Paternity Court

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Your POV
It felt so good to be back home. The Jacksons finished their tour. It was March. Life was going normal. You got up and went to work with your mom and sister like usual. You all returned home. The triplets ran up to your mom. "Mama!" They all said. "Hey. Were you good today?" "Yes Mrs. Davis they were excellent." Miss Stacey answered. The doorbell rang. Security answered it. Tobey came through the door. Becky hugged him and kissed him. "Hi fiancé." "Hi fiancée." They held hands as they walked out the door. You sat around. The doorbell ranged once more. Security opened the door and Michael walked in. You hugged him and kissed his lips. "Hi sweetheart." "Hello." "What are we going to do today?" "We're going to do whatever you want to do. " You smiled at Michael. "Why don't we just talk for now. What did you do today?" "Well I just got back from DisneyLand." "Oh really?" "Yeah. They wanted to film me singing." "I've always wanted to go to Disneyland." "I'll take you someday. I promise." Suddenly, the triplets walked over to you. "Hi." "Hi." They all responded. Suddenly, you heard shouting. "You will not speak about our kids that way! They are your kids! You want me to prove it to you?! I'll see you in court then! Okay!" Then it was silent. Your mom came out of her room. "Mom is everything okay?" "Everything is fine." "Are you sure?" Your mom sighed. "Miss Stacey, can you take the kids outside and let them run around for a bit?" "Sure." Miss Stacey and the triplets left. "First she was the maid and now she's a babysitter." "Relax (f/n), I doubled her pay." Your mom started to laugh. "Who were you talking to?" "Leroy." "Mom I told you to get over him. He's no good for you." "I know. The phone was ringing. So I answered it and he was telling me how much he misses me. I told him that I missed him too and that the kids were doing well and he said who cares. I told the triplets to come out here because they didn't need to hear that. That's when I started yelling at him. That's when we agreed to go to paternity court." " I see." "(F/n) it would mean so much to me if you would stand right next to me." "I don't do public speaking." "Please?" "Fine mom." "Thanks." Just then the Triplets came back in with Miss Stacey. Later that day Becky came home. "Bye Tobey." Tobey kissed her lips. "I'll see you later." Becky came in and mom sat right next to her. "Hi." "Hello." "I'm going to paternity court with Leroy and I would really appreciate it if you were right next to me." "You know I'd do anything for you." "Thanks." The days passed. At last it was time to go to court. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time. "How do I look?" "Great as always." "I'm serious Michael." "Yeah seriously gorgeous." You smiled. "I'm so nervous. What if I embarrass myself?" "You are going to be fine. How do I look?" Michael was wearing a disguise. "Completely unrecognizable." "Okay perfect." "Will you be with me?" "I'm going to be sitting in the audience . You'll be fine." Michael kissed your forehead. You grabbed his hand and walked to your limo. Your mom and the triplets were in the limo as well. Becky rode in the car with her fiancé. You made it to the court. You quickly kissed Michael and went to your place. Everyone was in there place. Leroy was standing next to a woman you didn't recognize "Good day everyone." "Good day." Everyone in the court room said. "You may be seated. Mrs. Davis you said that you are 100% sure that Mr. Stone is the father of your triplets and you want to prove it to Mr. Stone once and for all. Is that correct?" "Yes your honor." "Now Mr. Stone you say that there is no way that you are the father and today's results will reflect that. Is that correct?" "Yes your honor." "Mrs. Davis how did you end up meeting Mr. Stone?" "Well I went to eat at a restaurant one evening and I was all alone and Mr. Stone came and sat down next to me and we started talking. By the end of the night we had exchanged numbers and he asked me out on a date." "How long ago was that?" "Almost four years ago." "Mr. Stone is that how you remember it?" "No. I never met this woman in my whole life until today." You, Becky and your mom looked at each other. You were shocked. How could he lie like that? "Okay. The results are going to say otherwise." Your mother responded. "Mrs. Davis take me back to the day you believed you conceived." "Okay. Mr. Stone had proposed to me and he started kissing me. One thing led to another and I said we're engaged to each other. So why not?" "Mr. Stone?" "Like I said this is my first time ever meeting this woman today." "Okay. Mrs. Davis take me back to the day you found out you were pregnant." "Well I was throwing up and having weird cravings so after a month my daughter's boyfriend suggested that I might be pregnant. He said that's what his mother said. Who am I to argue with someone who has nine kids? So I took a pregnancy test and then I went to the doctor. That's how I found out I was pregnant." "Who did you tell?" "The next day I decided to have dinner and with my daughters and their boyfriends and Mr. Stone. That's when I made the announcement." "Mrs. Davis did you sleep with anyone else around the time of conception." "No your honor." "Mr. Stone why don't you think you're the father." "Well your honor she supposedly conceived in March. The triplets were born in August. It takes 9 months for a baby to be born. That's not 9 months." "Wait a minute now. You just said you never met her before. So how do you know when she she conceived and gave birth? Anyways is this true Mrs. Davis, that's when they were conceived and born?" "Yes your honor, but they're triplets and the more babies you carry the more likely it is for a premature birth." "Okay well I wanted to know more about this. So I called an expert, Dr. Georgina Harris. Can you escort her in?" A woman came in the court and sat next to the judge. "Hello. We're here with Davis vs. Stone and I wanted to know a few things. Now a woman usually carries a baby for nine months right?" "Yes." "How about if a woman is carrying twins or triplets or more?" "So with women who are carrying more than one baby, they most likely carry for less than nine months." "Thank you. You can leave." The woman left. "So after hearing that did either of you change your mind?" "No your honor." "No your honor." "Now Mr. Stone you brought somebody with you. I would like to hear from you. What is your name?" The lady stood up. "Patrice Stone." "What's your relationship to Mr. Stone?" "I'm his wife." Your mother started crying. You and Becky got up to hug her. "Are you okay Mrs. Davis." "Your honor I honestly didn't know that he was married." "How long have you been married?" "20 years." "Tell me what you know about this situation." "Well he told me that Mrs. Davis was lying, but now I don't believe him because, 4 years ago he started coming home later talking about he left work late." "Mrs. Davis you brought some people. I would like to hear from them. State your names. "I'm (f/n) (l/n). I'm her daughter by birth." "And I'm Becky Thomas. I'm her daughter by adoption." "Tell me about the night your mother told you she was pregnant." Becky spoke. "Well mom said don't make any plans because we're having dinner at home and bring your boyfriends. So that's what My sister and I did. So we sat down and said grace over the food and just after somebody said amen my mother threw up which, was the perfect Segue into mom announcing that she was pregnant. Mr. Stone demanded to know who the father was. When she said it was him, he hit her." "He hit her while she was pregnant?" "Yes your honor." "That is not true." "Knowing you, it probably is true because you hit me all the time. If those are your children I'm leaving you. We're getting a divorce and I'm taking my son with me. That's right he may not be yours." "Mrs. Stone we will get to that in a minute. For now, we are going to get into the results of this case. Because they are fraternal triplets, they could all have different fathers. Therefore the results will be read separately. In the case of Davis vs Stone, when it comes to one and a half year old Edmond Davis, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Stone you are the father. In the case of Davis vs Stone, when it comes to one and a half year old Ethan Davis, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Stone you are the father. In the case of Davis vs Stone, when it comes to one and a half year old Evalyn Davis, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Stone you are the father. Those are your beautiful babies. "I'm sorry Susan." "I forgive you." "Can we be friends?" "Don't push it." "Now you all need to figure out where do you go from here. We have counseling available for you. Take care of those babies." You all went to take a break. Leroy decided to talk to your mom. "Susan I guess I always knew that those were my babies. I just didn't want to believe it because then it would have made everything so real." "You mean that you were cheating on your wife." "Yes. I'm still in love with you." "We are never getting back together." Your saliva was collected and you didn't know why. Soon you returned to the court room. Mrs. Stone wanted a paternity test as well. "Mr. Stone you say that you are certain that you are the father and would be devastated to find out otherwise. Is that correct?" "Yes your honor." "Mrs. Stone you say that Mr. Stone may not be the father because you had an affair. Is that correct?" "Yes your honor." "Mr. Stone how did you two meet?" "We met at highschool. We had started dating because we had a crush on each other." "So it started as a crush and eventually you got married right?" "Yes your honor." "Take me back to when you conceived." "Well Mr. Stone was treating me terribly. So I didn't want a baby in that environment. So I took birth control, even when he didn't know. I met this man and he was wonderful and he was talking about how ever since his baby was stolen, his wife didn't pay attention to him anymore." You were shocked at how similar the man, whom Mrs. Stone spoke about, was to your father. "So we ended up sleeping together. I just so happen to forget to take my birth control. So I also slept with my husband so, that if I got pregnant I could say it was Mr. Stone." "Who did you tell when you found out you were pregnant?" "I told both Mr. Stone and Mr. Davis. Mr. Davis took care of me and my son." "And you say you knew that he was married?" "Yes your honor he told me everything about Mrs. Davis and (f/n)." So the man was your father. "Mr. Stone did you take care of Mrs. Stone and Arnold?" "Yes your honor." "He gave us our necessities, but he often hit us." "Mr. Stone did you know about this affair?" "No your honor." "Mrs. Davis did you know about this affair?" "No, but I can't be mad at him. A man has needs and I stopped meeting them when my daughter was stolen. I got her back though." "This is crazy. You all sleeping with each other husbands. Did you sleep with anyone else around the time of conception?" "No your honor." "I am just ready for the results. In the case of Stone vs Stone, when it comes to 15 year old Arnold Stone, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Stone you are not the father. Alright, let's go to the next one. Mr. Davis is no longer around for us to get his DNA. So we got the DNA from the closet living relative, his daughter. The chance of relatedness is 99.9%. Mr. Davis is the father. I have counseling available for you to figure out where we go from here. Court is dismissed." So that's why they needed your saliva. You over heard Mr. And Mrs. Stone talking. "We can work this out." "Even if we could I wouldn't want to." You went home with your family. You slumped down on the couch. "What a day! My father, who I don't know, had an affair 15 years ago and didn't tell mom." "That is crazy, but like your mom said a man has needs." "What do you mean by that?" "You are all that I need." He kissed you. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Security opened it. It was your brother, Arnold Stone, and his mother, Patricia stone. Your mother went to greet them. "Hi." "Hi. We don't have anywhere to go. Please help us." "Of course. Come on in." She showed them to there rooms. They came back to the living room. "Michael Jackson?" "It's nice to meet you both." "I listen to the album you just put out. It's fantastic." "Thanks." We all had dinner and Tobey and Michael went home. "Did Michael Jackson just go into that house across the street?" "Yes Arnold. That's his house." "So we're neighbors. That's so cool. What was he doing over here?" "He's my boyfriend." Looks like some people just moved in to my house.
------------------------------------------------------ Thank you all so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates. I love you guys so much. As always HEAL THE WORLD.

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