A Christmas to Remember

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Your POV

Time continued to pass. You and your family decorated the christmas tree and put gifts under the tree. At last Christmas Eve came. You were super excited because Michael was spending the night today. Of course Tobey would be here also. He begged for his sister to come. So you all said she could stay as well. You climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen. The staff had Christmas Eve and Christmas off. So they had all went to spend time with their families. Therefore your mom was slaving over the stove. "Good morning mom." "Good morning (f/n)." Your mom hummed to herself. "You seem excited mom." "I am very excited." "Why?" "You'll have to wait and see (f/n)." You noticed that your mom was cooking a large breakfast. "Mom aren't you cooking just a little to much food?" "No. You'll see." Just then Becky came out of her room and into the kitchen. "Good morning mom, (f/n)." "Good morning Becky." You and your mother said simultaneously. "Mom, why the big breakfast?" "You'll see Becky." Just than the triplets started crying. "The babies are up. (F/n) can you keep an eye on the food for me?" "Yes ma'am." "Thanks." Your mom hurried towards the bedroom of the babies. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Your mother groaned. "I'll get it mom." "Thanks Becky." You followed Becky to the door. She opened it. "Hello. Can we help you?" "Sorry. We must have the wrong house. We were looking for Susan Davis." A woman said. The woman looked similar to your mom. There was also an older lady who looked like your mom. There was also a man and a little girl. "Who's at the door?" Your mom walked right behind you. "Sally?" "Susan!" Your mom and Sally hugged. "It is so good to see you." "It's good to see you too." "Come on in we have so much to talk about." "Yeah." "Hi mom." "Hi Susan." Your mom hugged the older woman. The family came in the house and put presents under the tree. "Sit down and make yourself at home. Please excuse us. We haven't had a chance to freshen up yet." You saw your mom go to the stove and turn it off. You went to take a shower. You put your hair in a ponytail and changed out of your pajamas into some regular clothes. You came out of your room to discover that your mom and Becky had changed out of their Pjs as well. You went back to the family. Your mom and Becky brought out the triplets. "Okay. I'll introduce everybody. This is my mother, Beatrice Smith. This is my younger sister, Sally um." "Sally Jenkins." "And the man next to you is..." "My husband Irwin Jenkins and this is my daughter Lilly Jenkins." "Hello. I'm 10." "So you got married and started a family." "Yeah Susan. It's been a long time since we talked." "Yeah. So this here is Edmond, but you can call him Ed. That's Ethan and that's Evalyn. That's Becky, the one that I adopted. That's (f/n)." "You found her Susan?!" "I sure did Sally." Aunt Sally gave you a hug. "I would have spoiled you rotten. I'm sorry you were kidnapped." "It's alright." "Hey Susan, why did you stop talking to us." "Sally I was so upset when (f/n) was kidnapped that I didn't even want to talk to anyone." "I understand." "So Grandma are you married?" You asked. "Yeah. Where is grandpa?" Becky added in. "Oh. He died in the Vietnam war with your father. Susan you must have another husband. I mean you have three babies." "Oh mom. I'm not married." "Excuse me?" "Could we change the subject mom." "No Susan. I taught you better than this. Do you have a boyfriend?" "No mom." "Then how did those babies come about?" Your mom opened her mouth. No sounds came out. She buried her head in her hands and ran into her room. "Look grandma she doesn't like to talk about it. She had a boyfriend and then they got engaged and that's when she got pregnant with the triplets. When she told him about the pregnancy he said that the child wasn't his and he hit her. So from that moment on they were no longer together." "That is horrible." Just then your mom came out of her room. "I'm sorry everyone. I'm back now." "I'm sorry Susan. I didn't know." "Look let's talk about something else. It's Christmas Eve after all." "Yeah tell us how you got (f/n) back." "Well, I was planning to adopt and I found out about this girl who needed to be adopted. So I flew out to see this girl. When I met her I couldn't get over the resemblance between us two." "Neither can I." You all laughed at Aunt Sally. "Apparently the lady from DCFS couldn't either. So she did some investigating and some blood work and got the people to admit to Kidnapping (f/n)." "That is crazy how that worked out." "I know right." Just than the doorbell rang. You answered. "Michael!" He wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back and you kissed each other. "I'm so glad your parents let you stay with us." "Me too. I'm also glad I didn't have to go to the recording studio this week." He kissed you again. You walked in the house, hand in hand. Michael stopped. "What's wrong?" "Who are these people?" "Aunt Sally and her husband Irwin and their daughter, cousin Lilly. That's my grandma." Michael waved at them. They had there Jaws opened. "Hey could you please treat him like a normal person. He's no different than you or me." Lily ran over to him. "I saw you on my T.V." "I'm sure you did." "Is it really, truly you Michael?" "It's really truly me." Michael smiled. Lily wrapped her arms around Michael. Michael hugged her back. "This is the best Christmas ever. I have posters of you all over my walls in my room at home." "How old are you?" "I'm 10." Michael went over to sit down on the couch. Lily sat right next to him. I sat on the other side of him. "(F/n) how did you end up meeting Michael?" "Well, I used to live somewhere else and I was going to the store to shop and Michael just happen to be there. He left the store and the fans were following him. So I got a little hurt and Michael offered me a ride home." "Is he your boyfriend?" "Yes Lily." "Michael, do you live nearby?" "Yeah. I live across the street." "Enough with the questions Lily!" "There is no need to yell at her. I don't mind." "I don't mind either." The doorbell rang once more. "I'll get it." Becky went to the door. I followed her out of curiosity. "Tobey!" She hugged him and kiss him. "Hi I'm his mother. You can call me Kim or Miss Anderson or whatever you want to call me. You must be Becky." "Yeah. It's nice to meet you." Becky extended her hand. Miss. Anderson shook it. "It's nice to meet you too. I just had to come over personally, to thank you for letting my son and daughter spend the holidays with you. I've never been able to afford to give him or his sister a real christmas." Becky was shocked. Tobey didn't seem poor. "I don't understand." "Yeah. I was 16 when I got pregnant with the twins. So naturally the boy didn't want to have anything to do with them and my parents kicked me out the house. So I moved into a homeless shelter and dropped out of school. I got a job as a waitress and saved until I could afford a house. I still live paycheck to paycheck." "I'm sorry." "Bye Tobey, Bye Sophie. Behave yourself. I have to go to work." Your mom came over. "Hi. I'm Susan, Becky's mom." "Hi. I'm Kim Anderson, Tobey's mom. Thank you for letting Tobey and Sophie spend Christmas with you and your family." "It's no problem. Would you like to join us for breakfast?" "No. I really should be leaving. I have to go to work. Thanks." Mrs. Anderson hurried off. "Come on let's go in the house." Your mother went in the house. "Tobey if you're so poor, then how can you and your sister afford to go to college?" "We both got a full ride scholarship." "Your clothes look so new." "We take good care of them." "I guess you do only have one outfit. How do you have a car?" "My father is a rich business man. He gave it to me. It's the only thing he's ever done for us." "You take me on lots of dates." "You pay for them most of the time. I was a waiter until I went to college. So I just use my savings to get you stuff. Becky please don't treat me any differently." "I promise that I won't. " Becky kissed Tobey. "Come on in." "Great everyone's here. Becky, (f/n), please show them to their rooms, while I heat up the food." "Yes ma'am. Okay everyone grab your things. Let's go." Everyone began following you and Becky. "Okay. Grandma, you can sleep in this room. Auntie and Uncle you can sleep in that room. Lily you can sleep in this room." "Cousin Becky, is Tobey your boyfriend?" "Yeah." "And who is that?" Lily pointed at Sophie. "That's his twin sister Sophie." "Sophie you can sleep in that room. Tobey you can sleep in this room. Michael you can sleep in that room." Everyone put their stuff away. We headed downstairs. "I hope you're all hungry." "We are." Came the response from everyone. We all sat down at the table. "Alright we're going to bless the food." We all held hands. "Lily would you bless the food for us?" "Okay. Dear heavenly father, thank you for this breakfast and thank you for friends and family and Baby Jesus. Amen." "Amen." You all said. You all talked while you ate your breakfast. The rest of the day went by as you sang christmas songs and watched christmas movies. After dinner, Everyone went to their rooms. Someone knocked on your bedroom door. "Come in." You turned your light on to see Michael come towards you. You smiled. Michael looked rather upset. "(F/n) I feel awful." "What's wrong?" Michael sat next to you on the bed. "I'm not suppose to celebrate Christmas because I'm a Jehovah's Witness." "Haven't you sang Christmas songs before?" "Sure. My brothers and I recorded a whole Christmas album." "Then why do you think you did something wrong today?" "Well what about the christmas movies?" You shrugged. "What's wrong with watching a movie besides, you weren't watching a movie. You were watching me." "I can't help it you're so beautiful." You blushed. "Thanks." Michael still looked very upset. "Look. If you're this upset you can go home." Michael cracked a smile. "And leave you? No way." "I love you." " I love you too." You two started to kiss. You slowly laid down on your bed. Just then Becky bursted in. "I knew I couldn't trust you two. I just knew Michael was going to come in here." You folded your arms. "How did you know that? Is it because Tobey is in your room." "Hey we're not talking about me and Tobey. We're talking about you two." "So Tobey is in your room." "Fine. I'll go kick Tobey out of my room. Mr. Jackson, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this room." "Becky's right. Goodnight (f/n)." "Goodnight Michael." Michael and Becky left out the room. You fell asleep. You awoke to someone jumping on your bed. "Come on cousin (f/n). Wake up. It's Christmas." You looked outside your window. It was still dark. "Lily the sun didn't even come up yet." "I know, but it's already 5:00 AM. Don't you want to see what Santa left for you?" "Sure, later." You rolled over to go back to sleep. "I already woke my parents up. Come on." Just then Michael walked in. "Michael, your up." "Yeah. I couldn't go back to sleep after Lily woke me up." "Well I can. So give me a few more hours." "Lily let's not bother (f/n) anymore." You fell back asleep. Soon you were kissed by Michael. "Why are you waking me up?" "Come on. You slept long enough." "You better be glad I love you, but I'm still going to do this." You quickly grabbed a pillow and hit Michael with it. "Hey." You and Michael laughed as a pillow fight broke out. The pillow fight ended when both of your stomachs started growling. "I better get cleaned up so I can go to breakfast." You got in the shower, got out. You smiled at Michael. He returned the smile. You sat down in front of a mirror. You brushed your hair. "What are you doing now?" "Michael, I'm making myself look presentable." ",but your always beautiful." You looked at yourself in the mirror. "Thanks." "It's true." "The people who I thought were my parents, they told me that..." Michael hugged you. "Nothing they ever said or did matters anymore. It's all in the past. You didn't deserve any of it. Believe when I tell you, you're beautiful on the inside and the outside." Michael kissed your forehead. You smiled. You went to the dining room. You were very excited to open your gifts. Usually at Christmas the people who you thought were your siblings got lots of presents and you got nothing. You knew this year would be different. You went to the dining room. Everyone said good morning and merry Christmas to everyone. Everyone was wearing christmas onesie pajamas. We sat at the table and ate our breakfast. "Hey Michael, whatever did you do to get Lily to fall back asleep?" "I just told her a story and she went to sleep Mr. Jenkins." You smiled. "What (f/n)?" Michael asked in a whisper. "I just love a man who's good with kids." You whispered back. You all finished breakfast. "Okay let's open the presents." "Not yet Lily. I have to tell the story first. It's a christmas tradition." "I forgot Grandma." "Oh how I missed that tradition." Your mother said. "Okay everyone gather around." You all went in the living room. You sat next Michael and snuggled against him. He kissed your forehead. "Hey you two stop that. I want you to really pay attention now. Long, long ago the first humans had disobeyed their creator, God. But, God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, had already came up with a plan of Salvation. So for years prophets would write about the Messiah, the savior. One day a priest named Zacharias was in the temple praying because it was his turn. Everyone was praying outside the temple. An angel went to Zacharias and told him that Elizabeth would have a son and to call him John. John would preach to people and get there hearts ready to meet the promised Messiah. Zacharias thought that he and his wife Elizabeth were to old to have a baby. So the angel told him he wouldn't speak anymore until the baby was born. So Zacharias went outside the temple. The people knew that he saw a vision because his arms were flailing through the air, but he wasn't saying anything. Sure enough Elizabeth became pregnant. 6 months later, a virgin, named Mary, was minding her own business, when an angel came to her. He told her that she would have the Son of God and that he would take away the sins of the world and that she should name the baby, Jesus. Mary was like, how is that suppose to happen. I haven't been with a man. The angel responded that with God, nothing is impossible besides, Mary's cousin, Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant even though she was old and no one ever thought that Elizabeth could have a baby. So Mary said to let everything happen to her as the angel had said. So Mary went to see her cousin and sure enough Elizabeth was pregnant. As soon as Mary spoke to Elizabeth, the Baby in Elizabeth's belly leaped for joy and that's how Elizabeth knew that Mary was carrying the Messiah. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months. So Elizabeth had her baby and people were saying to call his name Zacharias. Elizabeth said that the baby would be named John. The people didn't like that name because no one in the family was named John. Zacharias asked for writing Tablet. He wrote that the Baby's name was John. That very second, Zacharias could speak again. Zacharias praised God. Mary made it back home and Joseph her fiance, found out that she was pregnant. Joseph was a good man and he didn't want to embarrass Mary. So he was going to call off the engagement privately. Joseph went to sleep and an Angel came to him in a dream and told him to take Mary as his wife. For she was carrying the son of God. So Joseph married Mary. Time passed. When Mary was 9 months pregnant, the emperor of Rome, Caeser Augustus, wanted everyone to travel to their place of birth so that he could know how many people were under his rule. Joseph was from Bethlehem. So Joseph and Mary Journeyed to Bethlehem. When they got there, there was no room in the inn, so they had to stay in a stable with the animals and there the King of kings was born. Mary wrapped the baby in swaddling cloth and laid him in a manger. Some angels went to tell these shepherds about how Jesus was born. So the shepherds went to see Jesus. After they saw the Baby they told a bunch of people. Meanwhile some wise men from the east were following a bright star. The went to Jerusalem and talked to King Herod. King Herod's wise person told the wise men that the prophets says the baby was to be born in Bethlehem. King Herod told them to tell him where they find the child. The wise men went on there way and soon found the child. They presented him with gold, frankincense and myrrh. The wise men had a dream that they should not go back to King Herod. So they didn't go back to King Herod. King Herod was furious. He ordered for the slaughter of all the boys two years and younger in Bethlehem. An Angel told Joseph all about Herod. So Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus escaped and went to Egypt. That's the end of that story. Everything happened just as the prophets of the Bible had said. There is more where that comes from, the Bible." "Wow Grandma. That was a wonderful story." "I know (f/n)." "Grandma can we open our gifts now?" "Go ahead Lily." We headed over to the tree and unwrapped our gifts. There were knitted scarfs from grandma to everyone, blankets and stuffed animals for the Triplets, toys for Lily, your aunt and uncle got things from your mom and your mom got things from them, your grandma got a lot of nice things from everyone too. There were even presents under the tree for Sophie. You decided it was time to make your announcement. "Grandma, mom, aunt Sally and Uncle Irwin, your gift from Michael, Tobey, Sophie, Becky, Lily and me, is a spa day tomorrow." "Thanks." They said. "Who is going to watch the kids?" "We will. Everything will be fine." You answered. "I have something for you Becky and (f/n)." Your mom uncovered a cage to reveal the cutest, fluffiest bunny ever. "Thanks mom." You grabbed another present with your name on it. It said that it was from Tobey and Becky. You opened it. "Thanks Tobey and Becky. These shoes are gorgeous and my favorite color, purple." You looked at Becky. She opened up a present. "Hey a curling Iron and a flat Iron, I sure needed these." "Yeah. Now you don't have to use mine anymore." "Oh. I didn't realise that you minded me borrowing yours." "I don't. The thing is I'm taking mines with me." "Taking them with you where?" "I'm going with Michael. He's going on tour with his brothers." "Mom said you could?" "Yes." "And our boss?" "Yeah." "So your just going to be gone next year." "Yeah." "I'm your sister. How could you not tell me something like this?" "I didn't know how to tell you." "I hope you have a lot of fun. I just have one rule for you and you know exactly what it is." "Yeah." "In that case, the bunny can stay in your room until you leave." Tobey opened his gift. "A guitar? How did you know I wanted one Becky?" "It was all you talked about." Becky opened another gift. She gasped. "These ear ring are beautiful. Thanks." Becky kissed Tobey. "You're welcome. I saw you eyeing them the other day." Michael opened his gift. It was a stuffed Mickey Mouse. "Mickey! I'll keep it always and Everytime I look at it, I'll remember you. I promise. I love it thanks." Michael kissed you. "You're welcome." Only one present remained under the tree. It was a small gift. It said that it was from Michael to you. You opened it. You gasp rather loudly. It was a beautiful heart shaped locket. "It's beautiful." "Open it." You opened the locket to find a picture of you and Michael. You gave it to Michael. You faced your back to him and held your hair up. He put it on you. You turned to face Michael. "I'll never take it off. This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me." You kissed Michael. The kiss grew deeper as you forgot that other people were in the room. You broke the kiss when you heard people clearing there throat. "There are children in this room." "I'm sorry, but look at this thing Auntie Sally." "It is very beautiful." You buried your face in Michael's chest as tears fell down your face. He wrapped his arms around you. "What's the matter?" "Oh Michael, these are very happy tears. I never knew that I would mean this much to somebody. I thought that maybe my only purpose in life was to be hated. All of you have been so wonderful to me." "Poor girl. You must have been traumatized by the people who kidnapped you." You lifted your head to look at your grandma. "Boy was I, grandma, but if that's what I had to go through to get to Michael, then so be it." You wiped your face. "Look at me. I'm a mess. Michael what about Janet and Randy? Won't they be upset if they see you got all this stuff for Christmas and they didn't get anything?" You asked Michael. "I plan to share with them, not Mickey though." "Michael your wonderful." "I have an idea. Let's make Christmas cookies." Everyone put there gifts away. You put the bunny in your room. "He's so cute." "I know." So we all headed to the kitchen. We baked and decorated lots of Christmas cookies. Soon it was time for dinner. You all had mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, greens, macaroni and cheese, turkey, cranberry sauce, and potato salad. "Susan you made all of this?" "Yes Sally. It was kind of fun actually I haven't cooked in years." "Well it taste amazing." You finished dinner. You all decided to watch a movie. You nodded off. Soon you gave in and went to sleep.

Michael's POV
I had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas. After the large Christmas dinner, we watched a movie. (F/n) leaned against me and fell asleep. Soon the movie ended. I yawned. I was pretty tired myself. Everyone went to there rooms. I picked (f/n) up bridle style and laid her in her bed. I laid down next to her and fell asleep. This Christmas was wonderful.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you all so much for reading. Thank you for getting my story to 1000 views. I love you all so much. Don't be shy. I want your feedback. So if you would comment, that would be great. I know this chapter is a little longer than usual and I'm sorry,but I couldn't get my fingers to stop typing. I hope you enjoyed. Staytune for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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