to here some of it?" "Sure Michael." You listen as Michael sang a little bit of rock with you. "That was beautiful." A smile spread across your face. "I'm working with Quincy Jones. I just worked with him when I was in The Wiz." "What's the Wiz?" "Right, it hasn't come out yet. Okay, have you seen the Wizard of Oz?" "Yeah." "Well it's like that, but it's the black version. I play The scarecrow." "Tell me about The scarecrow." "The scarecrow is stuck in the same situation and tormented by those crows, the crows tease him." "I feel trapped and tormented." "It won't be that way much longer. Things changed for the scarecrow too when Dorothy came along. That scarecrow does a lot of reading as well." "Do you read a lot Michael?" "Yeah I read a lot. You get to learn knew things and kind of escape reality for a moment." So you talked all night. You laughed together and cried together. You got angry together. You got happy together. You just experienced so many emotions together with Michael. The sun comes up and someone came in your room. So you hang up the phone. "Hi I am with DCFS and I want to help you, but you have to tell me what goes on at home." You tell the lady everything. "I'm going to try to get you adopted, but because you're 18 it won't be easy. Not a lot of people adopt 18 year olds and you're to old for the foster program, but I guarantee you that I will get you adopted." "Thank you so much." You start thinking about Michael. You think you fell in love with him, but how do you tell Michael Jackson that you are in love with him?
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you so much for reading. I hope you all enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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