Terrible Car Crash

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Your POV

You woke up one day in June. You went to the dining room as breakfast was sat before you. You're sister and mother sat at the table as well. You all finished breakfast. "That was delicious. I can't wait for the fish you're going to cook this evening." "Sorry Mrs. Davis. We're all out of fish." Your mother looked disappointed. You placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry mom. I'll get you some." You grabbed some cash and you and the chauffeur headed out the door. You climbed in your limo. "Can you drive me to the store please." The chauffeur turned the key in the ignition. You were on your way. Everything was going normal. You stared out the window at the other cars  going by. Suddenly, you saw a car beginning to swerve out of control. It somehow avoided hitting other cars. You saw it swerve in your direction. You heard a loud thump. Your limo went off the road and started rolling down a cliff. Everything went dark.

Michael's POV

I woke up. The day was going normal. I worked on my album until 3:00 PM. I went home. I hopped out the limo and there was Mrs. Davis. "Have you seen (f/n)." "No. Why?" "Well this morning she went to buy me fish and she hasn't come home yet and neither has my chauffeur. Which reminds me, Can you give us a ride to work?" "Sure" I got in my limo and so did Becky and her mom. They told my chauffeur where to go. "Mrs. Davis don't worry about a thing. I'm sure (f/n) will be back home before you know it and she'll have a good explanation for why she was gone so long." "I hope you're right." Soon Becky and Mrs. Davis got out the car. "Thanks a lot." "No problem. Hey let me know if you need me to pick you up." I went home. "You're a little bit late today." "Yeah my chauffeur took Becky and Mrs. Davis to work." "Oh. What about (f/n)?" "I'm not sure where she is. She left this morning to get her mom some fish and she hasn't come home. That's why Becky and Mrs. Davis needed a ride." "Oh no. I hope she is alright." "Me too." I went to my room and kept myself busy for a few hours. 7:10 came and I received a phone call from Mrs. Davis. "I'm sorry to bother you Michael, but could you pick us up." "Sure." So I got my chauffeur and we picked up Mrs. Davis and Becky. I went to their house. "My limo isn't back. She should have been back a long time ago." Mrs. Davis started pacing the floor. "Don't worry yourself. I'm sure she'll be alright." I was really trying to reassure myself. Just then Tobey came. "Hey you're looking good as always." Tobey kissed Becky. Becky didn't respond to him. "Hey are you alright? Where is (f/n)?" Tears fell down Becky's face which, she quickly buried in Tobey's chest. "I don't know." "Oh. I'm sure she's fine. Come on. Let's just sit on the couch. It'll be alright. So Becky and Tobey sat on the couch. Becky was still crying. "Hey. Why don't we watch T.V. It will get our mind off things." I grabbed the remote. The T.V. just had to be on the news. "Earlier we reported a accident on the highway. We are keeping you updated. A dead male has just been removed from the limo. We have one of our anchors on the scene. John?" "Yes we are here on the scene. A limo is pretty messed up. A dead man was pulled from this limo." "Please tell me that's not my limo." Tears fell down Mrs. Davis face. The limo was completely totaled ,laying in a ditch. Just then the Telephone rang. Mrs. Davis answered. "Hello. Oh no. Well did you find a teenager? You didn't. I sure hope not. Okay thanks." She hung up the phone. "That was indeed my limo and the dead body they removed was my chauffeur." "Well what about (f/n)?" "They say they didn't see her, but there is no way anyone survived that reck so her body must be nearby and they'll keep me informed." By now everyone had gathered in the room to cry. I held back my tears. "She can't be dead. She can't be." Now the tears flowed freely. I held my head down and covered my face with my hands. Mrs. Davis wrapped me in a hug. We all cried. I went home and cried myself to sleep. Mrs. Davis got herself a new limo and chauffeur. I went back to the house everyday at the usual time. A week went by. No one had heard or seen anything about (f/n). I refused to give up hope.

Your POV
You woke up. You looked at your arms and legs. They were covered in bruises and cuts. You found yourself in a limo that was smashed. You called your chauffeur's name. You didn't get a response. You tried to get as close as you could to the chauffeur, but the car was totally smashed in the front. You saw lots of blood. You made your way out of a broken window. You noticed that your ankle was swollen. You tried to find a way out of this steep canyon you found yourself in. The sun slowly went down. You couldn't see anything. You sat down and tried to get some sleep. The sun came up. You started sweating while you looked for a way out of this canyon. Another day went by and another one. Two more days went by at last you found a way out of the canyon. You slowly limped out of the canyon. The path you found led you straight to the store. You walked in the store. The a/c felt good. You bought the fish for your mom. You had no money left for food or water. You asked the store if you could use their phone. They refused. You went back out into the heat. Your stomach growled. Your mouth was dry. You slowly walked down the side walk. Again the sun set and rose. You grew ever more tempted to eat your mother's fish, but you couldn't. It was your mother's fish. Your ankle ached. You kept on walking. At last you saw your house. You reached the door. You knocked on it. You leaned against a wall for support. The door open. All of the heat, pain, thirst, and hunger got to you and you collasped in Michael's arms.

Michael's POV

I went to (f/n) house. "Have you seen (f/n) or heard from her or anything." "We haven't heard from her or about her." I sat on the couch. I was going to have another very lonely night. We all cried and talked about what an amazing person (f/n) was. Suddenly, there was a faint knock on the door. I perked up. "Did you guys hear that?" "Hear what?" "Someone knocked on the door." "Well I didn't hear anything besides, no one ever comes to our home." I went to the door and opened it. There stood a teenage girl. She was sweaty and musty, dirty, covered in dried blood, her hair was matted. None of that mattered. (F/n) was home. I wrapped her in a big hug. "You have no idea how much I've missed you." I gently kissed her cheek. Suddenly her body had gone limp. I looked at her. Her eyes were closed. Something hit the floor. It looked like grocery bags. Becky rushed to pick them up. I laid (f/n) on the couch. "Come on. Wake up." I gently tried to shake her awake. "Somebody bring me some water!" I took the water and splashed it on (f/n)'s face. She slowly woke up. A maid brought a cup of water. (F/n) drunk it all up. "The fish. Where is the fish?" Mrs. Davis came over. "Some one put it in the fridge already." "I didn't eat any mom." "Didn't you want to?" "Yes, but it's for you." Mrs. Davis wrapped (f/n) in a hug and kissed her forehead. "Oh I love you. Oh I missed you so much. How did you survive that crash?" "I don't know." (F/n)'s stomach growled loudly. "I'm hungry." "How about you go get cleaned up and by the time you're finished, dinner will be ready. "I don't think I can walk on my ankle anymore." I picked her up and carried her to her bathroom. Becky followed behind me. She cleared her throat and folded her arms. "You can go now." "I was thinking..." "What? You thought I was going to let you see her naked. I got it from here." "Are you sure?" "Goodbye." I walked out the bathroom and sat on (f/n)'s bed since it was attached to the bathroom. Eventually, (f/n) came out the bathroom looking and smelling good. Becky gave her a long hug. "I missed you. We thought you were dead." Becky started crying. "Oh I missed you too Becky." I picked (f/n) up. I let Becky go in front of us. I sat down on the bed, (f/n) in my arms. "I love you." "I love you too." "I missed you." "I missed you too." "I don't know what I would have done if you were dead. I never can say goodbye." I smiled at (f/n). We leaned in. Our lips met. The kiss became more passionate. We laid back on the bed. I lifted her shirt up. "Really you two. Let's go." Barri pulled down her shirt. I picked her up   and sat her at the table. We all had a delicious dinner. "That ankle is looking pretty bad and it seems to be giving you trouble. I think you should take a trip to the hospital." "I don't want to get in another limo. People are crazy out there. They drive so fast they can't even control their cars and they run people off the road." By now (f/n) was crying. I wrapped her in a hug as she cried into my chest. "Is that what happened to you?" "Yes." "I'm not going to let that happened to you." "I'm not going." "Well what if you go in an ambulance. They're really careful. I want you to get the help you need. " "Okay." I dialed up the ambulance. We met (f/n) at the hospital. The doctor finally came out. "Is anyone here for (f/n) (l/n)?" "We are." The doctor came over. "You must be her mom. How do you do?" He shook Mrs. Davis hand. "I'm fine. How is my daughter?" "It's incredible. I saw the limo she was in on the news. She shouldn't be alive. Then she told me how long she walked, how she didn't have food or water. There is literally no way she should be alive. Yet, she is. Now, she is very dehydrated and so we're keeping her here overnight so we can make sure she is getting fluids. Now, she has no broken bones. However, she does have an ankle sprain. She can't  put anymore weight on it for six weeks. If she does it will get worst and require surgery." "Okay doctor. I will make sure she keeps off her ankle." "Okay you can go see her now." So we went in to see (f/n). The day passed and she got out the hospital. She seemed to be on every newspaper because she survived that crash. I'll probably never make the front page, but if I do, I hope it's  for a good reason.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Poor Michael, he doesn't  know that the press is going to treat him horribly by the time he's  thirty. Well I hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more updates and as always HEAL THE WORLD.

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